PVP Servers (i.e. Stalagg) - Need solutions

It’s awful since my favorite color is Red, but hey what can you do.

But it’s the dreadful truth. Something of this magnitude has no simple fix. And any fix Blizzard just does not seem likely to deal with.

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I’m no fan of mtx but I’m honestly glad the paid transfer is there if I ever need it. Grobb seems like it’s going to be just fine. Ofc barring any huge dips in pop or spikes from transfers. Who really knows though?
I made my choice based on what i wanted. I wanted a tight lively community. Grobb delivered. I wanted sone traditional RP. Grobb delivered. I wanted some wpvp. Yup. Grobb delivered.
Several friends laughed at me and my lil RP-PVP server at med pop back at launch. They rolled Herod. Guess who’s not playing? Guess who sat in queues longer.
Traditionally. I’ve always picked pvp servers. It’s what drew me into mmorpg’s in the first place. Not this time. I wanted community. RP servers managed to hang onto to their communities through all of retail. So I made my choice and it’s been fun!
If it wasn’t I’d peace out and find the fun! Blizz can’t find their buttocks with a map. They are not finding my fun for me. If I can help it anyway.

I’m not kidding myself with anything. What is it precisely that you think I am saying? Perhaps let’s clarify that.

correct advice for OP would be to pay for a char transfer, not re-roll was my point

They could have done something. They could have had faction caps. Every time I suggested that though, people flooded in the thread screaming about wanting to play with their friends.

My suggestion? If they actually do TBC, everyone needs to make sure this is a thing.

You forgot #5. “Git gud”.

Truth. Any fix they could do now would cause as many or more problems than it solves. And anything they could have done at the beginning would have come under fire because people don’t like Blizzard telling them that, no, you can’t play with your friends on this server because there aren’t enough of the other faction.

They won’t, though. Wanting to play with your friends is a big deal for a social game like WoW. Blizzard isn’t going to tell someone paying their sub, “Sorry, Billy, you can’t play with your friends, because no one is playing on the other team, so you’re going to have to go over there, so they don’t feel bad.”

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You are right, but honestly, players don’t have the capacity the make other player respect other players, and respect lvling zones, etc. It was up to Blizz to creat some rules.

And we most likely are going to have to RE-ROLL than to have BLIZZARD make ANY KIND OF FIX. You are right honestly, I know that. But I won’t do it, I have a family, I have work. You know…

Tho, it’s fair to ask the question, since the situation was in Blizzards hands. Phase 2 was in Blizz hands. And I think to community should team up and ask Blizzard, are you going to make something about the situation, instead of trying to make $$$ on account transfers.

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Based on queue times, I’d estimate there is a 3-1 pvp player advantage in favor of Horde. Possibly even higher since queues are shorter than they should be thanks to premades opening up Avs that only get partially filled by Ally.

There is no way to balance the active pvp Ally and Horde populations that doesn’t basically involve preventing 2/3 of the horde from playing, or forcing 1/3 of the horde to reroll.

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I think a pvp server with pvp benefits everyone, not just me. I don’t think I’m talking only for myself here. We have a different way to see Blizz role in this. We agree to disagree.

Which removes the choice for some players while others get to make the choice. That is not good design! I relate to horde. My personality lines up with horde.
I do not relate to anything with alliance. The closest to relating to alliance I ever got was Varian and only because of his tie to Goldrinn. The wolf and Varian being a true warrior is all that I can relate to from alliance side.
Their pretty lil elves, squeaky clean cities, and the “were the just good guys troupe” are not for me. I would walk away if I was forced into that.
Removing player choice is where retail is at. On rails and no choices. Turned it into a single player RPG.
No thanks. I’ll make my own choices or it’s not worth playing to me.

They’re not telling you you can’t play with your friends. If you and your friends want to play together go roll on another server together.

That’s what friends do.

Or you can have this mess. You can keep coming on the forums and complain that your server is totally dead, that your queues are long, and that your “friends” are leaving the game.

My server is doing just fine, thanks, and my friends are all enjoying casually playing the game. Of course, I play on Mankrik, because anyone with half a brain could see what was going to happen to the PvP servers from the beginning.


You know what then? Be quiet. Play on your horde server. Sit in an AV queue for an hour and face a team that wins in 6 minutes.

In a bad way?

It’s terrible. The pserver meta destroyed the game for half the playerbase until they could transfer. Half or more of the horde running around would spam “go to retail” after they ganked you 10v1 for the 17th time on your corpse walk to BRD. This isn’t the way it was in 2005.

Tell players to go to retail while you make their life a living hell, they probably did go to retail. These servers need no intervention from blizzard. The players did this to themselves, you share a virtual world with 3000 other people, and the virtual world needs these players, on both sides to survive. One side didn’t think so and look where these servers ended up.

