Bring back PvP vendors. It’s akin to me earning money and letting me buy whatever I want instead of telling me I can only buy one or two things that someone else wants me to buy. I like having the choice to spend my money as I please. I like my options. Let us determine what pieces of gear we want, when we want.
I agree with you 100% Preach on Taivora.
I thought the Holinka days in WoD were terrible. This xpac… let me tell you, I would rather die in a cancer fire than be subject to this current system of gearing.
There are so many better MMOs out there that I don’t want to play, because I want WoW to be the better MMO… I really thought it would be improved coming back halfway through this expansion.
I am out, hopefully things improve in 9.0
Bump of the day.
You have my vote for pvp vendors! PvP is endgame for some players, we matter too!
I was high Holinka till he said he cap out first than he did Raids and If he had time maybe did a BG or two. I do not think it’s too much to ask Blizzard to give us a game master that actually loves PVP more than anything else.
This will be the last bump I give it in less we continue to get votes.
I wish that I could ban those 5 people that voted anything but Yes from playing PvP ever again. I wish that so freaking badly.
The same thing was said about Classic but it’s release is coming soon.
If you really want a poll to get noticed, donate to Asmongold or Sodapoppin with a message saying something like.
“Can you please look at this poll for adding vendors back into the game.”
These streamers want vendors back as well and they have a large viewerbase watching who could support your cause, our cause.
No what was said is you think you do but you dont and blizz claimed they didnt have the code. Everyone with a brain knew they had it because every tech giant archives old code. ALso there were hundreds of thousands of players demanding classic and pvp has maybe 150 people demanding vendors. 2/10
Actually the Classic will have a lot of current code. That’s why they restructured the WoW directory into retail and ptr subfolders as they share content. If you’ve downloaded the PTR lately you’ll notice it’s a tiny download, and not a separate 50gb or whatever install.
You missed the point, you said.
The same thing was said about Classic servers, not gonna happen and yet here we are.
Try being a little more optimistic.
You get hundreds of thousands of signatures on a petition for them vendors and I’ll be optimistic. Until then ITS NEVER GONNA HAPPEN! as long as the lawyer is at the helm
It might be the lawyer that gives us vendors, just as it’s the same dev who said “you think you do but you don’t” is giving us classic.
That’s a good idea I might try that thank you, but it would probably about 2 weeks before I can.
Hayhey Got the right to his opinion. In my lifetime, especially if you’re dealing with people you should never use the word Never It will always come back in your face.
P.s Hayhey will not like my next poll stay tune.
No the hunreds of thousands of signatures in the petition gave us classic not a developer. You keep hope alive for vendors for all of us but I aint holding my breath.
You miss the point yet again.
Oh I see the point. You are blind to the facts and have WOW goggles on. Those vendors will never be back unless their is a regime change or you get 250k signatures. WHat are we at niow? 163 or so?
Won’t happen, this company is garbage. They’re obsessed with disgusting rng loot. The WoD system of gearing was perfect, but they’re either too prideful to admit they’ve absolutely failed, or they’re too stupid to realize it.
Remember Ven’s thread? Yeah, if that thread resulted in squat, then a strawpoll won’t do anything either. Sorry.