Why is there not an option to transfer off of PvP servers or the PvP megaserver(Crusader strike) in SoD to Wild Growth PvE?
Im sure there is a percentage of the population that is interested, some of whom have already quit
Why is there not an option to transfer off of PvP servers or the PvP megaserver(Crusader strike) in SoD to Wild Growth PvE?
Im sure there is a percentage of the population that is interested, some of whom have already quit
Because right now the factions are reasonably equal it you take all servers into account. If that changes to a 40/60 split due to one faction having people leave for PvE it will snowball and kill the only pvp server.
theyll just quit and cause the same thing
^No they won’t, they’ll just complain.
Not a valid reason to hold people who they know want to transfer hostage. They offered PvP to PvE transfers before (at random intervals, infuriatingly) and could easily do the same now. But they aren’t because then the toxic griefers will complain that they have fewer people to grief at an FP for an hour.
Because PVP players were promised faction balancing, if we allowed people to leave it would ruin the only PVP server left. Also those players who left didnt leave due to just PVP in most cases so they wouldnt be worth trying to appeal.
They wont u would be surprised. How many people simply suck it up and continue to keep the open world active. Almost like having to restart from lvl 1 and regear and get new runes all from lvl 1 is a major inconvince.
Its a plenty valid reason, ik u PVE server players like to only think negative of PVP (Which is fair) but us PVPers were promised faction balancing. The fact of the matter is if they simply allow transfers out it would ruin the balancing. Like I mentioned earlier a good amount of players are still keeping the open world active by simply sucking it up and continuing to play as rerolling is pretty cancer.
I was fine sucking it up for three phases because this was the realm my friends chose. But phase 4 has just been the absolute worst of toxic griefing crap. The sort of players (on both sides) who say things like “I don’t win until you quit playing”
I’ve seen entire quest hubs become unplayable for one faction or the other because of griefing and chain killing the flight master or anyone who lands there. It’s a good day if you can get your BRE dailies with less than 2-3 deaths to hunters carpet bombing the NPCs. Trying to get into a high level dungeon/raid is a crapshoot on how many times you’ll get ganked. Need to summon someone quick? Better hope you can kill the horde raid then summon before they get back…
I’m just tired of the hassle and want to be able to enjoy the rest of SoD without having to corpse run all the time because a rogue or hunter or caster decided I’d been alive too long.
The thing is maybe the horde do need bloodelves? Idk
Horde have superior racials and Bg positioning minus AV bridge
Otherwise if you have the horde and alliance equal in bgs/racials you’ll have way more people play alliance since people want a pretty character and bg que’s might be hours for alliance if its 90% ally 10% horde.
Otherwise we’re going to see alliance slowly evaporate and pvp participation continue to be AV PvE 7m rushes
Im not saying the horde need paladins and alliance need shamans but if the horde had a pretty race then perhaps the alliance’s popularity through the curse of beauty translating to inferiority as incentive to play the other side could be equalized.
Only problem I see here is that the horde thematically like the “savage/brute” branding and this hurts it, or one of the the horde v alliance themes being a trope of civilization vs savagery
Absolutely this is the phase that matters most and has more world buffs so its gonna be quite more popular to gank people. “quit playing” really just means log off not actually quit playing.
Ive also seen questhubs (Mainly thorium point no where else tbh) be completely locked down by both sides, I think this is simply part of being on a PVP server and havent really cared much into complaining about it.
I get that but frankly u knew what u were getting into by rolling on a PVP server, and had 3 phases to make that change if u really wanted. PVP players were promised balanced servers, we wouldnt have that if they just allowed anyone to just leave. Like I had said in my earlier comment a good amount of players who wish they could transfer are still playing and sucking it up, therefor keeping the server active, the open world active and pvp active.
Good news is ur playing the best death running race.
Ngl I have no idea what this has to do with server transfers lol. But its 2024 ppl are gonna play meta, turns out most ppl that roll Horde actually want to engage in PVP far more than Ally will.
PvP servers are not balanced in any way. Layers killed them.
not very warrior like of you
Hopefully they let people reverse their mistake, next time don’t play on a griefing server.
Wild Growth has a really chill community with nice people, maybe they just want to shield that from the PVP types.
That’s not what is happening though
They are so not even right now, not even close
In terms of overall population? Yes they absolutely are. They need to fix “faction layers” but thats due to players asking to be put on those layers and invited to their faction dominated one.
Yes they are. 47.5 Ally/ 52.5 Horde. Very balanced
Yes. Doesn’t matter if the overall population is balanced if the actual game experience is not.
As such, layers have ruined the PvP experience.
Can’t blame the players because its human nature to pick the path of least resistance.
Just a bone-headed design on the game dev’s side.
I mean, part of the reason people want off is the absolutely abhorrent state of class balance in SoD also. I enjoyed PVP servers on retail up until the MoP expansion and decided I was done with them and moved to a PVE server.
But the classes and playerbase were in a completely different solar system then they are now. Every PVP server I have seen since 2019 classic has been a trainwreck. And SoD has the worst of them. Maybe I’ve just gotten old /shrug
Area 52 Horde side, and Wild Growth have been the best servers I have ever played on in any version of the game. WG is genuinely really chill, and filled with kind and thoughtful players.
Maybe they just want to maintain their promise of faction balance, it’s not like people haven’t had multiple iterations of classic and fair warning ahead of time to not pick PvP if they don’t want PvP.
dad server for life
I wish the Dad server had more Horde TBH, would like to play a bit on that side, but it seems really empty compared to the alliance. (Alliance side WG is POPPIN BRAH)
Made decent friends with alot of Horde Warlocks during the Zila Gular grind, We all chilled and worked togethas even tho we couldn’t talk. Was wholesome.