PvP Rating Cutoffs as of 9:00 a.m. PDT May 1

Well said!! I’ve had a lot of fun queueing this season, and I’m looking forward to getting it all again next season, but also the tabard, hopefully… Boomkin is getting some more QoL(?) so hopefully we’ll do even better in the keyboard-slam-melee meta :smiley:

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“Yeah bro, 3584 is safe”
-everyone two days ago and now im spot 5/5 just sweating.

Is that balance one correct? That shows the boomy cutoff going down o.O

yeah sure fine… i already got my 1.8k anyway.

Kind of crazy how like top 5-10 of the overall ladder isn’t safe with a few hours on the clock. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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Currency resets? Inquiring minds and all that.


While I do like posts like this, can you provide clarification as to why the offical website does not show this data?

Is Crimson Legend still faction specific?

As per the patch notes for 10.0.7, Crimson Legend doesn’t have the 50 wins per faction requirement

End of Season PvP rewards will no longer be tied to a specific faction. Additionally, the end of season title will no longer require a specific number of games played on your faction but instead will be that number of games played within the season. For example, for Crimson Gladiator, a player will need 150 games played in Dragonflight Season 1 and ending at .1% of the ladder to earn the title.

There are three unique titles for Dragonflight Season 1:

Crimson Gladiator - End season at top .1% of the PvP ladder with at least 150 games played.

Crimson Legend - End season at top .1% of the Solo Shuffle ladder with at least 50 games played.

However, the achievement still shows the requirement both on WoWhead and in-game.

End Dragonflight PvP Season 1 in the top 0.1% of the Solo Shuffle ladder (requires 50 games won on your current faction in Dragonflight Season 1).

I wonder if Blizzard will remember that there shouldn’t be a faction requirement anymore. I just faction changed my main rogue from Tauren to Nelf for 3 lobbies and got in title range a few weeks ago.

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The season appears to still be active.

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greyed out now on my client

Poor intern stumbling out of bed to slam the “End season” button 55 minutes late. :dracthyr_love_animated:


the ladder is snapshotted anyways

ya i hope so. just made the r1cut off in 3s until this multidollar company forgot to call the Janitor to flip a switch for them.

Why Cutoff the PVP season a week early? hardly fair isn’t it?

Lock first, disgusting class.

This same situation happened S1 of shadowlands. The season did not end on time, almost an hour later. They ended up giving r1 to anyone who got it when it was supposed to end, and also to those who got r1 after the season was supposed to end before the ladder greyed out.

Hoping its the same situation.

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Yep, let’s see how they handle it this time around


Hey Kaivax, any word on how R1 for both rated 3v3 and Solo Shuffle will be handled given the season did not end as scheduled?

Will it be similar to season 1 of shadowlands where those who were in range when it was supposed to end and those in range when it really ended will be awarded titles?


Really? Only needed 2k as a guardian druid lol

Any word on whether the ladder was snapshot at 10pm? I was passed by someone about 15 minutes after the season was supposed to end and it is now showing them as the last eligible spot for Crimson Legend for windwalkers. Hoping that this will be addressed soon