PvP Tuning?



I thought this was the problem. There are different interpretations of what meta means. It can mean what everyone is playing, but it can also mean what is really good.

An obvious example of this would be frost dk/devevoker. 2 under represented specs that made a very good comp.

Most Effective Tactics Available.

Meta would be what is played a lot in the current. There are plenty of things that are “good” that dont get played during the “Meta”. But seems like there was a miscommunication between what you think i meant by meta and how most would refer to it.

At least ret pallies didn’t spam clone.

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BDO is popping off all the devs are busy

DF meta needs to be slowed down by a LOT.
CC time on healers should ramp dampening in rated arena.
Remove Mortal effects. Increase defense from distinction.
Just my new ideas. We need skill, not luck based wins.

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Nice to see a meme i created over a decade ago is still getting posted.


PvP would be so much better if Blizzard did weekly or biweekly balance changes.

I don’t understand their “Well, we need at least a month of data to figure out what we should do. If you’re OP, have fun! If you’re underperforming, oh wells.”

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it’s because they got a lot of unneeded buffs recently.

Well my friend, there actually has been meaningful changes to boomies.

You will recall in 10.1.5, for reasons known to only blizzard, boomy damage got buffed, and that’s now part of the reason why moon spells are hitting for 200-400k.

Yeah precog being baseline.

The other boomy changes have nothing to do with why Moons are hitting so hard.
The talent received individual significant buffs, alongside its followup talent earlier for PVE reasons. It needs to be nerfed in PvP, but stop calling to nerf Boomy overall or we’ll return to 10.0.7. When calling to buff/nerf something, we need to look at what specific abilities or interactions are under/overtuned, and submit those to be addressed.

moons benefit from 5% more dmg at all times and 2-3% more damage at all times

That’s totally negligible in a world of 200-300k oneshot moons. The spell itself needs to be gutted, but that’s all. It was buffed by over 50% since DF launched.

This is just being disingenuous.


#math? 50% vs 5%


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they did something much worse. Spammed instant aoe dispels with their basic rotation

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Sure, thats fair, and I assumed they were pve buffs. I guess I’m just baffled as to why there wasnt a pvp exclusion.

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I agree, there should fundamentally be more PvP checks and modifiers to make sure people aren’t being one-shot by abilities tuned for boss numbers, obviously.