PvP Vendors in Shadowlands?

Well if they do, i hope they do it like this:

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Your proposed system seems a little too grindy imo and also seems like it would be a nightmare for people who play alts. Also, no honor vendor? That’d mean people would have to PvE for their entry level gear and no PvP’er wants that.

Imo, I think they should just go back to the WoD system, I also made a thread a few months ago suggesting how it should work.

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Haha, i think you misunderstood my idea.

Conquest is like honor from WoD. The entire idea is based on WoD’s PvP gearing system, but uses honor as a form of experience similar to how it worked in Vanilla. Conquest is the currency instead, gained form all PvP, even world PvP. That adds an element of growth and achievement, as well as variety, to what would otherwise just be a boring old vendor.

There’s no correct solution, but a realistic one would follow design philosophies Blizzard is more likely to agree with.

Also, to expand on my reply to your reply:

With the system i proposed, getting your entry level PvP gear for most people (“Aspirant conquest gear”) would require:

Step 1: Doing some PvP.
Step 2: Buying the gear.

(getting to rank 3 when most of the gear is available for purchase won’t be hard for anyone)


Um, wut???

I know right? I totally need a a bar to fill up and spit something random into my bags. Else I’d just be eternally lost.

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They need to bring back PVP Venders, and make PVE Gear weaker in PVP and visaverser.


Heck i’d be in favor of them just removing trinkets from PvP entirely as well, both PvP and PvE trinkets. They’re just too difficult to balance and too powerful in terms of shaping the meta.

I don’t want a separation in the gear types tho. If i work hard for some gear, i want it to always be worthwhile. Gear should be gear.

Back in WoD, I used to use PvP as a fun way to supplement weaker gear slots i hadn’t yet filled from raiding and doing other PvE things. It was awesome (despite WoD’s various issues), and i always had something to work towards. What’s so wrong with that? Players shouldn’t be punished for doing both aspects of the game with more work to be effective in doing both of those aspects. I shouldn’t NEED to get and maintain a PvP gear set AND a PvE gear set just because i want to do both PvP and PvE effectively.

So, no thank you to the idea of my gear suddenly becoming weaker in any situation.

Lol no.

I’m also waiting on vendors/pvp changes before I decide if I buy SL or not. Not going through pve gearing/ret wheelchair again.

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WoD did not have people who wanted to get into PvP grind 3 sets of gear. Aspirant’s gear was simply stuff you could get out of lootboxes for winning random BG’s that would mostly act as a filler. Combatant’s gear was the entry level set you bought using honor points which was earned via winning non rated BGs and skirmishes. And gladiator gear was the end set you earned from doing rated arenas or bg’s.

You may be right here in that Blizzard will likely want to make the system a little more complex then it needs to be in order to stretch out /time played metrics.

But I can assure you the the playerbase won’t be on board with it. I really don’t think anyone wants to grind honor levels in order to be able to buy 3 sets of gear that are in a pre-determined order.

I am waiting to purchase as well but for different reasons. Our classes and Professions have been a mess for a whole year at this point. And I will not preorder till I see ample changes first hand.

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Blizzard just doesn’t care about PvP anymore… but they listen our feedback, riiiight?? LOL

I agree with PVP vendors, if they dont add them in, or some other form of gearing that makes doing battlegrounds relevant its not a buy for me man, im sorry but I absolutely cannot stand the RNG system they have in the game for PVP, its is complete and utter crap, like how in the world is it a good idea, and what is even worse is they have added this system when nobody even complained about the other system, like what the actual heck man. 90% of the game for me from WotLK all the way to WoD was to enjoy the new areas and story that blizzards art team and designers had added, and when i got to end-game I would be so freaking excited to be max level and get to enjoy PVP and do some battlegrounds and get my blue gear, after that i would start looking for rated battlegrounds or even an arena partner so i could start capping conquest in order to get my gladiator gear, that was what was fun for me man, and I think that’s the case for a lot of others as well. These vendors not only added a way to upgrade gear, but added a sense of customization for classes and theory crafting. Maybe you wanted to stack mastery pieces to make your bleeds tick super hard or haste to make those warlock dots tick super fast, what I am trying to say is, for the PVP community PVP vendors make a huge difference, its gives us a purpose and motive to actually want to do battlegrounds, you know just a few minutes ago on one of the most populated servers on retail I tried searching for a rated battleground group and literally nobody does them… and honestly why should they what is the point, but for me that is super demoralizing because back in WotLK all the way too WoD dude PVP was always popping, battlegrounds, arenas and rated battlegrounds were so meaningful to us. What really pisses me off more than anything is how much influence these streamers have on the game today, they attract the most elitist and toxic communities to the game and I think many of you can agree with this, but for the most part I feel like that is why Blizzard takes these things such as PVP vendors away from us. Correct me if I am wrong but I have seen this in the past, Asmongold soda, all of them have huge communities with a lot of influence. One streamer I love to watch just because I think hes a down to earth guy who doesn’t put on an act is Bajheera, love that guy, I actually heard him say once while tuning into his stream that he would like to see PVP vendors or something of the sort added back into the game… anyway enough ranting for me lol just my thoughts.


wont be a deal breaker for me, but i would really like pvp vendors inside, to make me do bgs alot more this time, not just to grind honor and get a fancy badge.
Also justice and valor points too.

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save your money.

pvp vendors aren’t coming back, and never will under ion’s glorious leadership.

we will never be able to find the vendors.

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This is one a many deal breakers if they announce no new PvP vendors.

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I’ll drink because of that

PVE has two vendors for gear and azerite armor while PVP has zero vendors.

PVP vendors are a must for PVP community to grow again IMVHO.


I am a PVE player, however, when they had PVP vendors, I PVP’d so that I could get good pvp items from the vendor. I stopped PVPing when they took the vendors away because it really didn’t matter anymore.