PvP wants/wishes/concerns

We are in beta so it may be to late to do anything with this stuff. But figure I would throw it out. Maybe they won’t get done before the expac starts, maybe put in later in a patch maybe not. But I focus on BGs so this is a few things I thought of.

  • Battleground weekends:
    Target the BGs that still have rep attached to them for this to start maybe.
    AV, AB, WSG, and Ashran. But all of them have plenty of achievements and
    some that count towards meta achievements so all of them could have a
    weekend, or maybe 2 per weekend, 1 from the random BG pool and 1 from
    the Epic. Make it so people can queue for this battleground(s) and get the
    same rewards as queuing for a random BG or Epic BG.

  • BG Blacklist:
    I know I have seen this asked for a decent amount and I am not against it. Allow people to eliminate 1 BG from the random bg/epic bg pool. May even force the team to take a hard look at some BGs that are getting blacklisted a decent amount by players.

  • Reward Structure:
    Just add more things. Cosmetic, mounts etc. A few ideas I have are
    A) Take the old pvp vanilla sets and add some kind of grindy achievement to unlock them and anyone that unlocked them in OG vanilla and via RBGs have them unlocked account wide. Replace them with updated models/redesigns of the old PvP sets from vanilla for RBGs/BGB.
    B) Maybe think about adding reps to some of the BGs that don’t have them and ones going forward. If we get 2 new BGs an xpac, or just say one for now. Even if you add a rep to every new BG and even some of the old ones that don’t have them with reps going account wide now it won’t be a big deal. Just add a mount and some cosmetics for the rep grind. Or some other goodies or even some leveling gear.

These are just a few ideas I had. We all know about balancing that is always a hot topic no matter if it’s PvP or PvE. What kind of things would you like to see?

  • Remove map pools.
  • Update/improve existing arenas, no more new ones until this happens.
  • Revert healer trink (keep it reduced in shuffle).
  • Keep Blades Edge banned.
  • Make it so I can play without requiring an alt because I happen to PVE.

To clarify further:

The introduction of Map Pools has done nothing, but introduced frustrating gameplay by increasing the likeliness of getting maps that are undesirable and unfair for the given comp you are playing. Tol viron week? Higher chance to get that massive map vs double caster. Dalaran Sewers week? Higher likely to get that small map vs double melee.

It’s a needless thing to balance and spend time on when it’s a feature I’ve yet to see anyone be happy that exists. It’s essentially made “push weeks”, but for arenas because there are unironically some weeks it doesn’t feel worth playing simply because of the available maps.

As for the maps themselves, Blades Edge is nothing, but a buggy and frustrating mess; especially with how many classes have a knock back when they realistically shouldn’t. It’s very outdated and I think it’s best to retire it since the game feels so much better without it. Also one less headache to deal with since it’s so insanely easy to just clip through the floor via said knockbacks, fears, and other displacements.

The other maps are pretty good, but a few of them should be improved upon before we get another arena made, which we frankly have a lot of.

  • Dalaran Sewers:
    Nice small map except for the outdated waterspout mechanic. It serves nothing, but to introduce unenjoyable and RNG gameplay in a gamemode where dynamic maps shouldn’t be something to factor in.
  • Ruins of Lordaeron
    Good map, just uneven terrain where the smaller graves are can lead to awkward line of sight.
  • Hook Point
    The lopsided design of the arena with the fact that one starting room has its own extra line of sight area can often give one team an advantage based on where they start which is a bit absurd.
  • Mugumbala
    Way too big with it basically the size of two Hook Points. Played some games where both teams basically use one half of the map only and it functioned like a weird small map. Could use a downsize/redesign imo.
  • Nokhud Arena
    Delete that wall.

As for the healer trinket, the introduced on of this, which was a result of Solo Shuffle having low healer population, has done nothing, but turned actual arenas into more PVE based, degenerate gameplay. It’s much harder to punish bad healers for poor gameplay because they can freely break out of CC more often than they should. This is needed in shuffle, and only shuffle, due to how much faster the games are, but this should’ve been reverted in 2v2 and 3v3 yesterday.

Gearing has been mostly good and I’m unsure if anything has changed with crafting, but every season in Dragonflight I had to gear up an entirely new shadow priest just to be able to PVP else I’d been months behind. In season 2, my main wasn’t fully PVP geared until week 16 due to needing to first use my crafts on PVE as well as sockets. The issue of a PVP vault existing and also sockets is being addressed thankfully, but I don’t recall seeing anything about crafting.


Actual pvp content

  1. Delete Seething Shore. I spend way too much time actually looking for combat on this map. If one team gives up, there’s no expedited win mechanic like 3 capping in Gilneas or 5 capping in Arathi Basin.

  2. Delete all arenas that utilize the Z Axis. Arena was not designed with Z axis mechanics in mind. Something like Mugambala or Blade’s Edge gives knock back and Z axis mobility (Transcendence/Gateway/etc) huge, unintended advantages.

