PVP - Stay Destro or Swap to Aff?

How are you guys dealing with the lack of the Fire portals on Dimensional Rift in pvp? Is Rift still the optimal talent? I’m also noticing my haste feels a lot lower and it’s harder to get Chaos Bolts off.

Is anyone taking Crashing Chaos as well? I used to feel quite comfortable vs melee and even in shuffle in melee lobbies, but it feels worse this patch.

That being said I’m wondering if I’ll enjoy Affliction with respect to durability and finishing power.

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Some locks are opting for rift, others chaos inarnate. preference and comp-based. Probably will only run 2pc with destro and get optimal stats for big and juicy bolts.

Lol saw these posts coming

Anyone who voted for the S1 destro tier needs to uninstall


I was saying this to arena partners yesterday, after reset my destro casting speed felt so much slower, even when I tried upping haste.

Why’d people vote for s1 tier if they’re just whinging about it.

I’d rather just stick with s3

I don’t know why they wouldn’t let people just pick the Tier set they wanted when they use the catalyst?


It’s a pve thing, right? I dunno anything about pve but i assumed people picked that because the s1 set bonuses are better in pve? And pve has like 90% of the population so pvp will never win.

That sounds really cool on paper but Im guessing blizz didn’t want to have to deal with the balancing issues that come with that.

I’m a returning lock, and I made the swap from Destro to Aff for RSS. Destro felt really solid early in the expansion to me, but when I came back I really struggled with getting damage out, and chaos bolts just felt unreliable in actual killing power.

Aff has felt extremely solid with all the secondary stats available. I’m extremely durable, have a ton of utility, can peel for my teammates and if left alone can pretty quickly end matches with rot cleave. The buffs to drain soul and oblivion with the patch have also introduced a pretty interesting solo target build, though I was having trouble making much use of it when I tried it. Better locks than I might find some success with it.

Tl;dr I think right now aff is better than Destro in PvP, but mileage may vary.

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I stopped playing Destro as soon as I saw the poll results because I was so frustrated lol.
Affliction has been fun and I haven’t played since the 7th buffs.


I dont play destro, but ill throw in my .02

Aff feels very healer dependent in shuffle. Its actually much less about dps for me personally, but if i have a bad healer/spec with not enough throughput, im dead constantly and it doesnt feel like i can really stay in the fight long enough for affliction’s win condition.

If you have a good healer/are not kill target its a ton of fun, but you have to know ahead of time, youre rarely ending games quickly. Its very defense oriented, and youre almost always kill target because everyone knows what happens if they leave you alone

How are you getting off Oblivion casts? No matter what spec people train me all game. That was the nice thing about destro when Dimensional Rift was strong, I could stop them and force defensives.

Yeah, this is what worries me and honestly I’m having too much fun on other specs that are strong and less healer dependent to try make Aff or Destro work.

I’m not getting any oblivion casts off, I lost 160ish CR trying out oblivion with a single target build, so I went back to triple UA/soul rot/MR spam.

While I agree that is probably the reasoning they used, I own a business and to not give the customer options because you want to be lazy and have it easy is a recipe for eventual failure.