PvP So Unbalanced

I’ve been SoD Since Phase 1 no breaks and PvP at the moment is by far the worst it has been for alliance. There is 100% chance the devs do not play alliance and if they do they do not play PvP. What a complete joke and utter failure on their part.


Sods dead bro. They are leaving it like this so people quit


Yep I remember when they said fresh was DOA cause of sod

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How the tables have turned.

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Disclaimer - i win pug BGs on my horde character ALL THE TIME.

Bro just quit. The devs give literally 0 and i mean 0 cares about PvP. Shamans have been giga busted for MONTHS. Alliance pugs literally win almost 0 BGs. Its a complete joke at this point. The vast majority of players who started SoD have quit almost solely because PvP has been a total failure.

As soon as shamans burn rune got buffed around a week or two ago, hordes BG winrate skyrocketed back up to like 99%. I complained about it immediately on the forums, yet was met with cesspool of shaman carebears trying to gaslight the entire community with their typical complete BS claims. “Pallies are the most broken, shamans do no damage, horde players are just better, alliance doesnt try to win”. Alliance won plenty PLENTY of BGs, PUG BGs in p2. So when p3 hit and hordes winrate shot up to 90%+ why did that happen? Jesus christ dude. Like how much of a keyboard turner do you have to be to not see how clearly shamans have destroyed the PvP scene this much to make like 90% of people quit?

Now ele shamans are near the very top of warcraftlog damage meters and we all know just how tanky they are in PvP. They also are the only mana class that doesnt actually have a mana bar, making them the only class in the game without a resource. Almost highest damage, most tanky, highest utility, infinite resource, best offhealing on a DPS spec. They are S+++++ tier.

SoD PvE is miles better than vanilla, yet everyone quit. Why? BECAUSE NO ONES CARES ABOUT RAIDS IN VANILLA. Vanilla is all about the leveling expierence and the PvP and SoD is a prime example of exactly how blizz completely missed its focus.


lead producer plays Ret lol

are you pugging? Pug as a horde and you lose every game too. You have confirmation bias.


I refuse to believe he plays full time ret…if he does, he does not pvp at all. Allowing Shaman to purge 100% of a paladins damage off at the cost of the most insignificant amount of mana in a single GCD that takes the paladin 2+ GCD’s to get any of it back, while the shaman dumps 8k damage in under 3 seconds is the most lopsided BS and for any shaman to even remotely complain about paladins is disgusting.


Ret doubles Arms dps and matches Fury DPS in raid. While still keeping all of its utility and magic damage for pvp. Ret is a monster right now.

Maybe he doesnt PVp to know what youre talking about, but reality is not as you put it. Shaman is and has always been strong (along with all hybrids) but hunters, boomkins, spriests, and rets are all just as, if not more, scary right now. Shaman as ele actually has to cast.

Perhaps its a shaman v paladin type thing but if youre any other class, shaman is a lot easier to shut down than ret.

ANd he 100% does play ret. he posted it on his twitter for SoD. And in ICC he raided as Ret with the same name.

Going to sod for pvp is akin to going to taco bell and asking for a big mac. You just don’t do it

Shaman easier to shut down than ret? Let me know the next time a ret can tank 3 melee and kill them while remaining full mana.

Shamans being strong for so long make the low IQs think they have valid points.


enhance isnt the monster it once was, ele can blow you up but yeah they can’t cast while being focused. A boomkin can mass murder a whole team with starfall and instant casts and sometimes throw out a base 10k 1.0 sec starfire. Ret can cleanse, freedom, combat mount (wtvr that new ability is), and bubble. Even with dmg nerf a bubbled paladin cant die and still does more dps than an arms warrior lol.

comparing any melee including rets to things like boomie or shaman is like comparing pawns vs queen. literally 0 iq posts from shaman onetrick ponies and horde players as usual.

Why do you just make up numbers lmao? 10k starfires? The highest I’ve seen is maybe 5k if they’re fully consumed with PI, world buffs and trinkets.

There’s zero boomkins hitting anyone for 10k starfires.



get better gear then? (remove the underscores, only way I can post the link here)

Its 100% true. Horde win practically 99% of all solo que games regardless of premade or not. Every game 2 ally 3 base horde that quickly turns 4-1 and everyone quits. Shamans are immortal.

Man you really are a special one aren’t you? My Druid is in full T2 almost and I can hit 10k on mobs, and boss dummies. They’re not affected by the PvP aura.

You said players, not PTR dummies.

All this shaman main BUM does is attack target dummies and compare it to PVP.

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I was referencing base damage. On a 0 armor target, Mortal Strike with BiS and world buffs crits for 2.5k, 100 rage execute for 5k, starsurge for 2.8k, and starfire for 10k. If a target has 50% armor, cut the warrior damage in half.

That is why moonfire tics for more than mortal strike damage in PVP

We’re discussing PvP. You posted a picture of a boss dummy that isn’t affected by PvP scaling and is an npc. This was after you were telling me to get better gear after disputing your claim that Starfire can crit for 10k in PvP.

You really need to pay attention to the conversation and stop trying to move the goalposts.

ahh lets break it down all shams a full resto ele with tanks runes an damn near unkillable as melee purge counter’s every button ret has besides bubble pallys bubbles you wolves sprint away wait for bubble to fall off come back an kill them i have a shaman its super easy