PvP Vendors: Conduits & Leggos

That’s actually a really good idea. Would be a way better idea for that conduit than the current one.

Oh boy, blizz knows I love screaming “frag out!” randomly during arena matches.

Definitely better than random focus regen. Doing a Rude Interruption like conduit would be better than the hunter finesse one

2 heroic leaps will be amazing.

Really? It was cool to see final verdict come back but this version is a bit weaker than the WoD one. +5 yards on TV doesn’t seem as strong as uther’s guard + unbound freedom

its 10 yards. and a slight damage increase to our #1 damage ability

helps our mobility issue a lot

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Don’t forget it also trigger a free hammer of wrath to be used which is 30yards range.

Also the 12yards range is huge for ret.

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Gotta see how conquest capping works. Cause if these are just another piece of gear they will be low prio and you’ll still end up just doing whatever the pve counterpart is to get them so you can save conquest for things that matter more

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