Just because the “PVP” players think going afk in BRM and getting a tag on one player for 7 honor every 10 minutes is PVP, it’s not PVP. Having 10 horde every 15 yards on the way to the most important end game zone is just griefing at that point.


Oh, I see what you’re saying. That’s an opinion, and in the OP’s case, it’s really up to the OP what is “correct,” but I appreciate that you feel transferring would be more worthwhile than rerolling.

Personally, I know what my choice was:

Of course, that was prior to paid transfers, and when there was sufficient evidence of server populations, but also prior to BGs being released.

I suppose whenever I read about these “problems,” it reminds me of a situation I had when Legion first launched.

I really enjoyed playing Feral (dps) in Arenas, and Legion introduced Artifact Weapons, which would require a lot of effort to upgrade. It felt like if you wanted to really progress with a spec, you had to choose one, and so I joined a raiding guild as a Feral druid, and worked on my Feral gear/spec, etc.

Something else that Legion introduced was Mythic+ dungeons, and in early Legion, Feral dps was abysmal for M+. I had felt incredibly pigeon-holed into a main spec, Feral (as not only would you have to prioritize a main spec Artifact Weapon for your Artifact Power, but there were also Legendary items that were spec specific and had a chance to drop - of course I prioritized my main spec, which of course was horrible for Mythic+, which was quite an important part of the game.

Whenever I would raid the issue, the question of “Well, how is Balance?” would come up (Balance was quite good for M+ at the time).

It felt hopeless to me, and I ended up quitting. In hindsight, had I put some effort into building Balance (or Resto) as an offspec, I would likely have been able to maintain competitiveness, continued enjoying my druid, and not have had as hard of a time as I imagined. Once people had the gear to run higher M+, focusing down 1 target at a time became a thing, and Feral was desirable, and they also later made some changes to increase Feral AoE, which also helped for M+.

Anyway, good luck to the OP, and to anyone who finds themselves in a situation in WoW that they are not enjoying.

I honestly find this entire conversation…amusing at best.

PVP servers were great when balanced and when BGs did not exist. The original vanilla wow fights between Tauren Mill and South Shore were legendary. But they also were boring. Thats the part people leave out. What changed? Alliance (who had the advantage in those days) would capture the town for the Blizzard developers to mass guards. In the end, nothing in those fights mattered and what rewards were gained? If anyone remembers the next feeble attempts at World PVP, Towers in EPL and collecting Sand in Silithis…umm Who cared?

People (on both sides) want to enjoy the game. If they do not enjoy it, then they either stop playing or come up with a solution. The overcome and adapt. Was one side roflstomping another? Sure sounds like Phase 2 was all about horde killing alliance trying to ques tin open world? SOLUTION: Transfer away to one of the few servers alliance can be dominate and like quest.

Alliance not getting the honor it wants in PVP with horde in super turtle mode? Create Pre-mades.

Honestly lots of stupidity in this thread. You saysing something is ruining your experience is most likely a result of YOU ruining someone else’s and they overcame and adpated.

So Horde, its your turn to overcome and adapt:

  • Petition for Faction Change Service.

  • Re-Roll Alliance

  • Stop being a WPVP Deuche?

What will you do? The following solutions is not working:

  • Come to forums and QQ more.

:rofl: Yea. This has never deterred me from speaking my piece. If anything it encourages me to keep talking. You obviously have no rebuttal for the logic presented. So unless you do. Follow your own advice.

I will but the whole 6 minute AV thing? Haven’t even seen one of those yet. I however have seen allies /afk out when met with a Properly executed Mighty Horde D. So I’ll choose that. Player choice is important. Stop trying to remove player choice. We have a game on rails with hardly any player choice. Go play that if you can’t make your own choices. Classic has been changed enough. You change yourself not Classic.

So all the pvp’ers chose horde and you want blizz to fix that? There’s a reason horde queues in BG’s keep getting longer. There’s a reason why they had to give a huge buff to rewards to get alliance do use warmode in BFA. Horde is the pvp faction, in both retail and classic. The general alliance player base is juts not into pvp, idk what to tell you.

Short of forced faction changes there is no fix. Any optional fixes (paid faction changes or rerolling) rely on horde realizing that for the good of the game they should go alliance. I don’t see that ever happening.


You keep throwing out this hokum about player choice. Faction caps don’t keep you from choosing to play horde. Faction caps don’t keep you and your friends from joining another server together.

Stop with this BS about faction caps keeping you from playing with your friends. You just want it all. You want to play a dominate faction. You want instant queues. You want to endlessly gank Alliance 20v3 and you want Blizzard force them to stay so your server doesn’t become 0/100.

So if you want TBC to remain just like this, keep on tilting at windmills with big ol’ signs that say “MUH FRIENDS!”