Q: Warlock Pawn & Scale

stop being pretentious and use whatever you can find with stam-int on it for leveling

sp wont matter until late 50s and scaling is pretty terrible until actual gear at 60 or tbc

As if I care about getting forum banned, its a video game forum.

I’ll apologize when you link me your logs providing clear evidence of your successful warlock skill in both classic and retail content of any tier.

Because you are wrong.

5 stam 2 int item. Getting hit while drain tanking 3 mobs. Bad luck. Multiple crits in there with channeling interrupts but survives with 20 hp.

2 stam 8 spirit. Getting hit while drain tanking 3 mobs. Bad luck. Multiple crits in there with channeling interrupts. Dies.

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Oh whoa guys, Arkane is serious. We got a pro leveler here. Yo this dude is a top tier twink dungeoneer man. He’s got a sub 30 minutes run of deadmines at level 19. WHOA! Better watch out.

Lol, you’re so up your own orifice you doubled down on being sweaty about leveling greens.

It’s kinda sad that you’re this emotional and reactionary to someone just mentioning leveling and then asking a completely separate question about something completely different.

He wasn’t asking about leveling gear.

He was asking about stat weights and optimization. Specifically about the accuracy of pawn and their weights for stam vs intellect.

I gave the correct answer regarding the stat weights and how you should calculate dps.

You just got real butthurt and decided to die on the hill of “stam is better than int while doing lowbie questing”. Very weird choice you’ve made, lol.

Hey OP, instead of listening to this guy and wasting time, efforts and gold, getting whatever crap greens he thinks are less crap… Just buy a mage boost. Leveling solved.

Now back to actually optimizing your character to play real content, raiding… Int > stam for sure. Bigger mana pool and slightly more Crit. But obviously your primary focus is hit to cap first, then spell/shadow damage.

Stat weights are inaccurate and not a good measure of damage. Try looking for spreadsheets that break down gearing. There should be one floating around the warlock discord or they should at least know of one.

Start getting a Bloodvine set together now because it will be extremely good preraid gear.

I simply and correctly answered his question. You just had a meltdown because I corrected your misinformation dude. He was not asking about level 70 endgame raiding. Chill, it will all be alright buddy. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Sure kid. You keep holding on tight to that delusional leveling meta, lol.

LOL ok. I specifically answered what he asked, you then went on a 7 paragraph emotional meltdown, then followed up with telling him “just buy a mage boost” and you told him to waste all that gold buying bloodvine. LOL.

He was asking about leveling, not endgame raiding.


Several things wrong with that, first that only morons do that aoe drain tanking thing. It’s not even remotely faster compared to other ways of playing. Second, you just made of some random encounter with no numbers to validate yourself.

5 stam 2 int item. Getting hit while drain tanking 3 mobs. Bad luck. Multiple crits in there with channeling interrupts but survives with 20 hp.

2 stam 8 spirit. Getting hit while drain tanking 3 mobs. Bad luck. Multiple crits in there with channeling interrupts. Dies.

5 stam 2 int item. Getting hit while drain tanking 3 mobs. Bad luck. Multiple crits in there with channeling interrupts dies.

2 stam 8 spirit. Getting hit while drain tanking 3 mobs. Bad luck. Multiple crits in there with channeling interrupts. Dies.

Dies because they are playing a subpar leveling spec and is using the DP build wrong.

Ok. Let’s see your world first warlock. Link it. :joy:

This is really bad misinformation. Mana is mana, stamina does not equal more mana, it equals more health, life tap does not change this, as having a higher max HP pool does not effect the GCD efficiency of life tap.

Intellect also gives crit, stamina does not. Stamina is inferior always from a DPS standpoint unless it is allowing you to live where you would otherwise die, like if there is a minimum HP threshold on some AoE that you are below, which is not the case in 99.9% of situations.

Your addon is wrong, Heraclius. The only time you should make Stamina a priority is if you’re leveling and finding it difficult to live through things, which given that you have access to Fear, Death Coil, Drain Life and other tools, you shouldn’t be having a problem. If you’re leveling, you should even really be choosing between stamina/intellect, you should be going for the highest spellpower possible unless you can get some other stat like crit for good value, and let’s not forget that spirit gives spellpower with Fel Armor.


Okay. Weird irrelevant hill to die but you have fun playing in the dirt kid.

Literally everything you posted was completely wrong. Anyway, OP has already figured it out.

We’ll, as I stated in the very first response, yes, spell power trump’s all. But not understanding the importance of stamina leads me to believe that perhaps you mage boosted and did not level via questing?

I like playing in the dirt. Mudpies were awesome when I was a kid :smiley:

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If the discussion is strictly about leveling, then spirit is the god stat.

This has been known for warlocks for quite awhile.

Heraclitus, as you can see, these forums are the worst possible place to find real information. Look up the guides for yourself on the internet (places like icy veins, wowhead, etc) and you will get worthy advice. These forums (as you have seen by now) are worthless for real information as they always devolve into childish arguments. Happy hunting and you definitely cannot go wrong with warlock in TBC. :slightly_smiling_face:

You’re either incompetent or trolling. Go away, you’re spreading misinformation.

Honest question then, which spec is better for leveling in classic? Warlock was my fourth character so maybe i did it wrong and i’m always happy to learn what’s better.

I did drain tanking from 1-60 and thought it worked great. You dot 2-3 several mobs, have your pet tank one while you drain another and end the fight with full hp and 75%+ mana, unless you get some really bad luck. (crits / pushback) You have to drink MAYBE once every 15-20 pulls.

I tried looking up “Classic wow warlock DP build” and found nothing. Not sure what you’re referencing.

Irony? He is asking for help and you are trolling this hard? Not cool dude.

The drain tank build is definitely the easiest and probably fastest. I have seen a sac spec warlock do amazing things but she had fully twinked out gear. For your average joe, just use the basic dark pact drain build.

Fel armor does not exist in classic wow. It does not get added until TBC.

The OP said that he is leveling a warlock right now as affliction. His add on says that stamina is worth more than int given his spec and level. He asked if this was the case. Context is while leveling IN CLASSIC as he expressly mentions that he is leveling NOW.

And while there is some spellpower gear at lower levels it’s not common nor easy to get. Very few if any quest greens have spellpower.

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