PvP Tuning Incoming - February 26

We are roughly one month into S2… 4 weeks ago we had like ~100 people above 2k… everyone is progressing at the same pace as it seems. The mana nerfs went live on Feb 13 if I’m not mistaken… so ~2 weeks ago. Today there are over 2500 players above 2k. (That’s why I’m using 2k as a baseline, just to get enough numbers)

I didn’t get your point. You are implying that the majority of disc priests above 2k are “sitting rating” waiting for fixes since the mana nerf? Doesn’t seems right because the number of players above 2k and their ratings are increasing over time, which means that they are playing (including discs)

One part of the changes (very minor buff) came on jan 22nd with the start of the season (changes on nourish), followed by another bigger buff on jan 28th (buff on FG, mana reduction on OG, 10% heal increase, etc). So the buff that made druids super strong happened on the 2nd week of the season. This was then followed by mana regen nerfs + nourish cost increase on Feb 13 and now the nerfs on FG. So, the actual timeframe that resto druids were clearly OP and broken af was between Jan 28 and Feb 13, roughly 2.5 weeks

Basically, until 2 weeks ago, or during the 2nd and 3rd week of the season.

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Disc is trash stop lying and comparing current disc with 8.0 r druid, r druid was very good in 8.0 (viable), disc is garbage in 8.1 and not viable, disc is being carried by rogue mage and triple maledict atm plus all alts fotm r druids making huge mistakes every game at +2k cr

You’re actually sort of explaining your own point. Also, for what it’s worth, there’s no need to be boastfully condescending. You come off like a child.

Anyway, like you said, people main certain specs, people are “loyalists” for lack of a better term. There are also those who re-roll to whatever is the absolute best. This is why you’re not going to see them in tournies. Those people are the best of the very best. They’re playing for money. They’re going to play whatever is the best in their situation, even if it’s .01% better. Pve’ers is the same. Called min maxing. You think people regem and sim constantly because 40 of a secondary stat is going to make or break them? Going to be the cause of downing a mythic boss or not? Absolutely not, they just squeeze all potential they can.

This Wolloolloo guy sort of has a realist approach that you guys fail to even acknowledge because you’re so set in following the crowd and saying all the funny/“in” things. They are viable for MOST of the players. If your goal is to get duelist or glad or something, you can do that with disc. Could it be harder than some other healers? Sure. But to be honest at those ratings, people beat themselves when they lose. They’re not feeling the short comings of the spec all the time. I’m not saying disc doesn’t have them. They’re cc’ed easily and certainly are subjected to being trained but in competent hands, they can definitely still be played. You can’t just say “if it’s not the best in the world it’s not viable.” That’s not what viable means. And if this forum’s definition of viable is that it has to have EXACTLY the same potential as every other healer in tourney level settings then, news flash, WoW has never had 100% viability. Ever. Sure top level players are going to acknowledge their faults because at that level, mpm are so low that every little weakness stands out. For all the rest of you (myself included), it doesn’t matter that much. Sure it’s in fashion to blame the spec you’re playing and go on the forums and say things everyone else is to get likes and justify your losses, but you need to look at this pragmatically.


Keep chasing that carrot boys and girls! Working as intended i am afraid.
Blizz is happy with the current game even if most players arent. SMH

Look at this vomit
1/10, convoluted. Apply yourself. Make your point in 3 sentences or less.

You have to use bold letters in the middle of ur erage essay to try to draw ppls attention instead of just making your point lmao!

Also I have to speak in a way that gets through to you so it might come off childish ;p


Attacking the person instead of the argument, so mature…

I’m done with this topic, ciao!

Tells me a a few paragraphs are “convoluted” and then tells me to apply myself? Lol, message is conveyed just fine. Perhaps you’re offended by anything of an edifying nature.

You’re entire argument is essentially that disc and holy paladins have minor weaknesses that only become apparent at such high level of play that for most of us the specs are still very viable.

That argument holds no weight because disc and holy paladins have major weaknesses that are apparent at all levels of play.

It’s very clear among the majority of the player base that restoration druids can make mistake after mistake but still come out ahead. This happens at a rating of 1200, 1500, and 2.6k

The fact of the matter is this minor nerf to lifebloom will hardly fix the class and I foresee additional nerfs when the next tournament sees only restoration druids and shamans once again.

Im sorry that u feel attacked mr drudru :disappointed_relieved:

lets get one thing straight here bub. Its ONLY semi acceptable for Dillypoopoo to pollute this high quality board with his verbal mast.rbation because his names green and hes a special snowflake. Not for you

I don’t expect anything anymore and they still disappoint lmao.


Totally agree. As a main healer though, PvP with only dps sounds quite fun tbh. But I’d rather have healers being playable, just more fast paced. It’s weird AF that they wanna reduce the mana regen to speed up the matches when all they did in this expansion was to lower our GCD, put more things into it, change our spells, add azerite traits that don’t properly fill in the blanks, which altogether renders a slower paced game. Say what you will about legion, but that fast paced games were what made the game fun to me. The decision making that they wanted to value with GCD/etc was awesomely rewarding those who thought and processed everything faster.

disc is only viable when queing into teams that can’t play around the 1 single comp which is rmp

all of your numbers are irrelevant