Pvp removed from weekly vault in war within - conquest rewarded instead

Later in the game, when you’re fully equipped, the vault is just for stuffing sausages…

It’s been some time now (I think a few months) that I’ve been receiving 6 tokens and exchanging them for gold, because of the trash in my vault…

And will it be the same thing in the next expansion, equip, get the best equipment and then what? Gold, gold, gold…

Gone are the days of BFA that had titanforged (and the other one that I forgot) that gave more ilvl or another bonus…

It’s okay to be done.


Would be Warforged if you’re not thinking of Corruption in 8.3.

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that one! 10 chars

My whole gearing strategy was not buying anything for weeks/months and trying to maximize the value of vault drops as much as possible. Eventually, I’d save up enough conquest points to buy everything in one go. I’d be behind others gear-wise for a while, but I was decreasing the amount of conquest I had to farm.

Under the new system, if there are no random drops, I won’t save up 6k+ conquest points anymore. I’ll just spend them as I earn them.

Okay, so you have like an early-mid season gear advantage, but why?

I do something similar. It’s to minimize the likeliness of getting screwed by vault. You also finish gearing faster.

This coming season, as long as crafted gear is still BiS, and knowing that we’ll get the crafting tokens from vault at some point, I don’t plan on really taking gear from vault at all.

Yeah, same, to a degree. Not buying anything and just capping in honor gear for two months kind of a trudge.

So how do we get our sockets then? Currently a 3 row PvP vault gives us our socket currency…


Can we fire the disc priest devs while we are removing PVP things?

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Other than getting sockets ( which probably won’t be so hard ) this is great.

For people that like doing pve and pvp there no more choosing an item and feeling guilty.

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I mean no. Overall the vault isn’t well received by pvp only players. It always them to be able to implement PvP set bonuses and I would bet we don’t see a catalyst again, at least not in the form we see it now. If PvP was on the back burner BG Blitz wouldn’t be coming and a whole new BG. Ion even said PvP a ton of times during his deep dive. May not seem like a lot but usually PvP isn’t even mentioned during these things. Seems like at least an effort on their part.

But as always time will tell.

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Oh? Mind going over what ion talked about on PvP?

It’s funny how people are happy with the mere mention of PvP, even if it’s 2 mins. If this isn’t Stockholm syndrome idk what is.

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Only thing that really matters is how they are handling the ilvls. Original statement sounded as they wanted to push them equally.

Which would be a good thing since it encourages cross pollination.

Little salty. Just pointing things out that I noticed. But the BG and removing the vault for PvP were good moves to start. But like I said at the end of my last statement, as always time will tell.

I think removing the vault for PvP kind of does that. Not having to choose between a PvE trinket or a piece of PvP tier in your vault is big honestly.

Well this sucks, PVP loses a chance to get tier sets, gems, rolling speed, etc from vault and now only get 1 charge every 2 weeks to change to tier… while PVE gets threes ways delves, PVE drops, and tier catalyst every week to our 1 in every 2 weeks…

You know this is for the next expac right? We don’t know how all that stuff will function by then.

Tertiaries are disabled and we don’t know how gems will work. Catalyst will likely continue to exist for conq>tier unless they do away with tier in pvp entirely.

Shift away from rng vault loot to more conquest is excellent.


so why not just add it as a 4th, i get the RNG bs but they could like yknow uncap conq like they have uncapped keystone gearing first week.

legit minigame btw