PvP Tier List

got it wrong my man

soul link/haunt a tier
Afflic b tier
destro/meta b tier
Destro b/c tier
soul link/meta d tier

Enhancement Shaman, Shadow priest, Elemental Shaman

Rogue, BM, Meta Lock, Melee hunter

Mage, Ret, Non-Meta Warlock, Boomkin

Feral, warrior, MM

Boomkin is good for STV and BGs because it can do insane amount of dmg if you let him free cast. But the class has no CC nor defensives so in most 1v1 situations he will lose against good players.

Spriest is S tier for sure… CC, Heals, Dmg, Defensives. This class can 1v2 easily if you are well geared and know how to play.

Shamans are just S tier overall. No matter if u re Enha or Elemental. Both owns everyone.

Do boomkins forget they have a spammable root and buff that makes them root anyone that hits them and that they can shift bear for a stun? Forget you can shift to break any root or slow? Balance Druid absolutely has CC. That being said Boomkin is probably worse than a hybrid talent set up for PvP.

its B tier because you have to literally stand there and cast and only potato groups let you do that. If it doesn’t get buffed next phase it will be C tier.

Also ooms healing/ shifting to many times while trying to play the spec correctly.

Boomkin is one of those specs that suffer from the level cap and the awful changes to gear. They removed stamina off a lot of gear in gnomer for example.

And we have NO pvp gear at the moment. SOD is pretty dead right now for a sunday afternoon/evening

So a stationary caster with NO CC. Cannot cast a lot of spells in chicken form. Shifting still cost waaaay to much mana

SPriest got HUGE mana reduction buff to shadow form and were still over here playing oomkins or drinking like an alcoholic

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Move shadow priest into S and move MM up to high B or low A simply for the fact they own enh shamans.
Chimera shot is a a 10 second disarm. You get 10 seconds of a 0 damage shaman that only has 2k hp you can legit even as full mm just melee trade and kill the shaman. The problem is 90% of the hunter players make the ret player base look like gods.

In group PvP situations I guess, in 1v1 hell no they’re one of the best

Nah Meta Lock is F tier without a healer.

Need some A+/A- action here at the top.
Bump fire mage to A-, ele sham up to A+ and sPriest to S.
Switch meta and non-meta warlock (Destro).

People are bringing 1-2 boomkins in organized by tournaments because of how flexible and strong they are. They are going insect swarm build. But it’s very good for this style of play, where you’re basically just rotting away and fishing for crits and stuns. Boomy is still S tier in PvP/bgs specifically right now. Between my shadow priest and boomkin bgs are a blast

agree with everything but boomkin. I would put them in A

Yeah, right.

you make it sound like it’s bad. it’s good till you fight op classes. I have fun on my lock till classes like shaman makes me want to quit. the biggest problem I see with most warlock is 90% of them have no idea how to key bind pet ability’s. I bet you didn’t know you could key bind felhunter to dispel you or teammates. 1 thing that both the 2 best classes in pvp share is the fact they can dispel/purge and a lot of classic players don’t understand how powerful that is

Replace meta lock with “SL/haunt” and put it in S tier, and put meta in F tier and this is much more accurate.

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Melee hunter is down with feral. Hunter’s only real pvp maneuver right now is use beastial wrath and hide. If they have to fight directly it’s a struggle.

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Bash is a 2 second stun right now. It’s barely enough time to get a root off. Also, if you do, the stun will wear off and you’ll be right next to the person chasing you, unless you create space first, but then while you’re trying to cast it they’re just like already running at you, probably using Earth Shock or Intercept or Shadowstep or whatever. Bash will be better in later phases but right now it’s really, really awful. This is completely ignoring the fact that 70% of horde in BGs are orcs making the move really unreliable for alliance players. And ignoring that because it’s physical it’s additionally susceptible to getting parried, dodged. Bash is NOT HoJ.

