and Arena
We need more Horde to come though and less PvEers
and Arena
We need more Horde to come though and less PvEers
Yeah, lets all transfer there, so you Alliance who made a poor choice to zerg a server, have somebody to zerg.
Hard pass, writing is on the wall, enjoy your soon to be PvE server.
keep dreaming
Pvp servers dont exist anymore
Gets camped and zeroed by Horde on other servers *
Transfers to a (semi-) balanced server *
Starts camping and zerging Horde the same way Alliance were on the server that they left *
Horde in Benediction mass xfer off *
Benediction Alliance: how did this happen?! *
Easy for you to say when almost all servers are that way for the horde.
im sure that has nothing to do with alliance stacking 22.5% of their total population on a single realm, and another 40% across 4 more realms. what do you expect with 60% of you on only 5 realms? brainiacs
Were still the what 4th highest pop horde server or so? I havent noticed much of a difference in WPvp. Have yet to hear of any guilds seriously debating on xferring off because of alliance.
Gonna be all pvp servers tbh.
They all Fated to be 1 faction
That’s the thing though, even with a huge pop on bene most alliance are just sitting in shatt not pvping and he horde still owns a lot of wpvp. Population totals don’t represent what the PvP population looks like. Or the amount of people engaging in wpvp.
The problem is bene alliance are so weak at PvP they are still not dominating lol.
Lol. Horde isn’t paying to go there to be your entertainment
You think we care? I’m happy to run off every horde player from benediction realm.
ur only tough after u fled ur server and outnumber those horde bro drop the tough guy act ur soft and bad at pvp. simple as mate. why u even on pvp server then
Why didn’t you go to Pagle if you want a PVE realm?
Same to you. There’s only 2 US pvp servers within 60/40 either way. The alliance will take over 3-4 servers, horde will have the rest, as happened in retail. That’s why they got rid of pvp servers. History has repeated itself, and everyone is acting shocked lol.
If only people understood this is why alliance are there in the first place. It’s not like we left balanced servers so we could dominate. Personally, i left an 80/20 horde Kromcrush for a 50/50 Benediction. It is obviously no longer 50/50. But there still more horde on Benediction than alliance on all other servers, except Benediction and Whitemane.
there was a good server there before you transferred and ruined it, get over yourself
You mean Alliance leave 70%+ horde dominated servers??
You mean Horde leave 70%+ Alliance dominated servers?
Wow man you’re a true genius!