PVP Realms arnt worth it?

Flying into a FP to 30-40 camping it for min/max honor is not world pvp. Trying to get into BRM vs 100 outside of raid times is not world pvp. But this is the double edge sword of freedom. You will get people destroying the game out of ignorance, like children left without any supervision, then defensive by their actions as OK because there are no repercussions.

See…this guy is still in denial about what is and isn’t World PVP.

Any and I mean ANY encounter where you face another player IS PVP. It doesn’t matter if you think it is or isn’t. PVP = Player vs Player. That is it. It is that simple.


Somehow I didn’t have to see your character to know this was posted by an Undead Rogue…

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Somehow I didn’t have to see your character to know this was posted by an Undead Rogue…

Did you have a point, Dwarf Priest?

I did. You picked the cheesiest race of the cheesiest class in the cheesiest faction so of course you’re defending 40 vs 1 encounters as legitimate world pvp.


Right now is probably a good time to consider a PVP server if you’re interested. The ranking grind is ending for the most hardcore rankers (the ones camping high level FPs), and world pvp has calmed down a lot compared to a couple weeks ago/pre-bgs.

Most people have calmed down to a state that’s closer to pre-phase 2 than it’s been at any time since.

I can name a number of people that I would fight every time I passed them on my mining/herb circuits, and for the past week, we haven’t actually fought and are back to just ignoring each other on our rounds.

There’s still plenty of world pvp going on out there, but if you’re just looking to experience leveling 1-60 on a pvp server, this is a pretty good time to start without having to worry too much about it affecting your experience as badly as it could have the past 2-3 months.

Again, just talking from personal experience, yesterday I saw more alliance level 48-59 in Burning Steppes than in any day since Phase 1. I think people feel much better about questing and leveling alts now that most top horde rankers are occupied with WSG premades or are done with their honor grinds.


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Are they worth it? IDK. Are you cooler for playing on a PvP server? Probably

No, not really.

Yes really ask anybody, you are 100% cooler if you play on a PvP server

It’s like the certificate of thievery, but there’s no certificate

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Nah :upside_down_face:

Yes… :slightly_smiling_face:

/shake head

Ok… so WPVP IS totally fair… some of the time… if you have such add-on and particular raid gear you auto-swap in after you get killed and res?

The fact everything’s just harder to kill might be what gives anyone a chance to survive being opened up on. Even then, your killer will likely try stalking you awhile and wait for one or other buffs to drop, or you to sit down to a meal, or have some extra mob patrol run into you while you’re fighting a whatever. Basically wait for it to be as unfair as possible so they can win as quick as possible. :slight_smile:


Exhibit A.

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And your coolness jumps to 200% when you come to forums to report an unjust wpvp situation that you fell prey to!!! Pretty sure those are the best megathreads here in classic, almost as big as that high elf discussion in retail.

dies laughing

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You gunna pay for it? And my whole guild too. My guild is the reason I haven’t left.


It’s not my responsibility to pay for your mistakes. You have the power to fix your situation and you refuse to. You have no right to complain.

There’s a difference between what PvP is about and the state of PvP because of faction balance. The former is fine because on a balanced server the tide can change at a moment’s notice, the latter can be devastating to be in the minority and effectively make the server a PvE one in some cases.

I also am not sure if my pvp server pick was all that worth it (for a few reasons, some personal). Most of the time I feel like players just ignore each other as they want to level.