Root sucks. I’d straight up rather it be instant and have a cooldown than have a cast time and be spammable. Being stuck in one place unable to move while people are training you just isn’t the look.

There’s a reason that literally every melee player just immediately tries to train balance druids the second they see one, it’s because they know there isn’t much they can do to escape a train. That’s true for a few classes, but for those, it’s usually difficult to get to them in the first place. For balance that’s not really true. They have to stop to do anything, you can pretty much just walk up to them. They can run away but you’ve basically just chase them out of the fight, which is as good as killing them.

Lemme do the healer version

S tier - disc priest

A tier - frost mage healer, resto druid FC.

B tier -

C tier - resto shaman

D tier- holy pally

F tier - arcane mage

S: People who don’t place relevance in PvP balance in Classic WoW

A: People who don’t place relevance in PvP balance at level 40 in Classic WoW.

F: Everything else.

(F+ bonus tier: Hunters)

My Tier List
Personally, I think there are 3 tiers of classes for PvP.

For the S Tier
Shadow Priest, Mage, Hunter (Melee or Ranged), Rogue
In terms of 1v1s or World PvP, Rogues, Mages, Shadowpriests, and Hunters are actually top-tier. Each for slightly different reasons, but generally each of these classes either features strong instant CC, Strong DoT or Pet Damage, Barriers, Good Burst, Healing OR the ability to reset fights and draw CDs from other classes (usually with some combination of hard CC or mobility, kiting).

Shadow Priest: is the strongest PvP class in the Game. They have the best combination of DoT dmg, barriers, healing, instant CC, Pet Pushback w/ Homonculi and the 2nd best defensive in the game with dispersion (Might be arguable that it’s the best b/c it’s such a low CD).

Mage: is actually one of the best PvP classes in the Game but has a higher skillcap than most classes. However, a competent mage that utilizes their skills and runed abilities properly is just unreal. They have excellent Burst Dmg AND DoT dmg w/ living bomb. They have decent self-healing with their rune abilities which when combined w/ CC (Poly, Nova) or Mobility (Blink) makes them a very strong open world and 1v1 class.

Depending on Spec they have either great defensives (Ice Block and Ice Shield), Great CDs (Arcane Power and Presence of Mind), or Stronger consistent Burst Dmg (Combustion, Blast Wave, Ignite).

Moreover, they have excellent Rune Flexibility for all of their specs and depending on the spec and rune set up they can go toe to toe with any spec.

Note: They also feature one of the strongest one-shot meme specs in the game.

Hunter : still one of the strongest pvp classes in the game for 1v1 and open world pvp. They can kite literally any melee class and stomp them and if the melee gets close to connecting they just Chimera Shot+Disarm them then Scatter or Wyvern Sting and reset. They should literally never lose to a melee class if they play their class properly.

Moreover, they also are extremely strong against most casters with the exception of maybe shadowpriest and a well played mage. However, the fact that Hunters can Feign Death to drop combat and use gear swap macros to swap their rune setup in PvP is also insanely good and lets them adapt their Runes on the fly against any class they go up against. Moreover, Hunter Pets are just so strong in classic (Broken Tooth 1.0 attack speed and the new Tiger for the Rune quest 1.2 attack speed) because they are essentially a permanent High Dmg DoT, that causes insane pushback.

Rogue: I think they are the bottom of the S Tier b/c of their weakness in larger group pvp. But, in terms of Open World PvP or 1v1s, Rogue is still one of the strongest classes in the Game. Stealth lets them avoid and choose their engagements and gives them the element of surprise or the ability to avoid unwanted fights. They have excellent hard CC (CS, KS, and Blind). They have excellent CDs with Vanish, Evasion, Sprint, and Blind. They have excellent Burst Dmg which sets up well with their CC.

They are able to reset fights and draw out CDs from most classes. They are really only countered by Hunters at this point in the game in 1v1s and Open World and Shadowpriest to an extent.

