Js they outright said we wont get vendors back. This is why those of us that were pro template were so against its removal because now you are stuck playing the lottery to even compete.
Even if we got vendors, it would probably be the same ilvl gear for randoms. They aren’t just going to give us random BGers Mythic level gear again.
Maybe the reason there are no vendors is because today’s gaming is about keeping the audience playing your game. Maybe this time I will get this, maybe tomorrow, maybe next week…Rather than players achieving everything in 1 day and complain about nothing to do in the game every time… maybe that’s why?
When we had vendors It took weeks to get each piece of gear not days. I’m not sure I’m following you?
What vendors did was give you a choice of what gear you wanted if you was capped out for the week.
I honestly dont see the issue in just letting us get the 500 conquest then pick from all pieces.
Yeah, but I do recall some people being like, “Blizz’s decisions are fine, the game is fine; get over the lack of vendors, you don’t need vendors since Blizz’s decisions are fine, the game is fine…”
For me, one of the issues is: without a vendor you don’t have the option of purchasing pieces with different stats for the same slot. Once you’ve chosen your piece you can’t “go back,” unless blizzard deigns to offer the choice again, like they did with the 385 trinkets.
Bump of the day.
Bump of the night.
There was a weekly conquest cap. You didn’t get everything right away. You were time-gated, but at least you could choose what gear you got when you saved up enough points. You could focus on what pieces of gear you felt you needed the most. RNG gearing is downright stupid. It doesn’t make me want to play more. Let me choose whatever the heck piece of gear I want. Give me back vendors.
Yeah, so choose responsibly. Everyone else handled it just fine. And you had a two hour window to return the piece you bought. I mean, it’s not rocket science.
198 votes yeah theyre gonna listen
Hard to get votes when blizz chased away most of the players this expansion
Not many people use the forums.
Thank you for not believing but also keep it relevant.
Not many people left doing pvp either.
It doesn’t matter if you want to play more or less. What matters is, others will keep playing.
We got 195 yeses as of right now Just from the forums just think if Blizzard did this what it might be.
I’ve seen others say that gear run by RNG doesn’t make them want to play more. I am not alone. And I’ve already explained the mentality behind it and what PvP vendors provide for incentive and motivation and control of your character’s progression.
Really though, your response is a cheap comeback. Do you have anything else to add?
It’s not my opinion. It’s the gaming industry. Have you forgot to set your alarm this morning?