Last year I was in a guild called Bloodbound on Sargeras. I quickly rose through the ranks and became co-gm. I got involved with an individual, shared pictures with him. (I know not my smartest move) Before getting to a point where I stated that we needed to go back to friends only. I find out from mutual friends that he illegally shared my pictures in a public “private” discord as retaliation. I contact the guild master and stated that I just wanted him banned and not affiliated with the guild and that’s it. The other officers agreed. He was banned for a brief time before the guild lead decides to start pulling dizzy back for pvp because rating was more important than ensuring that the women of the guild were safe. I asked the guild leader for a conversation to discuss how upset I was at this. He ignores me to the point me and probably 50-100 people left the guild because they did not want to be associated to that kind of people and a guild that finds rating more important than a safe environment. We left and created our own guild Blacklisted - Sargeras. Now through the last year and a half since the rejection, I’ve been constantly targeted by him and his friends. Now, I am finding out that they have gotten my guild on some sort of “excel” sheet that encourages people not to join our guild or play with our members and it’s being spread around the PVP world. All I have ever wanted was to be left alone and move on with life. I have never experienced an obsession as strong as this where after 1.5 years they are still targeting me. Bloodbound continues to allow these members to be in their guild and condone their actions. To note that this isn’t the only member or association Bloodbound has had with individuals who do things like this.
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you should probably take this to support or something. Using people’s names and stuff is forum ToS.