Quartermaster's Bounty and Warlord's Trophy

Also thank you for the response either way, even if it wasn’t the news we wanted :heart:


And we just used up our 1 blue PvP forum post for this year.

Not surprisingly it was a “oops we screwed up, it’ actually is the crappier option of the 2”

And yeah these things are useless. Atleast make them account wide so we can use them on alts or something


Hahah you guys are hilarious Bornakk :joy: Legitimately some of the best trolls I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing. I mean, can you believe these people ACTUALLY thought that this certain item they’d been saving for, using the re-roll tokens, would actually be some kind of upgrade for them? And to top it off, you mad men even lowered the drop rate of gear from arenas too! So not only are they getting less gear, but when they use the re-roll token…they won’t get any gear, just a coin! But the coin is the same thing they’ve been saving just to be rewarded with a useless item!:joy::joy::joy::joy: I’m dying man, bravo. You guys at blizzard are incredible. Maybe these peasants will do some REAL content if they want gear, ammirite Bornakk?! :joy:


Hi and welcome to the arena forums. We appreciate the fact that you responded. Can you please have someone with decision-making capabilities take some of our feedback into consideration? Thanks.


Would be really nice to be able to get a trophy from it so I could upgrade pvp azerite without needing to get lucky with my weekly chest. As it stands even at 2400 I couldn’t upgrade my pvp helm to be usable with the reward.


Omg Bornakk liked my post.


I don’t understand. It is intentional to get an item that upgrades another item to an ilvl that is below the ilvl that we are currently wearing?

This game sucks.


I don’t know why but this guy likes you. Do something with it. Quick.


What I gathered as the “intended use” for the sigil was to be for upgrades to the gear you get from capping conquest. Like if you get really unlucky and never see a maledict drop or something, the tokens are supposed to be there to give you some way to not have to use a base-ilevel piece all season. In practice, though - pvp gear in general is just way harder to obtain at item levels competitive to relatively similar difficulty pve content (i.e. a m+10 is easily puggable content now, the equivalent lootbox from arena is accessible to a very small percentage of the arena ladder), which makes the whole thing moot. I’m basically 10 weeks of m+10 lootbox as-is, so there’s very little chance a piece of PvP gear other than my weekly rival box actually does anything for me, and the sigil is still so far underneath that level where it doesn’t make sense.

If the design of this system was left up to me, I would give out at least one coin in each weekly pvp box and maybe another every time conquest is capped. I think the sigil rewarded from your coin trade should be at least the item level you get random drops from arenas as, maybe even the item level your box drops for your rating. I would also reward a coin every time a current season piece is scrapped. The way it works now, there’s just no use for the tokens from two completely different angles: you don’t get enough tokens to reasonably participate in the system, and then the trade for the tokens isn’t a good enough item level to even make it worth using.


Ion is somewhere laughing uncontrollably spilling his bourbon all over his sperry topsiders as he reads this.


Sorry, but this is wrong and you know it is. The entire post is designed to outline the revamp of the rewards system for S2. This hinges completely on the ability to upgrade certain items at the players discretion to relevant levels. Without the Trophy there is no way for a PvP player get relevant azerite.

I am currently at 2.2k cr. This quest turn in, that takes 7-10 weeks is designed to reward a 400 item? That is LOL terrible.

You expect us to actually believe, that someone wrote this post, proof-read it, let at least one other person proof read it, allowed Ion to talk about revamped rewards for PvP only for it to be a typo?

No, sorry, but no. Please upgrade this to what the reward should be. You allowed people to believe for several months that this would be a Trophy. You are finding out now because people attempted to turn this quest in and are confused.

This is akin to PvE raiders receiving the transmog mace from Taloc at the 355/370 Ivl incorrectly. You let them keep it. That was a typo.

This is a flat out backpedal. Fix it.


Afraid to google this.

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Ok here goes nothing.

Sir Bornakk -

I have made many a post in regards to my beloved mainspec, Marks hunter. Opinions differ on what exactly to do in order to fix it, but we have a quorum consensus on the problems. The matrix of mobility, control, and defensive utility is way off compared to competing specs like fire mage. As seen in the tournament for the one game Jellybeans played it, the hunter just dies without ever really having the chance to accomplish anything meaningful.

I’m not going to flood this post with off-topic ranty stuff, but here’s a really constructive thread that we’ve had going in items and classes for a while. It’s a continuation of the one we had before 815, and before 8.1 (and before launch, during beta, alpha, etc…).



This is how I envision Blizzard when we mention hunter changes (or any PvP changes for that matter).


Additionally this quest has always rewarded a sigil. Why mention it at all if it was still going to remain a sigil?


Ion and his staff when reading this


Bornakk: Thank you for posting; it’s better to know one way or the other than to be left in the dark.

I do still contend that this is bizarre, counterproductive, disappointing and unnecessarily un-fun design, and hope you will pass this up the chain.

Imagine a design doc about adding these coins to the weekly quest:

DESIGN GOAL: “Allow players, after 10 weeks of capping conquest, to receive an upgrade token that allows a Sinister Gladiator item to be upgraded to 5 ilvls below the minimum ilvl rewards the player has received during those 10 weeks.”


What is this


Fratty boat shoes.

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You guys have to consider which option is cheaper. Actually change the sigil to a trophy which requires labor(labor isn’t cheap) or send a scared cm(we fired the last one) out to tell the class that we made a typo?