PvP Tuning Changes for June 9

Wow, talk about turning a blind eye to the complaints. The audacity to come in here and post this without addressing the largest problem… if any one wanted proof that blizzard does not care about pvp we have it right here, iimmortalized for all to see.


Hellooo buddy, there are some other issues that you are ignoring?

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more like blizzard doesnt care about anything that doesnt cost them subs

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Right. Adds up with the corruption vendor debacle. All changes that keep people “playing” longer.

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All these unnessecary nerfs just because people voiced their feedback about how it was unfair fighting people with the vers amp corruption enchant. I guess it’s too hard and logical for them to make all corruptions available at the NPC rather than being behind a stupid rotation. People didn’t want to wait a month to see the wanted corruption at the vendor… Thank you again blizzard for listening to our feedback. 500+ posts is still not enough :slight_smile:

They’re working from home. He is logging on only to post things he has to post. You guys think he’s really reading this stuff while he’s home “teleworking?”

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Is there another EU/NA arena tournament this week?

Maybe they can’t do significant Destro, Fire, etc. changes if players are competing starting on Wednesday.

I love your positivity! I wish that were the case too. Had a godawful 3s queue session where it was double destro more than half the games. I don’t think I can play into that anymore. They should put a ban button that allows you to ban one class to not be encountered in arena.

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The shouldn’t allow class stacking in arena. Would be the most simple fix of all time.

Just ban class stacking like they banned double healer.


Blizzard doing something obvious? no we have to be timegated if they give us what we want we unsub if they hold it we sit around on our thumbs . Nerf Warlocks!

Yes there is

Why should we even have to contemplate blizzard’s intentions

I’m just trying to make sense of the situation.

If they dropped significant nerfs for specific specs the day before a competition, that would be unfair to the teams who are competing.

Yea I’m not faulting you at all.

It’s just literally what every other Studio does for their “competitive” pvp game when it comes to transparency

Because the feral stun had a damage component and didn’t proc Conflict and strife at all. Same with elemental shaman with lasso as well. This upcoming patch will change that. Basically Jungle will become garbage again and Ele shamans will be on the bottom once more. Locks and Mages were indirectly buffed with the latest changes. Versatility allowed classes to live longer against pyroblast and chaosbolt and that’s not saying much. Now, they will likely go haste and cast faster bolts.


In unrelated news, warlock needs a nerf plz.


announce the warlock nerf plz
troll over u got us haha so good blizz

plz just put the real notes out


cmon blizz do it right for once…
versa was the better reliable things against locks, but now its lower, warlocks that wouldnt even stack versa on this current state will just stack haste nd get 3 bolts on a coil time, as it already happens, but then with lower versa for all they just reign gods even more.

Nerfing versa nd not touching warlocks or the other stats is complete nonsene.

Seems yall just like to see pvp being bad

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Thanks for explaining x

There is nothing OP about Destro Locks, ya’ll just need to play better. :wink: