QUE IDEA: "Battle for Ashenvale"

Hello everyone,

I know today was the beggining of some roll-outs to start adjusting/fixing/tweaking the layering system, especially in Ashevnale for the battle.

Todays battles have been SCUFFED.

The 1st battle today, Everyone in my Rune/Zoram group who died and ressurected, ressurected into a completely differant layer than the raid group.

Durring the 2nd battle, the stats were:
Alliance: 2/3
Horde: 3/3

At this time, we had rune boss at roughly 90% still.
Layers bugged out and put us fighting against a rune boss now @ 50% health and the world stats moved back to
Alliance: 3/3
Horde: 3/3
After killing rune, we hearthed, the map indicating all bosses are dead, but the generals are now still immune to damage.


Why doesn’t blizz/dev team make the Ashenvale Battle similar to the wintergrap battle? Add in the ability to que in main cities as well as the ability to “Join the que” 5 minutes before the start of the battle.
Voila, layering issue solved because its going to auto group people into appropriately sized groups for each “layer” by just adding a “Que for fight” function.

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This seems like a pretty rudimentary fix?

Seems like a sound strat.
Personally I’d also be okay with them canceling the event entirely and scrapping the whole idea.

Wintergrasp/Ashran were never fun events. AV in it’s current state isn’t fun either. It’s just a necessary grind that people do.

I’d rather they just let world PvP happen naturally, and implement some kinda bounty system / implement some more items like sapper charges that let a small # of players nuke bigger groups to split up big 50-100man groups rolling around zones.

Small scale world PvP is super fun/intimate, but there isn’t much to enjoy about following 100+ people around.

I’m sure they’re aware of this idea. This is essentially what wintergrasp is. They probably want to stick to this idea and make it work, just needs more guard rails for layering issues. It’s actually what the first idea of a BG was, AV was an outdoor zone you just enter but it was difficult because you could never predict how many players would show up and create a fair battle so then they created instanced bg’s. They’re going to do STV differently so they probably know the drawbacks of this kind of thing

All the replies to that blue post are saying otherwise.

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