Q: Warlock Pawn & Scale

and it all whooshed over yer head
cant blame ya Gnomes aint tall

Call it sarcasm all you want, all I see is another GDKP whiner. Remember, pretending to be a crybaby is the same as being a crybaby.

20 spell damage is 20 damage total to the spell, breaking it down to a per-tick basis doesn’t change that, you’re just making the increments smaller to make the effect look smaller. The # of times I’ve been killing stuff where my DoTs didn’t kill it by a very small amount is really high.

Nobody uses Voidwalker sac while leveling like that. If you’re Affliction you won’t even have DS so why are we talking about DoTs? If you’re not using DoTs you’re using Shadow Bolt which makes Spell Power even more important because you getting 86% of your spell power every 2.5 seconds (more with pushback) is more than your DoTs. If you’re playing on a PvP server, I’ll grant you things are a lot different.

We’re not exclusively talking about leveling, the OP himself even said his main question was about the reliability of the Pawn addon.

pls don’t use pawn. if you want to min max stats and stuff just sim.

Unless it runs sims with your current gear, any addon that gives you stat weights is gonna be inaccurate.

It’s not going to be meaningfully inaccurate. The reason that (good) guides give you whole number or simple fraction weights instead of high precision decimals is because they’re approximating over a wide range. The degree of error involved in that approximation generally isn’t enough to shift gear choices one way or another because of the limited gear available.

Issue I have with it is you can modify each stat weight individually outside of their presets. If you know exactly what stats you need to weigh, you probably don’t need pawn at all. I installed it and found it useless, but only because I knew already what I was looking for. It’s a good tool for newcomers to wow classic or to wow in general who are unsure of the old stats system, but at the same time, it’s detrimental for providing possibly wrong weights.

True. But if the mob dies before the dots runs it’s full duration that spell damage is “wasted”

Killing 4 mobs between eating instead of 3 is more effiecient than killing those 3 mobs one tick faster.

I only brought up VW sac because the math makes a lot of sense since it’s a flat percentage, that’s all. And you typically use DL after level 32 iirc, since the new rank is incredibly efficient. If you’re using shadow bolt while killing mobs in the open world you’re not doing it right. It’s very mana inefficient, and you have no hit on your gear, and won’t while leveling.

He said he’s leveling, and an addon told him what stats to use while leveling. I’m not gunna talk about raid builds and itemization because it’s irrelevant when you’re leveling. As a general rule take stam and spell damage. Don’t wear anything without one of those 2 stats, and don’t waste your gold on twink gear while leveling.

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Spell damage that kills a mob faster isn’t ever wasted, it’s ensuring that you take less damage by making the mob itself die faster.

If you take less damage, you have less downtime.

Nobody uses Pawn for leveling, he mentioned leveling in passing in preparation for TBC. Show me where they specifically were talking about leveling and Pawn and not Pawn in general. They mention switching to their SPriest and having the same problem.

Amazing how every single thread on these forums turns into semantics arguments because people truly do not read LOL.

He said he was leveling, I gave him advice for leveling. If he asked what stats he should going for at 60 right now my answer would’ve been completely different. I don’t get how this is hard to understand

That doesn’t necessarily make you more efficient though. Being a glass cannon isn’t a great idea for leveling. Leveling is about efficiency, max level is about throughout.

He said he was leveling in passing, his main question, as evidenced by his post and the thread title itself, was about the reliability of Pawn stat weights. Nobody uses those for leveling, so inferring that his post was about leveling is silly.

Throughput IS efficiency in many cases. I’m not saying sacrifice 15 stamina for 1 spell power, I’m saying you shouldn’t just stack stamina. Life Tap doesn’t make stamina some special stat for Warlocks and pushing this myth that it does, even if just for leveling, makes for more bad Warlocks that stack stamina in raids. That’s what I was told when I was starting the game 15 years ago even at 60/70 and that’s what people continue to say/do.

It was literally the first thing he said.

In many cases, drain tank leveling is not really one of them. And the OP’s first sentence said he was leveling, so my advice is tailored to leveling. I’m not writing a comprehensive warlock guide that covers everything from questing to pvp to raiding, your spec and gear is different for different activities. But I’m talking about,

His first sentence, not in passing

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The ordering of the sentence does not relate to whether or not it was his main question. He was asking about stat weights. Who do you know that uses stat weights for leveling?

Anyone whose trying to make sure they get the right gear. For instance locks dont care about spirit at all. Someone who’s new to the class may not know that. Or that you shouldn’t go out of the way for int, because stam is better. Exact stat weights don’t matter for leveling, but making sure you’re not getting worthless stats does.

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Kind of makes me wonder why your post has not been deleted yet with two TOS violations in one post. Things that make ya go hmmm.

You think people use stat weights while leveling, but don’t see any value in spirit while leveling?

Spirit is beyond useless for leveling warlocks.

Useless for Warlocks but useful for others? Do you know what it even does?

Not only did you misquote, but I wonder if you know what it does.

And you still aren’t. Try reading what the actual words are that are typed in a post before you start conversing. It really helps threads stay on topic.

Spirit is beyond useless for leveling warlocks.

Not only did you misquote, but I wonder if you know what it does.

I misquoted did I? So what did you mean by ‘beyond useless’?