Pretty accurate. Organized PvP warriors still BIS melee but just horrible to play and basically a mortal strike/stun applicator while the casters kill everything.
Mage moved up due to healing but as far as DPS goes they just cast LB/LF.
is it for world pvp or arathi basin. I think there is a huge difference. Paladin have huge advantages in arathi which show right from the start of the game. The epic battle at blacksmith often is won by alliance because they have a front line attack of bubbled paladin. Horde dont have that front line with the high burst/caster game SOD is. Also when defending nodes, an immunity bubble often is the extra time needed to keep people off a flag while the respawns come.
People complain about shaman but paladin are every bit as much of a problem, even more so in arathi basin. And they dont even need to be good players.
I generally agree with your list and comments thus far, a Ret Pal with all Cooldowns jumps up a “Tier,” Warrior also becomes A tier the moment they are supported by 2 + confident healers.
We honestly need 3 separate lists:
BG Builds
1v1 Builds
Open World (STV type) Builds.
Melee hunter as BM will murder most classes 1v1 unless they’re potatoes.
Boomy needs some sort of cc or dmg reduction outside of just chicken. Or they need to allow ALL casting to be done in chicken and get rid of “Only used outdoors”.
I think Moonkin is mid tier too, I think it has its uses and is in no way awful in PvP. It also can occasionally just deal way too much damage with lucky stun and crit procs, deleting someone. But the druid doesn’t really have any control over when that happens so there’s not a lot of tactical consideration and it isn’t reliable. 8% of the time you just delete someone, oops. It’s strong when it happens but I don’t think it’s consistent enough to warrant saying balance druid is the second best pvp class in the game. An elemental shaman can choose to tactically use EM to force their burst, allowing them to choose when and where a target gets burst down. It’s just not the same thing.
I think the reason people think balance druid is so strong is because you really only remember the times the stars aligned. You don’t remember all the times a balance druid is just hitting spells hoping they crit and it never happens and they kinda can’t kill anyone. But you will absolutely remember that one time a balance druid starsurge stunned you and crit for 650 and then crit for 1600 with Starfire and you died.