Pyromancer was... right? [SPOILERS]

It looks like Argus broke the Arbiter, somehow a few people say this does not fit the chronology, so they might’ve decided to retcon something.

What do you think?


I thought it was Denathrius. It was a red beam. Argus doing it is interesting. When did it happen?

It’s on PTR, apparently you see it being spoken of in a flashback. It’s actually a pretty good choice, in my opinion, though it also mucks with the retcons of the Jailer being behind everything and having a master plan.

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So Titan World Souls do go to the Shadowlands when they die?

Honestly this creates a problem because as it is, souls aren’t just automatically “flushed” to the Arbiter for judgment upon death. They have to be ferried there by the Kyrian.

Which means that when we killed Argus, somehow a Kyrian Ascendant apparently looked at the soul of a titan and thought “okay, this belongs in the Shadowlands” and carried it to Oribos for judgment and processing.

Even though we know that part of the process of the Kyrian ferrying souls is recognizing when the state of the soul and circumstances of its death exempt it from crossing over. So…which Kyrian looked at something unprecedented and unnatural like a Death Titan and thought “well, that’s just another soul like any other, so off to the Arbiter it goes”?


One assumes so, yes, but the issue is they’ve likely never actually died in truth until we killed Argus.

If Titan Souls and Loas and Wild Gods all go there, I can only assume that means Old Gods should be there as well.

Old Gods are creatures of the Void so they’d return to the Void when they die. All forces essentially seem to be scrapping over souls and the power they have. Or at least that’s the clumsy implication.


If you look at the shot of what we know now is when Argus’ soul came screaming in, it is at the wrong angle to of been put into the soul stream in the normal way. It is more like a comet crashing down from space. It didnt look natural or normal.

So… The Dreadlords must of set stuff up so that when Argus died what was left of him would be drawn into the Shadowlands and come crashing down into the Arbiter, overloading and shutting her (and all of Oribos) down when she was forced to try to process an incompatible soul.

I wonder if the weaponization of Argus’ death was the “victory that went unnoticed” in that twilight cultist journal back in BFA’s prepatch.

Poor Argus though. He spends millions of years being tortured, only to be forcibly manifested and murdered. Then most of his power is stolen to hoover up Sargeras. Then… instead of going home to the plane of Order he is used as a weapon again to fry the Arbiter.


Do we actually know that, though? I’ve not seen any indication a dead Old God faces anything but oblivion when they pass.

Planar beings return to their plane of origin upon death in any other plane. Think of it more as banishing them with a knife to the face than killing them. Old Gods are of the Void, so they returned to the Void Lords who created them.

Poor Argus SHOULD of gone back to the plane of Order but… he was somehow tampered with to cause that to go awry.


Or, we’re just now finding out the importance of their saying time doesn’t work the same way in the Shadowlands.

They do have the Mawsworn as a plot-hook.

Though, how the heck this kind of grand scheme goes unnoticed is beyond me.

The entire purpose of the Burning Legion was to throw a big ball of fire at a robot.


Man Sargeras is going to be mad when he realizes what a fool has been made of him. He got played in every way possible.


Blizzard saw the most popular theory as to why the arbiter broke and went with it.

They can’t write their own story… but atleast their listening to us!…

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So did we the audience, thinking at any point that there was gonna be any kind of coherent story.


I make no assumptions about how Blizzard will squirm their way around this one.


If it were me, this isn’t that big of a hurdle. Assuming for a moment that Sargeras is still a brainlet dupe, it could be that the nethrezim have been making secret alterations to Argus’s nascent soul since the drainos left, making it more aspected towards the death realms.

Then y’know, we go to Argus the planet to beat up Sargeras the titan, find Argus the titan instead because Sargeras shot himself at Azeroth in a fart cloud, bring all the power we’ve prepared for a big boi titan to bear on a baby titan Argus and murderate him. Or however that fight went. Pretty sure it went exactly like that.

Anyway, so Argus is dead, right? And while the Kyrian have had trouble distinguishing between the souls of still-living mortals with the souls of -totally-dead mortals, they should still be able to look at Argus and say “nope, too big. We’d need more Smurfs than we brought just to carry that”. Or something exactly like that, because that’s how Kyrian are. I think.

Aaaaanyway. Zoovall doesn’t need the Kyrian for this stage of the plan. He already has a bigger. A bigger who can certainly lift (with some help) a whole baby titan soul. And as the momma of bad girl valkyr, she can certainly get help with the heavy lifting.

Helya carries the Arghost to the Arbiter, who thinks about all the paperwork ahead of her/it/them when trying to explain to the higher-ups how a whole titan ended up in Maldraxxus or somewhere and shuts down.

Basically, it should go exactly word-for-word like that.


Now that isn’t fair.

They were also created so that Arthas would grab the Jailer’s sword.


The fact that Yogg-Saron was God of Death means that some Death got into Azeroth’s World Soul…

How Yogg-Saron became part Death is unknown yet he is and that means that Azeroth was a substitute for Argus should he have awakened.

Sargeras was planning on destroying Azeroth before the War of the Ancients after which the sight of Azeroth’s eye made him decide he wanted her thus forcing the Nathrezim to change Plans from throwing Azeroth at the Arbiter and having Argus wipe out all existence to throwing Argus at the Arbiter and having Zovaal sacrifice Azeroth to wipe out all existence.

The Scourge was the result of the Nathrezim finding an opening in Ner’zhul and the Human Paladins as before the Draenei Paladins were either grabbed by Naaru Prime(Argus) or ensconced within Auchindoun.

The Nathrezim saw the Kyrian-like nature of the Paladins and immediately saw an advantage to exploit.

The Kyrian never heard of Draenei Paladins due to Naaru Prime calling dibs but have heard of Human Paladins and since Frostmourne would be grabbing all the Paladins surely the Archon would not object to accepting an audience with a Human Paladin much less one who is a Prince!

Unfortunately for Zovaal even if Arthas was on board with the plan(which he wasn’t) it wouldn’t have worked as the Light intervened causing Uther’s Soul to split and arrive in Bastion thus warning all Kyrian of his crimes.

Everything that happened was Zovaal’s backups not his original plans!

Wow, your sarcasm game is really on fire tonight. 10/10