Where is the Mistweaver mana nerf? Triple MW in rated BG, everyone requesting MW for arena, everyone requesting MW for mythic +. MW can just torpedo or teleport away to drink anyway. Cocoon nerf is not enough.
Really hope lock gets hit before it goes live. Doubt it, all these destro lock players defending the spec is pretty hilarious though. JuSt LiNe ThE bOlT1111
We need the most obvious nerf to Destro locks when are they happening!??? Stop ignoring the community on the most broken issue holy cow what is actually wrong with you guys!!
This is all related news. I dont understand why you guys aren’t at least acknowledging the issues the majority of your player base is trying to inform you on. Were not trying to break the game you’ve created, quite the opposite. Everyone in this thread has an appreciation for PVP to some extent. That also means we all like the competitive nature it brings, in playing against another person, testing your skills, being able to improve on and see your progress as you get better.
You guys are killing your own content. You’ve already admitted at many failed systems brought into BFA. Corruptions are fun to an extent, but they are also taking away from competitive play and skillset. RNG corruptions doing more damage than a classes whole arsenal, and other classes being overlooked for too long is causing us to just stop playing. This means less people actively playing, less people subscribing.
Blizz posts like this only infuriate the ignored issues further. Instead, why dont you take a look at the previous 500 posts made in 3 days (more active than any other single thread in this time span) and realize there may be other issues needing taking care of.
That. That is amazing. Out of all the problems, it’s the spite stacking. Locks? They doing great! Mages? No problem! Spite? Oooh! It’s stacking too fast. That might hurt locks.