PvP wants/wishes/concerns

Rated soloque for quick queues. No 6 rounds, just one ranked solo queueable round in 3v3 format only. No other game has queue times this insane.

Please, please, please fix Solo shuffle queue times. We can’t possibly go into another xpac with these insane queues. I just want to play the game.

Lots of people asking for better RSS queue times. We know lack of healers is the primary issue. We have MMR issue we know, but a lack of healers has been a game issue, and a PvP issue long before RSS. So besides the MMR issue how do we fix queues aka get healers doing RSS?

No tanks in 2v2 arenas would be very nice too. Tanking in 2’s is super noob/troll

Push week is gone for M+ so why does it still exist for arena?

Remove map pools.

I’ve been playing World of Warcraft for a long time, and it’s becoming increasingly apparent that PvP is in a really bad place right now. It feels like Blizzard just doesn’t care about fixing it. Broken compositions, broken specs, way too much crowd control, knockbacks, and other issues.

For melees, it’s something specials…we have to deal with casters being tanky af, great mobility(which is cool), pratically only instant casting AND tons of knockbacks, slows, CC and other BS’s.

Throughout the seasons, I used to enjoy farming elite sets and if possible the PvP illusions, but in Dragonflight Season 4, I didn’t go past 576cr, and I’m not even motivated to try it simply because it’s not fun at ALL.

Healers are not the problem, 6 rounds are not the problem…the game being annoying/boring is…people won’t play a game they don’t have fun with…period !!!

The game has been around since 2004, and Blizzard has never managed to create a balanced PvP environment. I don’t know why we (or just me) think they would achieve it now

The game is never going to be balanced. People shouldn’t expect that. Even M+ had balanced issues in DF. IMO players expect this perfect balancing world. Even games like LoL (which I see as a reference point for PvP all the time) has balance issues. Now we should expect major outliers to be addressed quickly however. If one spec is clearly out performing all the others adjustments should be made. Right now the way things are balanced is largely through nerfs instead of trying to bolster under-performing specs it seems.

Idk if it’s in a “really bad place” quite honestly. There have been changes specifically in DF and upcoming WW that are very positive.

I see this same complaint from ranged about melee pretty much, how kiting is almost impossible. But all this is largely because of M+. It’s kind of to bad class design seems to be being built around M+ instead of M+ built around class design.

I mean the elite sets in S4 are just the same as one of the other seasons, so I get it nothing to farm in S4.

100% healers are an issue. There aren’t enough.

What kind of balancing are you looking for? Because to me the balancing you seem to be looking for isn’t reachable. To reach what I think you want would mean every class would have to be the same and meta’s would never change. Perfect balancing may actually ironically be a bad thing for WoW PvP.

Quite honestly minus maybe a few outliers PvP isn’t in that bad a spot balance wise. Room for improvement for sure.

I wanted to add a few things. I saw the achievements for the new BG Deephaul Ravine. Awesome! My one complaint is the 100 victories achievement to get to the BGs meta achievement. 100 victories takes forever unless you are willing to give up the benefits of queue random BGs. This is why I keep advocating for BG weekends to come back. Do this only with random BGs btw not Epics. There are reasons for this.

ALSO when are we going to get an update to the honor kills achievement? It’s been 250k for over a decade now. People are in the millions.


Hello Mr.Mhortai, thank you for reading and commenting homie !

It’s been worse, there were some great improvements (specially regard the gearing process), still it ain’t in a good spot atm…otherwise we would have more ppl qing.

100% agree with the build around M+ part, and I’m afrad this will only makes things worst for PVPers in the future.

Exactly. Feels like the only point of queuing is to farm, to get rewards…and ppl stop playing it as soon as they get it…why ? Bcuz the game is not fun. Nobody likes to be cced/rooted knocked the F back and be unable to play during 80% of the match. It’s miserable.
I still play DOTA2, Heroes of Storm and i don’t care about rewards on those at all, I simply play them because it is a fun and pleasure thing to do…

If being unable to play and CCed 80% of a match sucks as a DPS, it’s even worse as a healer. I like to heal in other situations and games, but in WoW PvP definitely not

Agree with ya…what really bothers are some situations where a classe or comp just seem have the upperhand. Like no matter the outplay, they will win. …but I admit theres also a few “git gud” situations


Here’s some feedback buff crit damage to not be terrible so games arent super dampy and specs that enjoy crit can stack a stat that always gets ignored

This quite honestly has more to do with how RSS functions, rewards, and just barriers more than balancing though.

Affects raiding as well. Of course to a lessor extent and in different ways.

May not be fun for you. I still have lots of fun. Some things though at the end of an expac in a filler season, especially when we know when pre-patch and the expac launch is less people will always be playing. You will also probably see an uptick in activity as the season winds down.

Ya I mean I spam BGs all day in WoW and have fun. Definately not for rewards at this point since I mostly have all the achievements etc done from them. But rewards drive participation even if that isn’t the case for you.

Ya I idk, all the CC is annoying. I have been healing and I have enjoyed it. I don’t play RSS anymore though. Strictly BGs and BG Blitz at this point. IDK if I will ever touch RSS again once Blitz goes live as rated.

My vantage point I guess I don’t see things as bad as you view them. Again though I strictly do BG content at this point. I think PvP largely has system problems at this point. Class balancing (mainly CC) being an issue as well. But again overall I think a lot of classes are in better places than they were entering DF.