PVP Realms arnt worth it?

I did. You picked the cheesiest race of the cheesiest class in the cheesiest faction so of course you’re defending 40 vs 1 encounters as legitimate world pvp.

There is no such thing as illegitimate PVP. What part of Player vs Player do you not understand? There is no hidden rule that says only 1v1, fair, even PVP is legitimate PVP. We actually call that dueling.

The rest of your opinions sounds like whining to me.

Idk why you’re getting mad about it. I never demanded anything. And its not to hard to avoid pvp. All I’m saying is if I could go back I’d make a different choice.

Let me help you out.
PVP is not a real term. It’s a loosely defined concept created in text based games decades ago before the internet even existed. So trying to start a semantic debate over what is essentially a made up term is literally the most insanely stupid argument possible.

I believe there is such a thing as legitimate PvP. In fact when you get down to it, I’d say most people do. The only debate is where you draw that line. Is training mobs onto people on a PVE server “legitimate PVP?” Is using skip hacks to make yourself untargetable “legitimate PVP?” Is using an item that was added to the game by mistake to one shot everyone “legitimate pvp?” Youre saying none of these lines matter. I think that’s pretty obviously not true.

We can’t argue with someone who can’t and wont understand anyone’s viewpoint but their own, but here i go. You say because blizzard says any PvP is ok - that it is OK, however we have 15 years of blizzard making changes to prevent griefing and anti-social behaviours in game and in doing so ruining the entire game we love. Yet you CONTINUE to promote them to do exactly the same thing again by rationalising anti-social behavious and griefing mechanics.

Do you think governments wouldn’t turn into nanny states if people made half decent choices on their own? The lack of any insight you have past “PvP is PvP LOL everyone else is stoopid” is just completely baffling to me.

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Man that’s a lot of nonsense. I don’t even want to comment on any of it, but there’s a big difference between cheating and 40 vs 1… if you can’t see the difference… that’s on you.

PVP is a real term and if we look at the history of MMO’s that offer PVP choices, WOW is pretty softcore compared to say, UO or even Shadowbane…

I’m glad you believe in legitimate PVP, but that doesn’t mean you’re right. In vanilla wow, the only illigitement PVP (you could argue) is using unreachable points to engage other players as that was the only time Blizzard ever stepped in.

That’s definitely not the only time Blizz stepped in but cool story!

That means there are 50% more of one faction than the other. Hardly what anyone would call balanced.

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I’m just going to say my 2 cents from playing on grob all the way till transfers became available. Some will not like what I have to say, but some need to take into consideration that I thought I was playing on an RP-PVP server, which it is.

It was not what I expected it to be. It did however play how I’d expect a pvp server would play, but not an RP-PVP server. Very few, in my eyes, actually role played. People where rushing in a competitive way once the honor system came out, even prior. I was expecting to have interactions with players, hostile, and friendly. It was mostly HOSTILE. which yeah pvp, I guess if you want to call it that, but going by how little alliance actually cared, it was to me “Hopeless”. Not a lot of alliance wanted to go and defend Kalimdor, mind you this was before the honr system was in place. Alliance players would say “don’t worry.” “Phase 2 will be different”, etc. Alliance did not care, compared to Horde. Maybe it was because I wanted to play on kalimdor /shrug.

I refused to go to Eastern Kingdom unless I NEEDED to for quest(s), and defend ally city raids against horde. But the last part never happened for me because alliance, again, never cared that Darn would be getting raided. It was…not what I expected to see from a “relatively” balanced server to not care about there other races city. Heck Alliance back in vanilla would defend Darnassus if something like that happened. Now it’s all “not worth our time”, “To far out” , “will take for ever” , etc.

Final Thoughts: Alliance did not care one way or another and for me was not worth playing on a rppvp server. I have zero interests on touching a pvp server because of feeling “abandoned” by your own faction.

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That’s definitely not the only time Blizz stepped in but cool story!

Prove me wrong. When did Blizzard ever stepped in and disciplined a player for killing other players in Vanilla WOW?

You say because blizzard says any PvP is ok - that it is OK, however we have 15 years of blizzard making changes to prevent griefing and anti-social behaviours in game and in doing so ruining the entire game we love.

We’re not playing retail… we’re playing Classic, which was supposed to resemble Vanilla as close as possible… you know the game Blizzard Entertainment made when they still had talent there…

I haven’t played retail wow since it was TBC, because the direction Blizzard went…

I love playing on a PVP server. It’s completely worth it. It’s half of why I came back to classic and is mostly the same as I remember it.

I wouldn’t be having nearly as much fun if I was playing on a normal server. If I am bored I can always go find someone to fight in the open world. I can run around with my friends and we can gank. I can take the lotus from that alliance trying to get it too. It’s great!

My server is 60% alliance so if there are dead mobs there is usually an alliance there to fight.

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If you plan on having any un-interrupted time over 10 minutes out in the world, do not roll on a pvp-realm. The opportunistic ganking is nice, but the overly frequent blapping from your neighborhood a-holes gets old real quick.

if you have a good guild they are.

Yep, and we are making the same mistakes we did back then. And blizzard is stepping in and making changes, which are causing more problems. I don’t mind your position as long as you accept culpability when blizzard continues to make changes to stop anti-social gimmicking of in game systems.

Personally, I can’t play this game on a PvE server, it’s just not the fun version of the game for me.

It really boils down to this, are you ok being the hammer sometimes and the nail others? If yes, roll on a PvP server, it’s way more fun. If you are like the majority of the posters in this thread who are bothered by imbalance, save yourself some grief and roll a PvE server, that is gonna be the better experience for you.

Kurinnaxx NA.

Reasonably balanced regaring the gross population, but there are quite a bit more active Horde PVP’rs than Alliance.

Tho this server is actually really fun because most people are low drama and the battles CAN BE epic when they do take place.

You never have a pve experience on a PVP realm. This is a ridiculous thing to suggest.

Even if the faction balance is 1000:1, there are PVP problems and PVP solutions on PVP realms.

That might not be for everyone, but saying that a particular balance threshold makes a PVP server a PVE one is not the case.

It was always kind of a missed opportunity to not have a seperate ruleset for PvP and PvE servers.

For example; reinforcements, conquerable outposts, defending/disrupting supply chain, defending barracks to train units, and so on.

To be fair, PvP in WoW has been underdeveloped for it’s entire time, not just for Classic.

There’s so many cool things you could do with Classic PvP if you just could hire the right man to fix world PvP.

Then again, would anyone want to work on PvP content if the situation would be PvE devs breathing down on your neck and asking “is it ready yet?”

Honestly, they should just release dev tools and let community fix their game. At this point it’s clear PvP content will never get improved as long as Blizzard maintains control of the game.

i laughed.

I think PvP servers can be fun when you play good world PvP classes with friends and neither faction has more incentive to kill the other. The problem right now is that horde has more incentives to wpvp for HKs due to long BG queues, so the world feels more horde controlled even on balanced servers. If blizzard somehow fixed that, then it’d be okay. But this is the major turn off for me right now.

The best PvP experience I had was in phase 1 and right after BGs were open, because it was more organic. Currently unfortunately wPvP is exploited for rewards by the horde.