Pyromancer's rant on/about Blizzard

idk man, I’d normally say the same thing but I felt kind of bad for him. To paraphrase him “I’ve been living a lie”. That’s a tough realization lol

A lot of people saying “this has been happening for years, idk why people trippin out now”… if you’ve ever just let stuff pile up thinking it’ll get better and it never does until poop hits the fan. That’s what I imagine happened when the lawsuit hit the news. The realization that all the crappy stuff was happening but thinking, “hey, maybe the next expac/patch will be a good one”. But it never is, and as soon as any form of content is release, well there’s new stuff in the shop too.

I know people are going to have their own opinion “Well, I still enjoy the game, despite nothing mattering because of xyz” yada yada. Well congratulations, you’re the target audience.

I mean hey, I’m still raiding every week in TBC despite all the bs. For how much longer who knows… I’ve been on the edge for years and classics what got me back into the game, but even that’s not feeling as great as it was before tbc prepatch.

Asmongold alone likely has at least 80,000 unique, regular watchers and the real number is likely higher. Based on data it is fairly safe to assume that there is only about 320,000 total raiding players in TBCC NA and EU together.

When a single streamer is reaching an audience 25% of the total size of the game’s population I think it is safe to say their influence is not “miniscule”.

Even if only 5% of his viewers care enough about his opinion to actually be affected by his decision, that is still enough people to fill a med-high pop server. Add in the fact that people quitting invites the possibility of a snowballing effect due to people losing guildies, friends, and potential raid/arena partners and you get a real problem.

Even ignoring the fact that the streamers can possibly influence others to quit, the mere fact that they are quitting is a really bad sign for the game. For some (like Asmongold, Esfand etc) it isn’t a huge risk to change their game, but the smaller streamers and youtubers are taking a massive risk by changing the only thing they are known for. The fact that these players who by most metrics could be considered the biggest addicts are quitting despite it being an enormous financial risk is a big red flag that the game itself is really just that bad or that it is dying.


Nah I’ve wasted my time trying to convince people that devs were making wrong decisions throughout wrath and all the way up to shadowlands. Every time you try you get laughed off the forums, told to shut up, and flagged for spam. Don’t blame me for the problems blame the forum damage control hipsters and the mount farming maniacs for the state of the game.

I’m just here to enjoy tbc and watch the players guilty for allowing the dumpster fire that is retail get what they deserve.


It doesn’t necessarily mean what they are saying is wrong. Retail sucks and there is no denying that for most. Streamers in the modern day climate can bring revenue indirectly and help fund a game with their audiences. Look at FFXIV right now that game is killing it because of streamer influence and WoW and other mmos being hot garbage. It’s not good when you’re game is drawing less public interest on any front. I hope Blizzard solves this and their legal woes, because I love this game, and I love what I thought the company stood for.

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It says nothing. Most of the people viewing this forum probably have no idea who/what Pyromancer even is.

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this is what is wrong with gaming indeed

Asmongold leaving is good for the game and especially good for the Alliance playerbase. Hes been responsible for a large portion of the toxicity in game for awhile now.

streamers do make an impact and this is what hurts the game, imo. A lot of them think they have great ideas from the most vocal members of their communities/chats and those ideas get pumped into the soft heads of developers. we definitely want this entitled attitude pervasive throughout our games, yep, sure do.

I’ve been playing since 2004 and the only name I have heard of there is asmongold and that’s just because I first learned about him being griefed in classic. The majority of people, I would wager, don’t know these streamers or care. And usually the streamers are some of the most toxic people and have pushed some of the more destructive stuff in the game (meta changing, mass server transfers, etc.) so maybe we’re better off anyway.

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THIS. As soon as Wrath Classic is announced or they start a brand new, ‘No Boost’ ClassicBC, many will be back. It’s damn near guaranteed.

Who gives a damn lol the amount of d riders for streamers on this message board is pathetic. Have individual thought damn

Fourth I think

The only thing I see is another one of your topics about streamers.

Fitting quote.

dude get real. an individual with a huge audience matters a lot more than an individual with no audience.

you better believe blizzard is paying very close attention to what these streamers say and do.


Thanks for the bump Thereza, good to see you’re a fan of my threads on the issue :smiley:

Nobody cares.

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It was emotional, and I understand his perspective, but not everything is all that bad. Gamer moment for sure, but I also think it was taken a bit far. Getting mad is fine, but rude isn’t. Its immature.

I mean, someone who gives free lunch to streamers has to come to forums and beg for attention, sometimes I feel pity and just give the attention.

I think a lot of these streamers were a detriment to classic to begin with. All good they brought to the game was advertisement. What else did they bring? Exploits? Injecting gold into the economy through mage dungeon farms through videos and streams? Elitism? Annoyance?