PvPers, Lets turn Benediction into THE PvP server for WpVp

Winter is coming

Oh I want Alliance PvPers to come to Bene also.

We all went to Faerlina. I am surprised you are still pushing this as I shut you down already.

newsflash people actually dont like wpvp at all
only the rose tinted glases players or horde sweaty scum pretend to like it but all they want is 100% dominance
otherwise they wouldn’t be fleeing Benediction at all

People like world pvp while leveling.

Like fresh servers and we all over the world as a leveling spec.

What people don’t like is getting killed by squads of 3-5 players who are Killing levelers who are pve spec and that pvp group is pvp spec.

There’s different forms of world pvp and most people on pvp servers enjoy the leveling up world pvp.

However that is long over and TBC world pvp is just a meme.

The real reason people xfer is because almost everyone can agree you want to be on a server with a high population. People quit and burn out and guilds need new players to recruit, can’t do that on dead servers.

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It depends on the player. I posted about this already in the thread. I’d say that around 80% of those on PVP servers really should have rolled on PVE instead. In fact, most of them know this but the PVP servers tend to have better rankings/player quality (speaking broadly).

Broad strokes when things are said like “nobody likes PVP servers” rarely work. There are people who do actually like them. The poster you replied to has already accepted that the servers are all going in the direction of being PVE servers so he’s staying where his guild is.

My favorite type of World PVP personally is farming on my ally on a server where there is double the number of horde and getting jumped and still winning. Not that this is the outcome every time but when it is it’s pretty fun. I will agree with any comments about leveling World PVP or Classic World PVP being better than what we have now.

I won’t be transferring my horde to Bene even if my server turns 99% horde since the horde pop is currently fine with a healthy recruitment pool and my guild is stable with no plans to transfer. We’ll see about the future. As for now, I plan to keep my ally on the server and fight even at 99% horde. The PVP gear I can get and spec is fine. This is technically an alt though so if it was my main I wouldn’t keep it there.

Anyway, I get where the OP in this thread and where the supporters are coming from and what they are going for and I wish them luck.

Any alliance looking to xfer or start playing and has a clue about doing research on servers will easily go to Benediction, I can promise that.

People aren’t looking for balance for world pvp, they are looking for a healthy population of players.

Yes I know what you mean and I’ve pretty much accepted that at this point. I can’t say I’m happy about any of it but I blame Blizzard at the end of the day for their total lack of doing anything with servers and allowing unending layers.

Anyway, I don’t think that horde should transfer to Bene unless they are ok with the gamble of a 90 day cooldown and spending more money to possibly transfer off in the future, or unless they are just going there for solo World PVP with no groups for anything or an AH. Anything else is risky for them. At least let things stabilize first and if horde are still there with a decent pop sure but don’t transfer now. I still get where the OP is coming from. He’s ally and he’ll be fine regardless.

Guess what sever all those Horde Benediction players are gonna xfer too?

I’m guessing my server, as we were around 53/47 Horde before TBC, we are now at 61/39.

Then when it gets to 70/30 you’re going to see a mass Alliance xfer off Whitemane to Benediction, then you will add 2 more servers to 100% of 1 faction.

No different than retail tbh.

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Yes that all sounds right and I wouldn’t doubt any of that.

My server was marked as “healthy” by one source talking about balance and was 50/50 at the end of Classic. However in the last few weeks we’ve had some of the long term ally raiding guilds transfer off stating “it’s not the horde, it’s the poor recruitment pool” as the reason, pretty much what you said. Their reasons were also filled with racism that would drive this forum nuts but that’s the basics of it. No server is immune.

That’s my response to these threads about world pvp.

It’s never about world pvp, it’s about recruitment.


I think the poor recruitment is kind of a farce tbh.

Even the brain dead guilds on our server have cleared content and recruit as 14/14 or w/e. There is no need to find a better guild unless you are competitive. There just isnt enough PvE content to keep people engaged either so you have guilds losing people, but no one hopping around guilds because it is enough for T4 anyway.

