PvP Tuning?

Yeah. Blizz likes to leave damage unscathed for awhile but they shall throw healers out the window of a moving vehicle when they heal a wee bit too much

Pretty sure the current consensus is that boomy was a little busted last season too, it was just flying under the radar.

Man, can you stop giving awful ideas.

i hope we all are

boomkin was amazing last patch, and then for no reason the notes included more than 7% flat damage to moonkin at ALL times as compensation for a few absurdly minor nerfs that really only affect pve, as well as massive, someone-should-be-fired-for-needing-changes-this-big buffs to the moon spells. all of it should’ve been excluded from pvp

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if u put boomkin vs devoker on paper and compare the 2 its actually comical

boomkin beats it in every category.

better range
better/ more cc
better survival
better overall mobility
better burst
better sustain
better spread


make it make sense

i think at this point we r just being gigatrolled.

BALANCE druid… far from BALANCED


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Theyre called unbalanced druids for a reason

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This could have been the title

This was never the point, the point was that it was never meta last season that was the only point. Boomy wasnt the only good spec that wasnt played much last season, and those specs were also not “meta”. Boomys arent the only problem either with the game atm, there are so many burst outliers right now that make the game extremly unfun for anyone, ranging from new players to even experienced ones. Game needs balance accross all class and all specs, nothing is perfect and can always be made better via buffs or nerfs whichever is needed. Blizzard however doesnt seem to care about actually balancing the game in any reasonable period of time which just leads to more people quitting thru frustrations that exist.

Is the perfect example of how little they actually seem to do, this bug i reported on 11/28/2022 still exists and they have yet to address it in anyway. Thats almost 8 months that bug has existed with that talent.

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pay the f attention to your players

Another glaring balance problem is set balance in pvp, its extremly clear that some specs have useless sets in pvp while others as example Ele shams have one of the craziest 2 pc bonuses, free storm keeper every 50 seconds? These ideas arent oblivious to them, they know the implications they have in pvp but dont care. Meanwhile rshams have prolly the most useless set in pvp. Not to say ele shams are op or even strong per se, just an example of clear imbalances which they just ignore.

Feels very much like they started with the strong sets and overtime just ran out of time before the release of the patch to actually make more changes before they went live, leaving many of them feeling incomplete or extremely rough.

This is why they need to make sets specifically for PvP.

I actually like gear progression but my destro lock just not having a set because the set bonus is terrible is… unfortunate to say the least.

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Indeed, then theres the problems that arise like the transition between each season to a new set, dropping the old set bonuses can actually change how a spec plays and feels entirely leading to worse / clunky gameplay with the next set. More barrowed power issues that they never learn from.

Hmm I think aside from a handful of extreme outliers, the overall PvP experience feels pretty good right now. We’re a few knobs and twists away from a pretty solid PvP expansion. But yeah they just need to actually make those adjustments…

I hate to break it to you but this isn’t even a matter of neglect or oversight. When a bug like this goes on for so long it’s just the developers not knowing how to actually fix it.

thats not a matter of fact, 8 months without even posting they are aware that its a known issue itself is unacceptable. Player activity dwindling each season shows the opposite for “pretty solid pvp expansion”

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Beyond some questionable decisions and rated PvP, yes I do think this is an overall solid PvP expansion. Gearing pace is great. Itemization is probably the best it’s ever been. World PvP is super active. Class design is the most unique and innovative it’s ever been. Only a few specs are truly C tier, and nothing is below that except for some tank specs and maybe Outlaw.

They made a small handful of really big hiccups, but it can still be salvaged. Like you said, they just need to actually make intentful changes going forward. That shouldn’t write PvP for this expansion off as a failure. And respectfully, the playerbase twindles every expansion, especially for rated PvP. Ironically, it’s probably the stagnant and trite nature of arena that partly contributes to this. The balancing outliers are the nail in the coffin.

Hate RSS or love it (I hate it), it breathed life into rated PvP. If it wasn’t for RSS, arena would be on an even more expensive lifeline tbh. It’s really, really silly that Blizz nuked its MMR in favor of 3s. That drove even more people away.

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RSS isnt a good example of what should or shouldnt be tuned nor would i use it as an example of the problems with the game. RSS is its own thing that people enjoy like rbgs, and you wouldnt tune the game around that bracket. 3v3 has been the staple of balance in the game for a really long time now even if the bracket is dead which it very much is dead statistically more now than ever before. I also agree with you that world pvp is active more now than previous expacs which is great, but thats casual content which you also wouldnt balance around.

You’re calling ideas that would get healers playing awful because you wanna execut pvp :rofl:

You’re so backwards.

Uno reverse right back at ya :slight_smile: