Queen Ansurek Tuning Incoming - October 15

With scheduled weekly maintenance tomorrow, we intend to make the following adjustments to the final encounter in the raid.

Nerub-ar Palace

  • Queen Ansurek
    • Frothy Toxin damage reduced by 15% on Heroic difficulty.
    • Gloom Blast damage reduced by 15% on Heroic difficulty.
    • When calculating applications of Frothy Toxin, only living players are now counted towards the maximum possible application amount on Heroic and Mythic difficulties.
    • On Mythic difficulty:
      • Queen Ansurek’s health reduced by 5%.
      • Frothy Toxin damage reduced by 26.7%.
      • Silken Tomb health reduced by 20%.
      • Wrest damage (Intermission) reduced by 25%.
      • Grasping Silk maximum size reduced by 10%.
      • Shadowgate cast time increased by 20%.
      • Gloom Blast damage reduced by 25%.
      • Acolyte’s Essence periodic damage reduced by 15%.
      • Essence Scarred duration reduced by 50%.
      • Royal Condemnation damage reduced by 10%.
      • Summoned Acolyte health and Dark Barrier shield amount reduced by 15%.
      • Royal Shackle health reduced by 15%.

True. I still remember my first Mythic Ravnyr kill like it was yesterday. No nerfs no nothing. Just pure determination and skill. And a 100% concentrated power of will.


WoW was always casual. I’m not sure why “teh hardcore gamers” ever thought otherwise.


bound to happen

I don’t like uneven numbers. maybe we can roll those nurfs up just a little more. Say 20 and 10%.

I also don’t see anything in here about getting more loot? Is that right?

I’m only semi motivated to leave Dornowhatever.

Why was it ever NOT???
Yeah players should not die if they want to beat it, but the death-spiraling in raidbosses is insane.


It isn’t being nerfed for casuals, there are literally 5 mythic kills, even Hall of Fame guilds can’t kill this boss as it is.


brain dead take. so u want like only 1000 people to be able to enjoy a video game? lmao


It’s the same crowd that thinks “esports” is a thing


Well, when the casuals outnumber everyone else a producer like Blizzard would be wise to ensure they’re keeping their largest part of the customer base happy.

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Your achievements betray you.


Now please look into Ovi’Nax heroic parasites

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Casuals won the war!

Yay I might get AotC now

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e x c e l l e n t

OMG this isn’t until tomorrow? So sick of all this waiting.


I mean they definitely seem to be catering towards the esports side of things now in terms of difficulty and tuning. Yet it’s coming at the cost of the more casual player base and long term progression guilds given the tuning curve is so high.

What was the point of all this extra ilvl scaling and stacking damage / healing buffs for mythic if we’re still going to nuke huge swathes of mythic encounters? We were already going to be stronger relative to top world guilds than we’ve ever been at an end boss without all this.

Because the current version of the boss only has 5 kills? I’d rather they nerf it than kill guilds en masse like they did when they waited too long to nerf Tswift.

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