Look, I feel for those who are disappointed with the nerfs, but I imagine the boss just didn’t have the number of kills Blizzard wanted it to have at this point in time.
We have 1 blue post saying this was hotfixed, and another saying this comes with weekly maintenance.
the queen’s ability is equally strong regardless of how many things that are not her currently live. Makes sense to me.

Im guessing there are a lot of mythic raiders that haven’t hit myth gear cap yet…
The most recent guilds to kill ansurek did it at 630~ my guild is on silken court and we’re 628~. There’s 10~ ilvl and 18% bonus damage / healing still to come though I suspect we personally wouldn’t need all of it.
Tindral was also a unique case because the design of the mechanic was so coordination heavy and it was not clear who made a mistake when / if they made one. This meant that even typically organised guilds were struggling to isolate problems and fix them, leading to building resentment when every wipe to seeds leads to 2-3 minutes of finger pointing to try to stop it happening again.
There’s none of those “finger pointing” mechanics here. It’s just a big group dance and a DPS check.
I guess RWF is over.
HoF is still ongoing. Method closed the RWF tracking as the 10th kill came.

What was the point of all this extra ilvl scaling and stacking damage / healing buffs for mythic if we’re still going to nuke huge swathes of mythic encounters?
Very simply, their target success rate is lower than they wanted.
Thank you!
I hope these changes on heroic will get us past p1. I’m sick and tired of dying in about 3 minutes during the encounter then rinse and repeat. Let’s see if this gets us to p2.

I don’t like uneven numbers.
That’s a bit odd isn’t it?
I got to be honest here. Like someone said, only 3 guilds have cleared mythic that means only 3 kills in the world. 90% of the wow population can’t handle this difficulty. Blizzard is going to lose a lot of subscribers and revenue if they don’t nerf it. I mean blizzard almost went bankrupt but got bailed out by Microsoft
Find it interesting they have weekly buffs to help ppl out in raids now.

Frothy Toxin

Thanks for this! I still don’t know if I will ever do this content when it is relevant, but thanks for this!
It’s also ironic to me that all of these people complaining about this game “catering to casuals” couldn’t even beat the first boss in DS1 or Bloodborne, but yes… WoW is frickin HARDCORE MAN! /facepalm

Now please look into Ovi’Nax heroic parasites
what’s the issue with them?

Like someone said, only 3 guilds have cleared mythic
9 guilds have cleared mythic. Not 3.

The most recent guilds to kill ansurek did it at 630~ my guild is on silken court and we’re 628~. There’s 10~ ilvl and 18% bonus damage / healing still to come though I suspect we personally wouldn’t need all of it.
Given how powerful characters could be by the end of the tier I am thinking they must want a lot more people using mythic raid. Thats nice and all but for many of us even if its doable the 20 players needed is the big issue and they can’t fix that.