PVP Realms arnt worth it?

As a day 1 Herod alliance player (PvP server). DO NOT DO IT.

The perpetual faction imbalance and gigantic server pops make it so the dominant faction cause hell for the other.

Want to do an easy MC raid on Tuesday? Die 8 times to get in. Want to do DM? Die 8 times because horde can’t get in bgs due to imbalance and enjoy getting camped.

Yes this is pvp, yes this is allowable. But this is not like vanilla where you get those awesome 1v1s. You get 2 or 3v1 impossible gank battles.

Go pve and save yourself the heartache that I continue to suffer.


for two wow tokens or about 310k gold it could all be over…

Says someone on their retail character…

I’m not complaining about it, I’m simply giving him my true experience.

My opinion as a day 1 Herod player who was late in leveling is quite different.

Yes BRM and DM was briefly horde dominated and I did sometimes die 8+ times getting into BRM while leveling but then something happened… The Alliance setup wpvp gank squads and raids and took back both places multiple times and the days proceeding the mass genocide was calm.

If you’re Herod Alliance and you stick it out you will see that the pendulum swings both ways and often. There’s no better experience.

there are no tokens in classic.

I’m not claiming there are…

Curious what rank you hit before bgs? Simply trying to gauge how much wpvp you did so I can better relate and compare my experience with yours.

Was rank 2. During phase 2 I was mostly in STV… Didn’t hit the higher levels till after BGs came out. Didn’t hit 60 till about a week ago.

So I was a very late leveler. So my experience of Herod would be roughly as of right now.

If you roll horde, it’s essentially a pve server for you.

Thanks the quick reply. Not trying to /flex or devalue your experience, but I’m not sure a rank 2 person pre-bgs has enough wpvp experience to help someone new understand the wpvp experience.

I’m the perfect example because I understand wpvp as it exists today as a leveler. Not what it use to be. And my rank didn’t come from BGs :slightly_smiling_face:

WPvP is still good on the ballanced High pop servers, like Benediction or Faerlina.