Queing into that guys carries are frustrating. i know i know “Git gud” but even trading CD’s at the 1800 level i am we just get demolished. if you dont die in the opener you die in duel.
the average player watching pikaboo’s stream and seeing their name in his Gladius right when the doors open
Half the people who say queuing into him is no big deal would get smoked 50% of the time too. He’s one of the best players in the world for a reason. Lol
Yeah, but it’s still usually a 1v2
his spriest did nothing the whole game but if you werent offensive with pika you die
Facing him as outlaw vs outlaw in SL was fun, his rsham choked and I just dumped kidneys into pika.
He’s usually carrying dead weight
always stay offensive / disrupt him
i’m ahead of him 3-2 in 1800 bracket in 2s when playing w my healer buddy because if you just focus on disrupting him his viewers are usually bots
They still usually use their CC, etc. where you’ve got to use your trinket, or let him blow his load all over your DPS. At which point you’ve got the best possible class for the situation, manned by probably the top person to be doing it to deal with.
I’m not saying no one can beat him, I’ve won some, lost some to him–but he’ll humble someone if they aren’t careful is my point.
so according to these forums , facing pika should be a good “learning experience”. you should be grateful he graces you with his presense .
i look at it as lost rating LOL
Personally I hate that r1s can queue ranked with people that have no rating, or low rating, but if it bothers you that much, I’d recommend just not queueing while he is streaming (or queue a different bracket), or at least try to time your queue when you see him already in a match or a shuffle.
Pikaboo is one of the most consistent streamers I have ever seen, so it’s quite easy to avoid queuing into him.
On the other hand, if you don’t want to have to think about avoiding queueing into him, I would either try to take it as a humbling/learning experience, or really hard focus the person he is playing with.
After all, he’s often playing with really low xp and/or low gear players, so it’s not as if there is no possible way to win.
I mean overlapping three buttons opener and dying second dr should be.
i can agree with you. but with young kids and very limited time to play its basically his prime stream time. it wasnt every game, but it was 4 in a matter of 1 hour. id go with 3 wins in a row and que right back into him. Not mad about it, but its def not a “fun experience”
Same. My 1800 climb on my Priest early season was sweaty enough without queuing into that guy a handful of times. Lol
I don’t care enough to adjust my queue times around him, I just think he’s lame since we’re on the subject.
now now
let’s not bring logic to this convo
this is a mob! don’t tell me you forgot your pitchfork??
Ouch, that’s horrible luck. I agree that’s definitely not a fun experience (to queue into him multiple times in such a short amount of time).
In that case I would just try to queue dodge him the best you can. Leave queue if he isn’t in another match. I don’t think he runs with a stream delay, so it should be doable if you have his twitch stream open on another monitor.
I know this isn’t the proposed solution you’d like to hear, but outside of Blizzard making some respectable restrictions on who can queue with who, it’s the only way to play around him that I can think of.
Understandable, and I don’t blame you. I actually think the original post is great feedback for blizzard, because it’s likely the same negative experience shared by practically every 2s player that casually/regularly plays between 1400-1900 (even though it’s doubtful that Blizzard will act on it).
Why? Let’s be honest, if you (or I) could make close to half of what he makes per year playing wow arena, including viewer 2s, you would be doing the exact same thing.
On the flip side of the coin, he’s probably helping drive up arena participation as a whole, which I think we can all agree is a good thing, and the fact that he is always able to maintain a positive/enthusiastic attitude while playing with random noobs is actually kind of impressive (e.g., he might be hard carrying a lot of games, but he loses a lot of them too).
I would full on haymaker a senior citizen for a large enough cash amount as well, doesn’t mean that morally I wouldn’t find the act shameful. Lol
Fair enough lol. Yeah ngl, for the right price, I would do almost anything as long as it didn’t hurt anyone else (or get me thrown in prison for a long time) + I only had to do it once.
Interpret that how you will arena forums , but if you disagree, then you don’t have a healthy appreciation for money
Yeah these viewer game streamers should be perma banned.
is this another thread about some1 in shambles they got 1v2ed because they overlapped 4 cds in the opener vs some troll non viable double dps comp