Quality of life changes (win win win)

Just a few small tweaks to this xpac that would make it the best wow ever.

  1. Dual spec
  2. Add the ability to Q for bgs from anywhere, super dumb being ported back to the Q point.
  3. Offer free faction transfer from Horde only to Alliance.
  4. Put group finder back in, this would make getting a tank a LOT better.

I know a lot of folks want the exact same TBC as before, but lets be honest, the lack of these features makes the game suck!


That’s not really a change from TBC, its simply putting in something that they neglected to include.

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All that is in Retail.

If you want that, go there.
Classic exists because players hate retail.
Learn it. Live it. Love it.


wow you combined all the whiny retailer demands into 1 thread, nice.


Or just remove the cost of respec. Not as convenient. But it would certainly make me more inclined to tank or heal as the need arises. While not eating 100 gold fee to swap back and forth to my main spec. Plus it’d be easier for them to implement.

Agree about BGs.

Doubt they’ll do free transfers because it would cost them money. Perhaps just lower the cost for horde to alliance?

As for group finder. I absolutely do not want it. LFG chat works perfectly fine. Automating it just makes people lazy and care less about their actions.

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Different people have different opinions, and preferences, and not everyone is going to agree with yours, while they are still being honest.

During beta, you could use a macro to queue from anywhere, for a few weeks. However, after your match, you’d be at the BG/Arena Master.

On some servers, some factions. Like for Alliance on Herod, Horde on Pagle, etc.

No thanks. RETAIL became what it is today because of this sentiment. You sure you don’t want a factionless lobby game?


Why not just across the board?

Well, personally I agree with your suggestion. :slight_smile:

You retail players are literally the pariah that is TBCC.


agree with all except group finder, and ability to queue from anywhere, pvp hubs are nice locations to see other pvpers, form groups, etc. that is a large part of downfall of the game

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He forgot premade v premade.

So, basically you want them to change it into something that you want and screw anybody that doesn’t like it.

  1. Dual spec?
    Just farm up 50 gold from dailies and change it! Use an addon like Talented to make a talent profile to apply after you have reset your talents. This is not very difficult. I used the Talented addon back in the day and I am glad to see it is still around.

  2. This is Sparta! errr… I mean TBC Classic! Dealwithit.jpg

  3. IIRC they did offer free xfers from high pop to low pop for certain factions and servers back in the day. Would be nice to see them offered again.

  4. I knew I wasn’t going insane with the lack of the old crappy group finder. I hope they add it back.

nope, these are not quality of life changes. these are retail-like changes. go away


OP’s name is appropriate.

No thanks to those changes.

Warts. And. All.

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So to sum up:

“Turn TBCC into retail.”

Yep that confirms it folks, the majority of the TBCC players are from retail because Shadowlands sucks and they want TBCC to be just like retail.


It already is the best version of wow ever.

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You misspelled “Mists of Pandaria”.