I feel once T5 drops we will see guilds on a lot of servers start to dissolve, and the pools of raiders start to flux wildly again.

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No it’s real.

I was horde in classic at launch and I went to Heartseeker and ran a guild.

At the end of it there was literally 0 people to recruit eventually we had 20-25 people showing up for MC and couldn’t get a 40 man roster for 2-3 weeks before we called it quits.

Believe me people aren’t xfering because of world pvp, TBc world pvp is a meme.

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You completely missed my point and I’m not surprised.

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You talked about how easy t4 is so people aren’t really jumping ship to find “better” guilds, so I gave you an equal comparison as MC and Ony were easy and my experience was much different than your “opinion”.

Then you mention that t5 will be harder so people will be flocking to different guilds because the content is harder so guilds will be stuck is what I’m assuming you meant so the better players will leave for better guilds.

Issue is those “better” guilds won’t exist on dead 1 faction servers, like my example, do you think the people in my guild joined a “better” guild? I assure you they just left the server along with everyone else.

I’m positive I understood your points, I can clearly see you either didn’t understand my experience or you just don’t like me from your remark so anything I say will be dead on arrival.

Agreed T5 could be a mess for a lot of servers. I’m pretty sure my server will be ok horde side at least and my guild is not worried. I’m not happy as I’ve said in other threads but I suppose that doesn’t matter at this point for my horde raiding anyway so there’s that.

ETA even with the below statement there is a very real fear from many players on the outnumbered side in regards to getting camped at the T5 raid entrances harming their raid progression. I have heard about this several times before. The fears are all based around PVE progression and I consider the majority of them would be better suited to just just playing on a PVE realms (while also recognizing that the PVP realms tend to be more progressed and that’s the only reason these players are on them).

I’ll post what they said from the ally disc with no names in it and not including the racist parts, it’s relevant to this thread because they went to Bene:
"Guild still has a strong community and has a healthy roster. The server transfer is to future proof recruitment efforts as they’re needed. Truthfully most of us just didn’t like what Earthfury Alliance has become. The economy, pvp scene and population growth has spiraled into a downward trend without any signs of slowing down… It’s also worth pointing out that EDITED THIS PART. The horde isn’t even really the issue, I’ve beat them twice against all the odds and brought home 2 server firsts in classic against the “mighty” coalition and the only top 100 world ranking the Alliance will ever get on Earthfury.

Also once again, Tier 4 does not matter outside of Karazhan speed and execution, 25man content is currently a cheesing contest with no working trash metrics on WCL. I’m not worried about tier 5 based on our performances on the official PTR. We will flourish on Benediction. "

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The worst part about all the ZUGS going to Whitemane is most of them are useless fury wars and rogues crying for glaives. It’s like they found out the guilds they raided wouldn’t prio them and they leaving on mass to beg others. I’m happy they are suffering, filthy melee. /spit

They already do. Just have trouble recruiting because who needs a new guild in T4 content.

No I think it will literally dissolve guilds, and the better ones will have a better time recruiting due to an increase in people LOOKING for a new guild.

Anyone who uses faction bias as a reasoning for arguments isn’t going to be paid attention to much.

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When have I said anything about faction, or made it seem like 1 faction was somehow better? I play both factions, they are the same player base, I have said this COUNTLESS times.

I agree t4 is easy, but when your server is on the verge of going 100% to 1 faction it doesn’t matter, people are leaving, not sure how you can dispute a server never getting new players in and only have people going out not having a recruitment issue eventually?

Whitemane for example isn’t going to see new Alliance joining, so any alliance who xfer or get burned out and quit are no longer in the pool of recruitment and they are leaving their guilds to xfer or quit and those guilds needs replacements for those said people, but no new players are joining.

The worst part about the donkeys mass transferring to Benediction is that the server will be 100% blue very soon.

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