Q: Warlock Pawn & Scale

If you’re leveling, sure, a lot of your damage is DoTs, which don’t crit, which is why you want spell power, not stamina. For anything not solo, stamina gives you basically nothing.

Sorry, I didn’t read thoroughly but he could also have asked in the correct forum.

Yet here you are trolling and giving out the wrong information? He clearly stated in his post what he was asking, just sayin’.

Fair point. I didn’t even realize he asked this in the TBC forum. That explains alot of the answers in here.

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This thread is about leveling, specifically to 60. Even if it was TBC, Fel Armor rank 1 is level 62.

Also, you’re wrong as well - Fel Armor didn’t give SP from Spirit until Wrath.

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I’m not trolling, you’re still giving misinformation when you equate stamina to mana, and he is specifically talking about an addon that gives stat weights, which is not something people use when leveling and has little to nothing to do with the class.

Fair enough on that part, the main point of contention was between stamina and intellect though.

This very statement right here seems to be trolling. As other’s have pointed out, you are incorrect about stamina while leveling. We are talking about leveling here, not end game raiding.

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The more HP you have, the more you can Life Tap without getting into lethal range, and the more you can regenerate through passive regeneration and through drain spec. It’s a larger pool to draw from for mana and allows you to tap more safely without putting yourself at a range where you can potentially die.

Stat weights aren’t good while leveling, given how radically they’ll change and it’s not a concrete number, but Stamina is absolutely better than anything else with the exception of spell power. Intellect is nice to collect ambiently but isn’t necessary and is inferior to Stamina for the reasons stated above, and due to the fact as a drain spec you’ll face tank everything. Prior to Drain Life being good (36~ and when you start getting more +shadow like Shadoweave) and when you’re wanding more, you’ll still be largely face tanking as the Voidwalker will maybe hold one mob, but the Imp provides more DPS and the Succubus even moreso.

Even specced into it (which you shouldn’t, since Affliction is massively better for leveling), the VW can’t hold threat once your DoTs start rolling.

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Mana and HP both regenerate, not just HP, and more mana means you don’t need to tap as much in the first place but then you also get crit. If you really wanna get sweaty on leveling, you’ll keep your HP to mana at a ratio that matches the regen you get from food/water so that you can tap to half and drink/eat.

Regardless, the OP started his post regarding leveling, but then asked a question that encompassed far more than leveling. He wasn’t asking about leveling specifically, he mentioned it in passing but was asking about Pawn and referencing stat weights. Who do you know that uses stat weights when leveling? That’s a nobody.

So overall, the answer to his question about stat weights is this: Stamina is not more valuable than intellect.

Regarding other statements, such as life tap making HP = mana, that is misleading, especially when taken in any context that’s not leveling. Even with leveling, there are many factors to consider, overall, especially with TBC, which is the forum this was posted in, spellpower is generally considered king.

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Not true. While leveling stam is by far our best stat. The difference from 120-140 spell damage while leveling is negligible, since most of the time mobs aren’t living the full duration of your dots anyway, further reducing the value of spell damage. Between shadowweave, and the lock quest weapons, you should be good on spell damage until you hit BC dungeons

Now adding 20 stam adds more life taps, which increases not only your mana pool, but also makes drain tanking(the best leveling build btw) easier to play. More HP/mana means less drinking and eating, and efficiency is what matters while leveling, not throughput

Hit doesn’t matter while leveling because you get up to 10% hit from suppression for affliction spells. And while leveling you shouldn’t be fighting mobs 3+ levels above you, or spamming SB anyway.

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More spell power aids in drain tanking if that’s what you’re doing, but killing mobs faster equates to less damage taken regardless of spec. Stamina doesn’t really help you drink less, if you stamina stack you end up having too much HP for your food and you have to spend a longer time eating to heal. If you seek to take advantage of passive regen more, all you have to do is make sure you’re never full on HP or mana. As in, if you end up with full health or close to it so that your HP regen will get you to full quickly, you life tap to get some more mana, which makes so you have both regenerations going. The difference between 120 and 140 spell power can be immense, it would depend on the context but there can be “breakpoints” in which maybe your DoTs won’t kill something and you have to wand them a bit or do another cast, or maybe they will die 1 tick sooner so they hit you less.

Regardless, it’s a way more complicated question and answer than you’re making it out to be for leveling, and for raiding, which is what people use stat weights for, stamina is pretty much worthless.

I found pawn on my druid to be mostly incorrect. Idk about other classes but you’re better off looking at bis guides.

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Unless it runs sims with your current gear, any addon that gives you stat weights is gonna be inaccurate.


Thank you! My question was more about the reliability of the Pawn addon, whether I should trust the default stat weights. But I learned a lot about Warlocks and stamina in the process :slight_smile:

Sounds like while leveling, it’s not a big deal. But once I hit 60, I should run simulations to keep my Pawn addon as accurate as possible.

just mage boost to 60
then go to gdpk and buy your way into pre patch

yuck! heresy!

its the meta broh
you gotta follow the meta bruh
otherwise you will fall behind brah

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True, but adding 20 spell damage in the mid 40’s adds like 1-2 damage per tick. That’s not enough to make a noticable difference.

But that passive regen is based on you max health. For instance VW sac is what 3% hp every 5 seconds? So regen increases but but ability costs stay the same. Also more HP means you have less chance of dying, especially on a pvp server, which saves time.

True. But we’re talking about leveling. I don’t think anyone is worried about maximizing throughout at level 44. We’re talking about gear that’s gunna be replaced in HFP anyway. Don’t spend gold searching for SP breakpoints while leveling.

No point in worrying about raiding gear or builds until you’re close to max level. You’re not gunna be wearing shadowweave at 70 anyway.

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This dudes salty af. Lotta SR runs and MS>OS runs on my server. One guild hosts BWL, MC and AQ40 SRs each weekend. But sure, keep ignoring everything to cry the skies falling.

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