PvP So Unbalanced

The only real solution for classic + is to have shamans as dwarves and paladins as >[tauren or undead I do not give a F].

Why? Because one of these classes will always be better than the other, and them being faction exclusive means assuming random distribution you will always see the skew in favor of that balance.

ALSO racial balance has to happen. In TBC alliance had shamans who were very strong as ele but they still got Mud stomped in all bgs until wrath. Coincidence that it changed to the exact inverse when EMFH came out? No…… but delusional tribalist loyalists who unironically probably have a horde tattoo would probably try to sway you off the facts.

Enh is absolute garbage in SoD[it does 0 healing and is out healed by warriors, and has 0 hard cc outside of a 3 minute cooldown], but ele resto or ele tanks are clearly a problem. They can balance it to make shamans irrelevant at all specs in PvP and it’s the same problem flipped.

UNFORTUNATELY; to the sod Devs credit you can’t just EASILY do this fix. They use the same code base for ERA and SOD and it’s through clever mechanics currently they keep most of the games changes segregated. People that want big sweeping changes in short periods of time on basically a PTR are delusional. Especially since that entire team is responsible for MOP, ERA, SOD, Anniversary, and Hardcore……

Get a grip.

To people who will inevitably say buff the classes to match are clueless. Ele shamans fill a strong pvp role that paladin CAN NEVER FILL. A ranged Burst dps with off healing. Outside of just making all ranged completely weak and gutted ; this won’t fix anything. It will just put the favor to melee; of which in PvP rets are king.


Full stop.

You want a remotely fair and balanced game?

  • Horde Racials need to be reworked to the WoTLK version
  • Shaman needs another bag of nerfs, especially SR and damage output.
  • Hunters cannot use LnL in PvP
  • Boomie Starfall doesn’t do pushback.
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You need none of this. All you need to do is make tank runes make you do 50% less damage to players problem solved EZ.

There is no RATED PVP in vanilla so needing perfect balance is not necessary. The biggest issue atm is that shamans are the tankiest class in the game but still get to do LARGE dam. Every horde premade just stacks prot wars shamans and priests. It is the most boaring thing ever.

Congrats now emfh and smeld are the best racials in the game and people still CRY.

This is the most BUM nonsense I have ever heard… How bad at pvp are you?

What is fascinating about this is that there is still far more alliance players than horde.

I suspect it is not as bad as it seems.

The should already have done this with tank runes but your claim is still wrong, because even if there exists counterplay and balance in this way, people will continue to piss and moan, until things are even by faction.

NOT by class. Its fine if some classes in classic are straight up superior to others in some matchups. But if you have exclusive classes , there will be infinite complaining.

This is incorrect, Once EMF was in the game in wrath the balance violently swung in favor of alliance. True in ranked pvp, true in casual pvp.

That is simply the data.

I also do not think those alliance racials are healthy for the game either. They should find a way to tune racials down, across the board.

Smeld and emf are still the best racials in the game in retail in PVP. By far the most used. just about any class that can be nelf/human will do so. You legit agreed with what I said and still said it was incorrect…

Nerfing racials in vanilla when there is no Ranked/competitive PVP is also boaring. People crying about stun resist and wotf are just BUMs

Yet alliance have instant queues.

Think about it

Read again, horde racials not alliance ones.

How delusional and bad are you? Because this is what to expect from a FOTM roller.

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Everything in retail is cross faction, so the balance is irrelevant. Vanilla wow isn’t.

Fair enough

Idk a bag of nerfs? No they need their TANKINESS nerfed and that is it.

No LnL In pvp? can you not beat a hunter that has lnl? Yeah let’s just remove the main helm rune from hunter in pvp cuz BUMs lose. boaring. Also with 4 set 2.5 everyone will be running rapid killing anyway. But I guess remove that rune as well…

Maybe CC the boomie when they starfall. Or get a burrow trinket and never worry about starfall again.

FOTM reroller? I have mained hunter since start of sod. I mained hunter in all of vanilla. I have 1 level 60 on sod and it is a hunter. 0 rerolls bud learn to play.

Who cares that is what makes vanilla vanilla. There is no rated PVP so it doesn’t matter and you can play both factions in PVE so who cares.

Then you aren’t addressing their insane damage from a spell alone which has the potential to crit for 1k+ on 5 targets alone. Totally gamebreaking with the Power Surge rune.

BUMs literally play dominant class. And it is now even more braindead as before, at least before you had to land traps, now you could play blindfolded.

FAPs exist, 2min trinket exists. “just CC the boomie” lol.

So you admit to playing one of the easiest classes and yet yap about “L2P”, the irony writes itself.

It is not game breaking it is strong and it is annoying… They are ELE shams they are supposed to do BIG DAM. The issue is that it takes 4 people to kill them while they SKEY around. Leave their damage alone and make it so they are not the tankiest class in the game. The only thing they should change about burn is the spread range at most.

Most hunters I see stand still and skey around they don’t do very much in a team fight. But yeah let’s make the class that has no defensives and a dead zone also do NO damage as well because they don’t deserve to win fights…

What is so much easier about hunter than most other classes in vanilla? Are you talking about leveling? Is playing hunter easier than seducing some one on a lock and globaling them out of it? Or stun locking someone on a rogue until they die? Or charging in on some one as a warrior spamming damage abilities? Or ele mastery globing someone on a ele sham?

Are you insinuating that wow is a high skill game and anyone on a hunter can easily beat any other class in the game with little to no effort? Do you PVP at all?

yapyap denial.

so are: Warriors, Rets, Enhance, Mages, Warlocks, Ferals, SP. And those are easily disposed of by hunters, ele, boomie.

Lmao, literally more than 70% is Flame Shock DPS, not even hard casting most spells. SWD and Starsurge got gutted because of their instant cast high DPS. Elemental shouldn’t be ignored just because some ele schizos believe that to be “fine” when it is clearly not.

Freezing Trap, Deterrence, Scatter are pretty good defensive CDs. Gotta use em to be good, which you are not.

Yes I do PvP, and hunters that use brains can beat most at max distance. Melee currently struggle whilst ranged are living the dream in PvP, not to mention healers having a better time than melee.

Only one of those is a defensive… And its a 5 min RNG one at that. The other 2 abilities are utility… You are the one on the forums CRYING and you say I am bad at pvp because you can’t figure out how to win… lmao what a BUM.

Clearly not very well…

Yeah everyone you will ever encounter in the game is always gonna be dismounted 40+ yards away. Typical BUM take. “Hunters can win fights so they need to be nerfed and do no damage” Boaring…

me and the fellow horde who quit due to being bored sitting insanely long queues because all pvp minded players congregate on horde for an innate advantage… and IM forced to play horde because my favorite class is faction locked.

So you quit and are on here complaining… You can legit grind to rank 14 without ever stepping into a BG.

but who cares, the game is dead… what is rank 14 even a point for… get sick gear to afk in dead zones where people dont want to pvp or sit a 15 minute queue… the game can be better.

The game is fine, matter of opinion. 3 layers atm and I am constantly fighting people in BRM atm.

Well that’s just like your opinion

Numbers ignore opinions

Sod could of been much better.