PvP to PvE transfer

if you have been wanting to transfer for even a month or more prior to this you couldve easily leveled and fully geared a toon in that time.

it isnt blizzards choice that made you play on a pvp server.

it was your own.

you couldve changed the situation on your own.

also the sunk cost fallacy is pretty stupid here too.

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Try convincing your entire guild to start over from level 1 with 0 gold after almost a year of playing on their current server. Not going to happen.


but its not “your entire guild” that is saying this.

you are speaking for you.

there have been many times where gold getting was easy (incursions im talking about) and for a long time xp has been a ez thing as well.

you could have found a guild and had a character or 2 leveled up even from a month ago.

but we all choose where we go in this game .

you made the personal choice to play on a pvp server and had to know what that entails given the info already out there on what pvp servers were and continue to be.

dont worry . you will have layers you can hop to to avoid most of it anyways.

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there’s definitely a lot of alliance running around. but there aren’t a ton of dungeon groups anymore. not many at all lol.

They should open just for horde since they are the dominant faction.

Oh there are a ton interested, which is why they can’t do it. It would kill the server.

They had to shut down free character transfers in less than an hour when they initially opened up transfers months ago.

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when are they going to open? would love to come back to the game. but pvp is unplayable. guessing they will open when it’s too late and everyone has quit

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half a year later…can’t say i’m surprised blizz waits until well after the last second to do anything

these people are free to create a PvE server on the appropriate server. Really not seeing an issue here.

ultimately, starting over at this point on a new server is not really viable. unless you want to put in 3-4 times the work as anyone else. pretty silly but that’s how we do/see no issue here. lol

It defo sucks, but at least on the bright side, with all the runes being available at level 1, you just need to blast through to 60. Lots of new players coming back to the game as well so the pugging scene has been pretty plentiful at least on WG Alliance.

And vice versa. I would transfer to PvP from PvE. There isn’t enough horizontal content to get me to reroll my fav build. ABs got boring fast once HWL.