Note: I think if we are talking BGs or Wide scale PvP Rogues drop down a Tier to A due to the fact they do not do well in larger engagements because they cannot restealth reliably and lack the self sustain or tankiness of other classes

For the A Tier
Boomkin, Elemental, Enhance, Ret, Warlock
These Classes are Strong but have clear counterplay or weaknesses that are easily exploited by the S Tier classes.

Boomkins: are great in large scale pvp and BGs. They have great DoT dmg, Good burst and great mobility and respectable self-healing. But in 1v1s are vulnerable to good phys dmg classes (Rogue and Hunter) and other casters (Shadow Priest, Mage, Ele).

Boomkins have to drop Moonkin form to heal which reduces their physical dmg mitigation and they can’t really afford to swap in and out of form due to the high mana cost of shape shifting. Boomkins just don’t have the instant CC, or Defensives that the classes in S tier have which is why I have them ranked in A tier.

Elemental: has great burst and is a tanky caster that excels in large scale pvp. They have some of the highest Burst Potential of any caster in the Game. If RNG lines up they can absolutely mow down a class. However, in 1v1s they are the most vulnerable caster to push back on all casts and struggle against pet classes (Hunter, Warlock, Shadowpriest). They lack hard CC to reliably get casts off for DPS or Healing and are the least mobile caster class. They are not able to reset fights as easily as classes in the S tier.

Enhance: This may be my most controversial rank due to what I see on the forums. However, I feel that Enhance for open world or 1v1 PvP is clearly the second-best Melee class in the game (Behind Rogue) but they have clear weaknesses that separate them from the classes in the S Tier.

Enhancement does have some of the highest burst damage in the game due to their Insane AP and Stormstrike and Lava Lash being low CD IF they can connect with their target. IF being the Key Word

They are very tanky relative to other classes due to the Way of Earth Rune in combination w/ the ability to Maelstrom Heal IF they can stay on target. Once again IF being the Key Word

However, they are also the easiest melee to kite even with Decoy Totem. They lack an instant gap closer which generally means if they can reach a ranged target, by the time they do they have lost 50-75% of their health before reaching them.

And by the time they do, most classes in the S Tier category can reliably set up a hard CC combo or proceed to kite the Enhancement Shaman which vastly limits their Maelstrom Healing or Sustain and basically turns them into a Higher Burst but less mobile warrior.

Note: In organized PvP I would say that Enhance and Warrior move up Tiers if they have dedicated healing, but for open world or 1v1, Enhance is countered by nearly every ranged class that knows how to utilize kiting and totem stomping.

Ret: is maybe the hardest spec for me to evaluate. Because while they are a very solid Melee Class there is a clear power difference when they have all CDs available and when they do not.

When a Ret has all CDs available in a 1v1 or open world engagement I could argue that they play and perform like an S Tier class. They have a strong CC w/ HoJ, Defensives w/ Bubble, and Freedom to prevent Slows and Roots with Marginal Self healing.

However, the reason why I have them in A Tier is the length of their CDs are much longer than most classes and if any of the classes in the S Tier manages to cause a reset through hard CC or Kiting the power gap between the Ret and the other S Tier classes becomes clearly apparent for the rest of the engagement.

For the B Tier
Feral, Warrior

Warrior: Warrior just doesn’t have the gear yet to make them the monsters they will become later on in different phases. Moreover, they still lack the CC and Self-Sustain of other classes in the Tiers above and struggle in open world or 1v1s against most classes listed above. However, I do feel in later phases this will change a lot as warriors are one of the best scaling Melee classes in the game.

Feral: Feral just lacks the CC and Defensive CDs to contend with classes in the tiers above. I do feel in later phases as they get access to other talents in the other trees that they will become much better, but they just don’t have the utility or rune customization that the other classes in the other tiers have.

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Boomkin is B tier because they flop harder than lebron james.

If you touch a boomy they die. The outrageous cost of healing makes them still meme worthy oomkins.