PvP Vendors in 8.2 straw poll

Here’s to Praying:

Nothing to do with vendors, but damn this song is the best!!

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3,779 thanks for all your Votes. :star_struck:

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and what do ya know… 95% in favor, but you wont ever see it implemented.


We not giving up

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Something is going to have to change. I will start training for a new job at the end of next month my time to play wow will be very little. with all the visions quest and other stuff you got to do, it’s hard to enjoy PVP I have not played my mage any this patch so far.

I usually keep two toons gear my mage and warr I do not have enough time to do that have to do to much PVE crap. I’m down to 2 to 4 BG’s a night when I was doing 8 to 12 a night.
I do not understand why is it so hard for Blizzer to see you should pvp for pvp gear and it should be the strongest for PVP. PVE gear should not kick pvp gear (A) and PVP gear should not do good in raids simple.

Putting PvP Vendors back would be a step in the right direction and make it so we had to PVP for PVP gear.

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I think they’re honestly trying to kill the Game. They don’t care about your straw poll. They take NO input what-so-ever! Subs have tanked SO hard and refuse to take any meaningful suggestions.


I hear you lol. I tried to get back into pvp and most of my time is spent in mythic dungeons then in actual bgs and pvp. Doing random bgs on alts didnt used to be too bad but with all the gating on invasions and the cloak quests, doing all that on 6 other alts makes me want to pass out from boredom.


Like today I have been on for 2 hours and I have yet to do it BG. :angry:


A restructuring of the diablo B team is probably what is going to save PVP and PVP gear vendors. Current batch would rather poorly copy pasta diablo concepts without supporting systems than go back to what worked in the past expansions like vendor system and currencies.

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If you all could help me spread the word we could get over 4000 votes. :wink:

Jesus Christ

Can someone copy paste this to the GD so they clueless noobs can see pvp players do want vendors back and we just aren’t a minority

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Well I mean, blizzard knew what systems they were wanting to put in. Turning off all the stuff like trinkets and legendaries etc were to curb stuff like what we are getting into now with cloak, traits, and essences.

Everyone was kicking and screaming they wanted it all turned back on and now look. Regular bgs are like legion Wpvp. All the stuff they had turned off are the roots of a lot of problems. Corruptions traits and essences taking the place of legendaries and tank trinkets making some classes way too tanky.

We knew they wanted to move away from vendors and legion templates was their shot at trying to stop all this ridiculousness from all these systems. Us pvpers did it to ourselves.

Why? Because pvers were unhappy with WOD? Templates were an interesting idea, didn’t mean they had to get rid of vendors to do it. Arena participation went to an all time low because rewards in legion were soooo bad.

You know this is basically victim blaming right? Because we weren’t happy with a system that had a lot of flaws we are expected to just take it? So now it’s our fault that blizzard has slapped us with an even worse system?

It’s blizzards fault man. Add on to that the complete lack of balancing they’ve done in over a year. Blizzard is the problem, they don’t give two fs about PvP.


We were told that pvp Templates would make it Easier to fine tune our toons have y’all seen any of that being done?

Most all pvp players love WOD and would go back to it in a heartbeat.


There was flaws in it for both sides yes.

I agree 100%. If you read any of my posts about my ideal pvp system youd know that I heavily favor a blending of WoD and legion.

I only say this because we got priorities backwards. Instead of advocating for vendors/stat sliders everyone yelled for outright template removal then yelled louder when blizzard basically asked “are you sure?” So yes the far worse version we have now is our own fault because everyones priorities were in the wrong place.

Yes there was more tuning for pvp during legion than probably all of BFA put together. They were constantly adjusting things and now that templates are gone it is crickets. :man_shrugging:

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You can only speak for yourself. So, I guess you’re taking the blame?

Weird response as I was against the abrupt removal of templates while a good portion of the threads in the forums wanted them gone immediately without thoughts as to what would happen.

Pvpers were not overly unhappy with the expansion. The prune got a lot of hate for good reason but little did we know it was only getting worse.

As I’ve linked the thread a dozen times. Arena participation was 5X higher in the deadest season than legion was at it’s busiest. The main people unhappy people with WOD were people that pved like you. We did not need to cater to that.

As jd has mentioned, wod gearing was exactly that. You chose your stats and they scaled. Only thing they could have done better was tighten the scaling.

No. They advocated for template removal (because of the many many flaws) and the reinstallment of previous systems that worked better. Just because blizzard refused to actually listen to us doesn’t place any of the blame on us man. Blizzard contains 100% of the fault. They wanted pvers to never feel like their gear wasn’t optimal and that’s why we’ve gotten what we got. This is not what we asked for.

You don’t need templates for balancing though. You just need to actually do some balancing. Look at mop. Everything was busted but virtually everything was viable on a whole different level compared to bfa. Bfa balancing doesn’t exist because blizzard has invested nothing into pvp, not because we don’t have templates.

Blizzard retains 100% of the fault.


Yes because the gear was a good path. Which is why I was advocating for leaving templates but at least giving us vendors to get WQs and such done instead of the crap shoot that it was to get gear. Not sure what you mean by “people that pved like you” because ive only started doing M+ semi seriously this expac. Back in WoD I did nothing but pvp and raided less than casual. BFA pvp is a cluster so I enjoy the M+ more. Legion PvP was fun so I did only PvP.

I agree, The templates part I talk about is for those who wouldnt be over the minimum baseline scale. I am 100% on board with any version of scaling/templates with vendors really. I want alts back.

Memory says that it was all “why cant I used my pvp trinkets that I earned” “why cant I use my legendaries that I earned” “why cant I have the stats that I got on my gear”. Blizzard stated no vendors, posts and tweets asked for everythign to be turned back on and templates thrown out. Some asked for vendors but not as many who just wanted everything turned on.

Templates and balancing were hand in hand. They were tuning a lot more frequently because they didnt need to worry about stat variables on specs. Yes I agree, they can balance without templates but they also want transparency between pve and pvp so a class plays similar in both. If we dont advocate for that then templates and whole different specs need to be built from ground up for both pve and pvp.

MoP was fun but it was also a bunch of random one shots. Double enhance, double BM etc were hilarious but annoying on the amount of crap they could throw out. I will admit everyone busted vs a few busted was more fun regardless.

Which WoD had.