PvP Vendors: Conduits & Leggos

That remains to be seen. At this point I don’t think that is the case.

Yea don’t think people realize how completely busted OP some of these Rank 15 conduits are. Or how much some of them synergize with Leggo and Talents.

There will be a lot of 1 shot builds so not sure if the CD reduction on silence is even needed. I mean why not just kill everything in the opener, it’s easier then having to counter.

SL conduits will be far more broken then corruption ever was. When people realize that some of your conduits buffs other specs to rediculous levels is another issue. The Meta will be different.

oh nah, i was agreeing with you

i think that most of them have really interesting affects
i haven’t looked at every single one well enough to declare that none of them are opopop myself

i’m personally excited in concept

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Yep. :smiley:

And people also don’t realize how broken and unfun it will be managing all these abilities.

Do you have to now learn 12 new talent trees? Is this Kyrian Monk going to randomly summon Bron and 2 shot me? Is he going to randomly proc his Night Fae cheat death?

Are conduits going to be nerfed by 50% in PvP? Will they be individually tuned like Azerite?

Will new players know which ones are nerfed in PvP and which ones aren’t? Is there even a way to see your Soulbind while in PvP? At least Azerite you can see…

I think it’s absolutely silly for there not to simply be a Single spec shared soulbind…

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Yeah, we’ll use final verdict legendary 100%, echoing blessing as finesse conduit, light’s reach, wake burn and then templar’s hitting again for 6% of its damage as potency conduit and either divine call or wog absorb as endurance conduit.

Hopefully we get our rework at some point, I’m pretty sure we’d want Necrolord for pvp tho, not sure. But an extra divine storm while on a hoj wings go could be really good, but the rest of the necrolord conduit effects are pretty lame.

why have you turned against your warrior brethren

It’s the return of set bonuses and I think they probably would add more later down the line

Yeah I mean on ptr rn we have two honor talents that straight up don’t work so I think we will get another look pretty soon.

Holy moly everything shaman in there looks lack lustre… I haven’t checked other people’s out to compare so maybe they’re all lack lustre.

I think they really need to gut mobility. It hurts to see hunters saying their snare feels weird to use. Ice trap was like the bane of my existence back in the day.

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Yes we need to gut mobility and make some specs squishy again so when you make contact they explode. It feels good. We also need to gut healing from Dps and some shouldn’t have any healing at all because that is what healers and CC is for. That would be class design where specs have strengths and weaknesses instead of everyone having everything.

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This feels weird, but I agree with you. You are nailing the biggest issue with pvp right here (in my opinion at least).

So can you stay in those forums then?


Chain heal giving a free chain lightning and vice versa is even meh in Mythic +

They tried giving a hybrid utility leggo to shaman and realized our hybrid support is jank outside of totems

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Usually I do and try to lurk more now because of toxic people like you. You know since Reckful passed away you think people on the Arena forums would actually try to maybe you know… just be nicer and have a discussion instead of just being nasty for the hell of it. Just some food for thought. Have a great day.

Super cringey btw.


Covlol is one of the least toxic in the arena forums though.

It does apply. The Arena forums are the most toxic place and awful toxic people never get banned for harassment. Thus making the Arena forums an unhealthy place for player to come and have a discussion. That is why most lurk because of the toxicity.

It’s really relevant and it’s healthier for players to not spend much time on here due to the toxicity. People don’t feel welcome here and that is a black mark on the Arena community. Think everyone should try to be nicer and change the Arena forums from being how sad they are. That’s all.

Being nice isn’t cringey. Have a nice day. Peace.

Lol have you seen gd? Honestly the arena forums doesn’t seem any worse than any other forum. I’ve surely never been given an overly hard time. Pvers like to pretend pvpers are more toxic but I plain out haven’t seen it.

Well most of us have discussions. You don’t really discuss though. You are completely unwavering when people give you counter points. Everyone disagreeing with you is usually a sign.

I have had zero issues and I’m a lowly, duelist for life, constantly wrong enhancment shaman.


Don’t know blizzs obsession with giving hunter specs focus… but surv conduit is decent.

They should of just given them lock and load on traps ala Wotlk Survival

3 free aimed shots/3 free bombs

busted prob but makes more sense