need citations for all of this. especially the one that ‘high elves’ cant visit aside from sunwell pilgrimages
the sunwell is the most secure and sacred site in quel’thalas. that they could visit that and no where else is a complete joke and manufactured fanfiction from your side that cant be backed up and everybody knows it
i know you guys like to gaslight that 90% of high elves renamed themselves blood elves(they actually renamed the race) and that 10% ‘just stayed away’ in stormwind or something and always have been alliance but that makes no sense. the only ones that could fit the description of staying with alliance would be the ones to help found theramore who are now dead
and we know this makes no sense because ‘high elves’ were fighting to reclaim the land and some were protesting mana draining from living beings long after the renaming. so we know blood/high live together and that only SOME were exiled. even more recently auric and the elves under his charge have returned and he represents them. a couple individuals would seek refuge in alliance cities like stormwind and boralus but were met with cold receptions and get mistaken for blood elves everywhere they went. thats where your 6 easter eggs over 18 years of the game come from. but thats about it for you guys. a couple
correct. so theres an entire gap as i said from WoW-wrath thats uncovered
yes so did the sunreavers. thats how aethas gets on the council and is able to lobby for dalaran to reestablish relations with quel’thalas. so how did vereesa get her rangers? did she make some big show in silvermoon and lorthemar exiled her? and took some farstriders who didnt want to leave to serve the horde campaign in northrend with her? who the hell knows its never explored
she doesnt have to ‘live’ there to visit. weve already seen her come back to quel’thalas in the game itself
no clue what youre citing
probably why she got exiled
tiger adepts in the monk hall and even the paladin recruits in legion who all had blood elf voice lines
theres alot more then lanesh going back years and confirmation from danuser that there is a story for them implies differently lmao