PVP System Changes are listed here, and the PTR for Classic Era PVP is up. GREAT CHANGES

People have already been playing the ptr. Including myself. I had a change to grind out about 400k week 1. Nobody noticed an invisible variable conjured out of thin air. Everything looks in line with how you’ve had it explained to you


I don’t get it. How much CP is required for r14?


Honor cap of 750K awards 65K CP, multiplied by the decay percentage (which is around 30% - exact number can be reverse engineered by someone with more time on their hands)

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I appreciate your answer, but I really can’t understand why they would map Honor into CP and then multiply that number by 20%. Why not just map honor to less CP in the first place?

I really thought 100% of your RP was applied to your rank each week in the old system. I also thought decay was for your total RP accumulated, not the RP you earned that week.

Because the decay multiplier makes RP gain a logarithmic curve. This is what creates that positive feedback loop that makes you play more as you get higher and higher ranks.

If you don’t have a decay multiplier, then rank gains would be linear and boring.

When decay was 20%, the formula was 0.2 * (RP earned for the week - your current RP) = RP gain for the week.

At the current 40% decay, the formula is 0.4 * (RP earned for the week + your current RP) = RP gained for the week.

If RP earned for the week is negative, then your rank goes down. Negative RP was always capped at 2500 (half a rank per week). There was never a cap on RP gained, but the decay multiplier makes RP gain a logarithmic curve that slows as you get closer to rank 14.

In the new system, CP loss is still capped at 2500, but with the addition that you can no longer de-rank. So if you’re halfway thru rank 13 and earn 0 honor, you will still lose half a rank… but you won’t ever fall below rank 13 if you continue to earn 0 honor per week after that.

The new system is extremely close to the original. Just implements a hard cap on honor and removes the part where your progress is ranked against your own faction.

as someone who farmed HWL on faerlina back when classic came out, these changes are great!

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Yep it’s basically the same system, but blizzard is forcing hard caps to prevent psychos living in bamboo abuelos from going nuclear and raising everyone’s caps to 2 million

Also if you were someone capable of like rank 12 on your work schedule, you now won’t derank. So if you’re me, I have an alternative schedule and often rack up 40-50 hours in 3 days and am generally free unless tending to my other projects right - so I can essentially play to rank 12, plan my schedule accordingly for rank 13, take a break, and do the same thing if I wanted 14.

It’s very accommodating to people who can’t borg out/unemployed and haveresponsibilities etc


Okay so, say I get 750k honor = 65k CP each week. That means I get 13k…CP each week after the 20% thing. That means 5 weeks for 60,000 CP = r14 or what am I missing?

You’re missing the parentheses, which I also forgot in my above post.

When decay was 20%, the formula was 0.2 * (RP earned for the week - your current RP) = RP gain for the week

That’s RP gain not your new rank.

Imagine 750k caps on instant q horde

Another L for the cringe blue faction.

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I love WSG and can play it all day. It’s fantastic because 1 person can make a big difference. When I go up against Pre-mades I just stand off to the side and dare anyone to come at me 1v1. =) They usually dont cuz I’ve probably killed them before. lol =)

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When I get stomped in wsg I just sit somewhere in shadowmeld and try and dispel free action potions. It’s a fun mini game


lazarak ftw <3

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sounds like the dream

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We running that double EM 6/4 pound town for som2?

you already knowwwwwwwwwwwwwww LOL

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Because mental health matters.

No one should have to change their art because of how people interact with it. Thats on the players. Quit thinking art needs to change because of outside factors. Truly a ridiculous mindset thats very reminiscent of how Republicans blame art for how people let it affect them.

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This is a horrible take. Have a blessed day.


For the record You will not progress to r14 farming 200k per week.