Please add a pvp vendor / vendors for all past, current, and future content.
Yes i wanna spam bgs to get gear not to get few tokens and potions or gear that is below LFR ilvl with chance on drop =\
I agree with putting vendors back in, but in addition I want pvp stats back. People that raid should he able to kick the crap out of a pvper just because his raid gear stats. It’s not hard to separate the two types of people, pve from pvp. Those the dont like it dont and those that do do it. BRI G HACK PVP STATS!!!
yes lots of pvpers want the vendors back, BFA 8.3 truly sucks and theres pvp numbers are so soooo LOW, would make since if blizzard actually gave a damn about pvp and brought back vendors or something similar, having vendors meant everyone had same item Level and it was truly about using your stats and skills on classes, it also was soo good for dueling and wpvp cause skills were what mattered not gear. If anything PVE and PVP should be different and have different approaches cant force one to do the other which is why BFA is the worst xpack for pvp. I que arenas and i face the same team like 50 times.
But don’t you want the duplicate bracers for the fourth time though?
They had such an alt friendly pvp vendor system in WoD, the gear would scale up during pvp, was pretty competitive, and could be purchased with currency from normal BGs. I would like to see that return, and I think I will hold out on SL purchase for now to see what they have planned.
pve didnt change so dont expect pvp to.
That is my feeling also. I just came back a bit ago, and was very dismayed reaching 120 on my priest to find out that I cannot get gear to pvp with unless I do pve. I am hesitating on the pre-order of Shadowlands because, of this. So my fresh 120 priest that I leveled mostly in just battlegrounds is useless, as I don’t want to pve on her, and I can’t do bgs on her without better gear. I cancelled my sub because of it and am currently trying to decided if I even want to play wow now.
I hope, I returned to wow when classic was released, tried retail for a month and was pretty discouraged. The fact I have to do pve makes it a turn off to play. That in the tremendous amount of lag in the epic bg’s/pvp brawls…