PvP vendors - Shadowlands

Fluidity of the GCD and focus regeneration.

I don’t know about the frost mage critt argument.

It was about needing a minimum amount of crit to make sure shatter was 100% at all times.

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but the point is it wasn’t needed for success.
Just like the monk template had too much haste making wdp hard to use, as well as FoF ended too quickly for what was needed from it, but that didn’t stop monks success.

So it sounds more like a want and not a need

Yea well in legion secondaries weren’t as insane as now. Having an item with haste verse beats a higher item with more agil pretty much every time right now.

That’s right now though, scaling for secondaries has only been as bad because of the massive amount of primary and stam that was from azerite armor.
That’s why I could get away with using 425 bracers and 425 trinket current season largely due to the amount of stats off of the AA.

But it still isn’t needed is the point, feels better for sure, but it isn’t needed for success.

Here is how most of the PVP community sees not having PVP stat on gear… WHY should I have to PVE to get BiS for PVP when a PVE does NOT have to PVP to get BiS gear… and then come into ranked and destroy people ALL because HE did the raids… I personally HATE HATE HATE WOW PVE… it is boring mundane and lackin anything that would keep me interested in it… Blizz is already forcing me to get 10 lvls next xpac. I play wow for the PVP aspect . SO if the PVE people want to PVP they should have to put in the time for it just like WE have to put in the time to get the PVE gear to pvp now… Stupid STUPID STUPID Design blizz fix it… give us resli back or pvp stat SOMETHING! it isnt hard to do… you got time!