PvP Vendors in 8.2 straw poll

Yes but abilities were hitting for different amounts with different crit modifiers etc between pve and pvp. To know what an ability did damage wise you’d have to look at patch notes etc. They said they wanted to move away from doing that is all I’m getting at.

To be fair, like I said I agree we need vendors back. I have just accepted that they refuse to give them and was hopeful for a middle ground compromise instead of what we got.

If you find facts weird… :thinking:
No one did this to themselves.

Not digging up old posts and tweets of all the arm flailing wanting template removal. There was even a meme by the guy handling pvp at that point of the guy pulling the lever “we dont want gear to matter” “we want templates gone”.

Thinking there is some memory lapses going on around here.

Twitter. If they even have a say in what systems are being used.

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Thank you all for keeping this going maybe we will hit 4k. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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PvP vendors and 2H frost.

My hopes for shadowlands.


There ARE PvP vendors, they just don’t sell any of the shxt we want! e.g GEAR!

Let me dash some hopes. This won’t ever happen again.

They dont want to have to balance between 2 different styles of the same spec. Because, either 2h or DW, one will always be better and then it almost becomes like 2 separate specs with the amount of QQ they get about balancing them.
DW will ask for buffs when 2h is best and then 2h will ask when DW is, because they are crying about aesthetic choice.
Same thing for windwalker and enhance.

Dash all you want, but I still hope for 2H Frost and real PVP vendors.

Not that I want to turn this into a 2H thread, but:

GamesBeat: Will Frost Death Knights be able to use two-handed weapons again?
Day: I want to say that’s on the “would like to do” list. I can’t promise anything, but I know that’s something we’ve heard a lot of feedback on.

That list is better than the “never gonna happen” list.

I think Blizzard needs to work real hard here to win back the affections of the players.

2H frost and PvP vendors are two things that were removed and have been sorely missed by a LOT of people.

I mean monks and enhance want their 2hs back too you know, just more people play dk so it’s louder.

Yep, Enhance and WW as well. Those were taken away for Legion (along with PvP vendors). The weapons in Legion were amazing and all the class content was exceptional. Once you removed that though, we are left with the limitations that were imposed and none of the benefits.

Legion removed vendors because of templates. Those are now gone, but vendors were not returned and many feel the game is worse for it.

Blizzard should be working hard to add back the stuff people loved.

Loss this a lot longer ago than legion

I don’t recall when 2H enhance was gone, I have only played classic and Legion/BfA enhance.

But that still applies to WW and Frost DK.

Lost it’s viability in wrath.

No one played 2h frost, it was super unviable. Really lost it’s strength to DW.

Maybe you should take this to the DK threads about this. I will continue the fight for 2H frost over there

I really want PVP vendors though and that is what matters in here

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I mean yeah vendors.


I have not been on in a few weeks any news on the PvP Vendors?

2 years and still the only response is that we could not find them.


Nope, still nothing.

I doubt any changes will happen until Shadowlands.