PvP Tuning?

Why hasnt there been any meaningful balance changes in weeks? Boomys still rolling around back to back 200-370k crits, among many other bursts in the game. The games pacing feels even more about insane burst than it was before the patch. SO MANY kill windows now happen within 2 seconds which is just very bad for any new players attempting to play the game. If a newer player is attempting to heal that, even if he messes up even one global his team mate will die.


Misuse single global in arena, team dies, lose

Misuse single global in keystone, wipe and/or key dead

It’s rough out there


At this point take me back to 10.0.7, its getting old seeing boomkin in 70% of my matches.


i would say burst only feels bad in dampening. for obvious reason.

Well i play with a boomkin and i can say this is completely false, he can kill someone from 80% hp in less than 1.5 seconds if he lands the cast which is extremly bad for the game. Doesnt matter if its dampen or not. Not to say the boomy is the only spec capable of doing this non sense but its one example.


Keys are a lot more forgiving rn

Although I haven’t touched a key in over a month since completing my +20s, so dunno

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I never thought I would miss that piece of garbage Honlinka, he’d put a stop to this circus that the class devs have been putting on. /s

The sad part is they cant just nerf boomy without nerfing many other specs at the same time, otherwise theres less keeping other imbalances in check. Its such a mess.

We’re gonna be locked with no changes forever if Blizzard has to solve all subsequent balance issues before releasing any boomkin nerfs.

Well boomys havent been nerfed for 10 weeks now and they have been the meta for 10 weeks now. Now theres more up and comers so now if they nerf only boomys it will just make the game even less fun than it already is. Now everyone is starting to just play augmentation / x/ x which is a new problem. Blizzard is playing whack-a-mole except the mole left the hole they are hitting 3 months ago by that point.

Wayyy longer than that. Boomies were meta in season 1. They just suddenly blew up.

Boomys were not the meta of season 1 DF, not even in shuffles. As a matter of fact by t he end of season 1 df boomys were 1.6% class representation above 2200 in 3v3. And near extinct in shuffles.

They were. But making precog baseline just made every caster up a tier.

And boomies dominated shuffle season 1. They’re just on super saiyan god tier status now.

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SAying they were doesnt change the statistical fact that you can look up yourself.

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They were just overshadowed by ret for half the season. Make no doubt about it, boomy was busted last season too.

Check the stats yourself they were less than 1.6% representation above 2200 for the entire season. Your just incorrect.

Bro everyone was a ret last season. Playing comps like ret warrior ret hunter etc.

I’ve seen 3 ret lobbies. Boomies were still easily climbing to 3500 in shuffle tho.

Your just confirming what i said, even before ret war they were less represented than they were during ret warrior so…

If your argument is that no one was playing them because they weren’t good, you would be wrong on both of those things.

I didnt say no one, i said they werent meta and tou said they were. Meta isnt defined by a few people playing something.

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