  3. Standardize arena size. Lordaeron and Maldraxxus play completely differently even when comps are the same. It’s hard to balance melee and rdps across non-standard Arena radius.

  4. PvPers should have a heckuva lot more cosmetic rewards.

  5. Make sure PvP gear is BiS for PvP. Or remove gearing for a template that we can customize. I think very few PvPers enjoy PvEing for gear or doing a weekly list of chores to farm combat advantages.

  6. Balance Tanks for Blitz. Blood Dk is a near useless FC while Guardian is near immortal.

  7. Balance specs for BGs, not just Arena. IE Starfall is insane with its radius and damage. Rogues are way too impactful in Blitz because of the 4 second cap times on Nodes. Thankfully Peaceweaver is getting nerfed.

  8. Remove, rework, or restrict combat racials in PvP. Most PvPers don’t want to have to pick between combat advantages and cosmetic preferences when making a character.

  9. Restrict Marksman range in PvP. There’s way too much bugged terrain, bugged LOS, and Z axis shenanigans to have 50+ yard rdps in BGs. It’s an unfair experience for every other spec when one spec is near unpunishable because of their insane range.

Also please more consistent tuning. We should get adjustment every 2 weeks, especially when there’s glaring issues.

Not every tuning pass needs to be major either so long as it’s consistent. Since you stop tuning entirely during AWC, even though the competitors are insanely good and can adapt, instead maybe do smaller tuning that wouldn’t shift the AWC meta, but still give the thousands of other players a bone. Like that demon hunter bug where their tier set was doing 100% damage and not 50%.


Has anyone noticed spell power healing feels really weak right now?

Impending Victory and Verdant Embrace have the same Cd. But IV heals for like 2.4 mil (on Fury) and VE heals for like 750k (on Dev). Both my characters have the Vendor PvP gear.

I can’t even top my Devoker off with Living Flame, because they heal for like 6% of my HP while costing 10% of my mana.

Is this just a Devoker thing or do all hybrids feel this way?

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That is the direct result of having Stamina in beta scale much more than primary stat - Attack and Spell Power based effects are much weaker and health percentage effects are much stronger.

It also led to massive increase in TTK - I have watched several duels in beta that lasted for several minutes simply because none of the participants could kill the other. Now imagine if there would also be a healer present in each team.

Since TWW release is in 2.5 months, measures for these issues should be taken already to provide good environment for PVP testing. Something like removing Stamina increase from trinket bonus and increasing primary stat bonus if needed could be a good start.


My biggest concern is healing, pet classes, and dot classes in beta. Healers are already gods in BGs on live in DF, but it’s even worse in beta atm. Dot and pet classes are rolling over people especially DKs. PvP tuning obviously still has to come in though but like I said above, healing is already an issue even with PvP tuning. It’s because things are balanced around 3v3 too and dampening.

Also things just to keep people engaged the whole season. Reward structure first and foremost.

I would like to first bring up the PVP post that has a great compilation.

On my end, I would really like to see Cross-Faction battlegrounds in Epic BG’s as soon as possible.

For Epic Battlegrounds

  1. Keep buffing Siege/Demolishers/Glaives throughout the seasons.
  2. Keep buffing HP and Damage for NPC’s.
  3. Review map symmetry, for example in Isle of Conquest, the Horde glaives can shoot the alliance East Gate from Hangar hill, and Alliance Air Ship can shoot the flag point.
  4. I would like to see additional win condition and modification to Wintergrasp and the addition of Bombs.
  5. Tol Barad Added to Epic BG Rotation.
  6. South Shore VS Tarren Mill added to Epic BG Rotation.
  7. Classic Ashran permanent availability.
  8. More Never-Ending Battlegrounds like Classic Ashran
  9. Comp Stomp permanent availability.
  10. Warfronts added to Epic battleground Rotation.
  11. Continuous Monitoring of “Win Conditions”, For example Hangar winning by a landslide in Isle of Conquest because Bombs and Siege are useless 95% of the time.
  12. Take a look at Q-Sync communities behavior (Mass joining and Mass queue dropping) where It causes games to start 15v40.
  13. Add Honor Vendor/Consumable Vendor in the Main Base of all Epic Battlegrounds.
  14. Add Daily/Weekly Challenge quests (with OR instead of AND). For Example, Cap a flag or Cap a tower or Cap a Graveyard.
  15. Seasonal Battleground quests to be made Weekly (Kill Tremblade, Kill Vann, Get 50 Artifacts…)
  16. Provide a Follower Battleground Tutorial mode where new players are introduced to each battleground as Scenarios where they can be taught the mechanics in a relaxed environment, meant to be explored.
  17. FIX THE GROUND and TREES!!! So that they can break line of sight in ALL battlegrounds.
  18. TBD… (I’ll think of more items to add to my wishlist)

About Plunderstorm style event, I think this would work great to on-board Warfront into the PVP rotation, you could keep it separated where players would queue for the Warfront event and be a PVP event.

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Hybrids heal less than pure-dps 90% of the time. I guess spriests excluded but they don’t even cast heals, it just happens.

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I’m a big fan of this change as it’s gone ahead and solved multiple issues from certain specs gaining weapons well ahead of others due to weapon cost.

Remove map pools.


I am as well. Not having to worry about spending conquest on weapons is nice and now you also want have the 1 handed vs two handed thing. I wonder if fury will have access to two 2 handers? I would assume.

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  1. Make the damage % based. No amount of gearing will affect the damage.
  2. Make it ilvl based. The ONE good chance for them to use ilvl scaling and they miss it.
  3. Warfronts would need a revamp first

Most of the rest are simply good common sense suggestions that should have been implemented years ago, specially 14, 15 and 17.

Also, gold income from PvP is abysmal, it should be at least 10x greater.

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I agree on this as well. The weekly/Daily PVP quests should also provide a good amount of gold.

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A few of my pieces of feedback are about conquest and sparks of life gain. I understand both of these activities are intended to be done throughout the week but my feedback is about catching up. Catching up both currencies should be faster. Simply having a larger cap doesn’t count for catch up, and 3500 honor for one spark of life is a joke. 3500 to catch up for a week of sparks seems fine to smooth out gearing between the two curtencies. Again it is so quick to get geared in pve that this shouldn’t be too much of an issue, wpvp gear is equivalent to lfr gear as is. Please increase catch up acquisition of currencies.

I would like to see the crit nerfs removed. TTK is too high which is a current problem in any content a healer is around in. I’m not sure it’s a tuning issue or something more glaring but un nerfing crit seems to be something that will help, and give some classes that rely on crit a helping hand.

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This actually stopped me from stepping foot into pvp this expansion, really hope TWW addresses this.

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I posted this in it’s own thread but should have put this hear.

With more and more reputation’s going account wide, is there any plan soon (like on launch?!) to have the Justicar title account wide? I have it on multiple toons now, but would love to wear it on all of them. Thanks!

My focus is on Blitz, but some suggestions for random BGs and epic BGs.

Random/Epic BGs are a horrible format to throw new/learning players into. They are often matched against experienced players with full gear in five man premades (in epics, there are q-syncers that ruin the experience for nearly every one else).

I know this is a difficult problem to “fix” but one thing that could help is by making random and epic BGs cross-faction and then use that to more aggressively match premades to premades.

It seems that the game can currently match a five man premade with two healers against a three man premade with three DPS or one healer and call it a day. These kind of limitations are necessary when the matches aren’t cross faction but with cross faction there could be better match making without harming queue times.

The number of players you lose to poorly matched games noncompetitive games exceeds the number of people you would lose because of roleplay issues (IMO).

If this is not possible, then try to direct new and learning players to do Blitz, because once they settle into their MMR range that format is going to be MUCH better for those players than random BGs and epic BGs currently are.


Posting this on behalf of Drownlord from EU, who does not have beta access at this moment but wanted to post some things here.

Drownlord says:
I’d also like to share some wants and wishes.

Not everybody likes every Battleground and the Blacklist that was used back in the days, was a nice way of just mark two Battlegrounds that you didnt wanted to play. Even when you play with friends – if you guys dont like that Battleground you just hopped in, everybody is frustated.

Reward for playing Battlegrounds:
More Trangsmog, Cosmetics, Mounts, Titels. It’s plan simple imo . I could also live with some kind of „Battle Pass“ for BGs every Season. And it would be pretty neat if you reward some of you BG-Verterans/Player with a high HK count.

  • PvP Gear should ALWAYS be BiS for any kind of PvP! PvE Gear has no place in High-End PvP (and vice versa)
  • More consistant Tuning an communication with the players (about PvP)
  • WoW PvP is NOT Arena only! Please consider balacing Specs more to BG/RBG and/or make specific tuning for the brackets. I know it’s a lot of work, but overall it’s healthier for the brackets
  • NPCs/Demolisher/etc. must be adjusted throughout the season, so they arent too weak
  • Add Tol Barad to Epic BG Rotation
  • Classic Ashran permanent availability
  • Warfronts for PvP!
  • Take a look on premades in epic BGs (or in general), it starts getting out of hand
  • Add vendor/repair/Consumable Vendor in every BG that their staring base
  • Daily/Weekly Challenge Quests for BG (with OR instead of AND), like Capture the Flag, defend a Base, conquer a base, escort a cart, etc.
  • Get us some gold
  • Placeholders
  • No PvE-Tier Set bonus for PvP! Bring back PvP-Sets :heart:

So much talk about bgs, what about arenas/shuffles?

  • reduce cd bloat, both defensive/offensive.
  • dps passive selfhealing is way too high.
  • m+ class designed around aoe rather than ST/council fights severely gimps playstyles.
  • mobility creep for melee is so high it almost makes positioning meaningless.