Pyromancer's rant on/about Blizzard

It’s also free to play, with cosmetic items being paid, has fun gameplay, and you can solo queue into ranked content.

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He tries to explain the Lore of WoW to people. I dont think anyone watches him for gameplay.

I’ve never heard of this streamer before but I did watch the rant. It was hilarious and he did make good points. I encourage others to watch it.

Imagine being such a stick in the mud that anyone awaiting more than mere allegations is cause for a “weird timeline”…

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I will be brutally honest, The wow forums will never win people over for anything, blizzard shills attack anyone who has the slightest criticism, and it doesn’t help the silent majority has already left, not that they would be on this cess pool anyways.

I think more people have heard about Alexensual than this guy and he made better points years ago despite being a sperg. Blizzard is a greedy company if you dont know this you havent been paying attention for the last 10 years.

Not sure why people are getting all upset just now.

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Probably a form of mental defense, they don’t want to believe their game could be bad or blizzard could do wrong.


Pyro is basically the face of the lore community of wow. With all the garbage going on in the books/ game recently with the lore, he has given up.

Slight disagree here. FF has so much attention right now in part because the surge was already happening and some of the big names caught sight of the wave and jumped on, causing others to jump on too.

So its not a big bang phenomenon, like with apex, where smart leveraging of content creators caused a boom, but rather an amplification of a trend that had been ongoing for some time and had only increased as people left Shadowlands.

I mean regardless if you watch them or not, this simply isn’t true.
Content creators draw people to the game, and if a lot of them quit, it does have an impact on the game, whether you watch them or not.

I mean, I don’t care but it’s a good meltdown. Go in peace pyro

Its pretty hilarious watching all these people lose their minds lately when for years people have been bringing up the issues with the game and the companies practices only to be told “go play something else if you don’t like it lol”

Forum contrarians have defended the company through all the bad expansions and all the RMT additions. Tourists and content locusts have trashed and bailed on every mmorpg we’ve had in the past 10 years but always ran back to wow with their thousands of mounts and 50 max level alts.

Now they are all jumping on this virtue signaling bandwagon and fleeing to FF14 and acting like they are sick of Blizz when they’ve been feeding the monster all these years. LMAO

I don’t feel bad for any of them. Sure what Furor did was disgusting and shouldn’t be defended but don’t act like you are in the “right” for leaving over it. People could of bailed with BfA or the obviously poor launch of Shadowlands, but they didn’t. People could of stood up and bailed with the first ever content drought at the START of an expansion but they didn’t.

So I don’t give af about these content creators who are mad all of a sudden because they know its profitable to be upset right now. Go play FF14 if you want, its about time people gave other mmorpgs a chance so the genre could actually grow. Just don’t act like you weren’t part of the problem by supporting this companies trash decisions with the last 3 expansions.

Sadly like all big story franchises fan fic is a disease that creeps in slowly.

But it isn’t a big deal for the players. They already don’t reinvest extra revenue for the game so losing a few subs for streamers quitting does not affect me, only Blizzard’s bottom line.

I don’t watch streamers other than watching the occasional recommend on youtube. I don’t care much if an individual streamer leaves.

BUT, all of them jumping ship is an interesting bellwether.

I would say that Blizzard is on life support but that would be inaccurate. Blizzard is already dead, it’s a zombie gaming company. I love Classic but let’s be honest; if Blizzard could still make good games, almost none of us would be playing this old game. Blizzard has been resting on their laurels for years. It is a big deal that all these streamers and content creators are leaving WoW. Even the most severe addicts aren’t happy with the crap Blizzard is dishing out. It really is sad to see what’s become of the company that brought us such treasures in the past.


I’m sorry OP, but streamers leaving the game is a big deal.

The “real” Classic player base really isn’t that big. What I mean by “real” is people who came back for Classic and haven’t been around since Wrath or Cata. The majority of Classic players are people who played from Wrath the Legion. Most of the real “boomers” (like myself) either got their nostalgia kick with Classic and are done, or they discovered they don’t really have the time to put into the game like they wanted and quit.

Point it, for a lot of people, streamers are important. Thinking otherwise is just naive.

i disagree, streamers that brought views to this game quitting over the years has definitely impacted wow. you can live in make believe land where you hate streamers before even knowing or watching them but they definitely drive business to and from games

Idk to me it just looked like a man child got triggered by his chat and had a temper tantrum lmao

Yeah for sure, I just mean that amplification of the trend towards FF14 went from “okay this is a big bump for FF14 compared to non-expansion release dates” to “this July 2021 bump for FF14 is basically equal to a new expansion release” due to all the Twitch streamers/Youtubers jumping on board. If you look at Google Trends for example, FF14 right now has more searches than any of its previous expansion releases. That’s crazy.

FF14 basically got the equivalent publicity of an expansion release from all the streamers jumping on board.

That’s an incredible phenomenon and points directly to the power that popular streamers have. Amplifying a strong trend to the level of a new expansion release in terms of player gains basically just showcases how important streamers can be to the health of a community/game.

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