PvP Rating Cutoffs as of 9:00 a.m. PDT May 1

We…already have that. In the 10.1 notes and stuff.

It should’ve been available sooner, and I guess it was there party sites, but it’s somewhat important for the current seasons. You know, for people to know what the cutoffs are. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

Missing the down vote right about now.


Thanks for posting this! As a side note I know obviously you guys won’t be able to do anything for the season but would you consider making an achievement for those who got 2,400 rating on all of their specializations? It felt rather lackluster when I got my last Elite status for my third specialization and nothing popped up.

r1 cutoff for Guardian is 1900

i don’t believe you

there’s half that many actually good ret players (generously)

Demo is higher. Lets take a look at all three locks specs ya?


So boomy and demo are most OP specs???

I knew ret hate was undeserved!

It’s just main protagonist hate.

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all dk specs bottom 25%

all warlock specs top 25%

has nothing to do with power level of the class though right? people just play the strong class because it’s fun


Ret’s insane OPness ruins the meta now the only classes that people play are the ones that used to counter ret and for some reason no longer counter Ret’s barely go even into them. And the specs Ret counters just can’t be played anymore.

Interesting you didn’t discuss the classes that are higher than ret



Rating Specialization
1969 Guardian
2035 Blood
2049 Vengeance
2089 Protection Warrior
2481 Protection Paladin
2531 Brewmaster
2839 Fury
2956 Outlaw
3025 Unholy
3054 Holy Priest
3152 Frost Death Knight
3167 Havoc
3212 Restoration Druid
3219 Devastation
3233 Preservation
3260 Marksmanship
3268 Discipline
3286 Affliction
3287 Holy Paladin
3293 Shadow
3306 Assassination
3313 Fire
3316 Restoration Shaman
3333 Arms
3346 Mistweaver
3360 Survival
3370 Arcane
3372 Feral
3373 Frost Mage
3377 Subtlety
3462 Beast Mastery
3464 Elemental
3465 Windwalker
3477 Destruction
3487 Enhancement
3500 Retribution
3518 Demonology
3531 Balance

Cool AWC Players alting Balance are higher than first time Elite rets that are 1000 rating higher than they have ever been.


Ret only got played like a 6 weeks out of the season, mush brain.

Let me think rq.

Breezy (even if he is insufferable)
Kalvish (lmao)
Rex are all solid ret players, no?


Sorry but this post is pretty pointless unless it’s unless it’s updated every day, and this also doesn’t clarify if cutoffs are already including added spots from alts or not.

I don’t get how it’s so hard to have the website working the way it should


Please buff the underperforming specs like Outlaw and Fury n_n

Suggestion: Give Fury Bladestorm or other ways to predict and avoid CC

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I’ve updated the OP here with the cutoffs as of 9:00 a.m. PDT today.


Are we going to be getting anymore more updates throughout the day?

Huh. Did the Mistweaver cutoff go down? Also good grief the Balance cutoff. :dracthyr_sweat: