I have Shadow’s Edge equipped. But I’m not getting any credit for killing anything. I don’t know if it’s because I one shot everything but if that’s the case it needs to be fixed. I’m just running around naked with an axe mercing the LK’s minions.
YOu are doing it in ICC 10 or 25 correct has to be in there.
Yep I was in 25 man. I found a way around it. I just run into a massive pack of mobs have them agrro onto me and just wait until Divine Toll is off of cooldown and I just walk backwards and press it. Then wait and do it again. None of that ccing or interrupting necessary.
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Id pop in a bug report to be safe The main problem is ur OP that can wreak havoc on older content.
Also acording to the comments on wowhead make sure none are gingers they have no souls lol.
Dang it, Darth. Don’t do that while I’m trying to take a drink.
It’s apparently already in the bug reports. Just nothing has been done about it.
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