PvP Rating Adjustments

On a side note where did you get those sun glasses at?!

looks like they are from time walking for the 13th anniversary. idk if they are still there or not

hey, good morning - happy friday everyone

I am a reborn non-toxic player bringing cheers and joy to all the wonderful, talented dedicated individuals you all are.

Hope you all have a safe and peaceful day.


Damn! I thought this was a 2024 post… Please Blizzard. Do it again. BGB/Shuffle is a mess


Hahaha sorry brother, it got me too and I JUST saw your post. lol

Man, I picked a really crappy season to level up 4 different healers and learn to heal in arena for the first time ever. Shuffle has been my go-to bracket just because I enjoy powering through the randomness. I thought I was terrible to be locked out at 1500 on all the healers played, turns out I am bad, but shuffle is just in a terrible place too. :smiley:

yes… its almostl ike theres no middle ground lol

my evoker is just win win win and im in 2600 lobbies now which means theres nothing to lose unless i lose 10 in a row lmfao. my mmr is literally 1000 higher than my CR

but my priest is on 25 losing streak despite doing 350 million heals keeping my team alive for eternity

The mode isn’t meant to be taken seriously. I noticed it when it was a brawl, the MMR made 0 sense back then and it continues to now.

Half the team I’m on a team that is stomping the other side with no resistance, and then the other half I am on the team being stomped with no in-between. It’s very rare I get a blitz queue that isn’t entirely 1 sided.

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yeah to be honest it is ratherrrrr disappointing that 9/10 games r just lopsided stomps

i thought that since it had rating attached to it people would try a bit harder than random bg

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Agree. Can’t be taken seriously at all. Sad!

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FYI I read this in Trump’s voice.

Why are they so hellbend on keeping the ratings so deflated at the start of a season? Why is inflation even a thing? Why are they so afraid that someone hits 3800 rating again? Why is than an issue? If ppl wanna play and climb just let them. Nobody who isnt a r1 multiglad dont wanna face those awc players at 1800…it is so demotivating…it almost feels like its all thats left in the game …multi r1 awc or multiglad player all over the ladder. Nobody is playing a regular rated arenas except those that can climb to the moon with 15 different alts.
Let ppl climb to 3800 let ppl play how they wannt, stop making these idiotic decissions that are killing the pvp even further.
Pvp is in the state where we need from bluzzard a drastic measure…that would be hard forcing everyone to pvp…make a bis trinket there or something…its an unpopular opinion and blizz will get a lot of :poop: for it…but pvp desperately need an injection of new, mediocore and bad players. Imho.

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i think blizzard is incentivizing us to touch grass

You’re killing me, man. I’ve explained why like half a dozen times in different threads! It’s the combination of the bottom end bailing out and the adjusted ELO coefficient.

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Sorry, do you expect me to read your comments in other threads?

You’ve actively been in those threads posting so… yeah?


bro you’re missing out on the arena forums lore


In this case, ya, because I’m pretty sure they’ve been in threads you’ve been a part of!

Tl;dr, there is no such thing as a cap, rating inflation is dependent almost entirely on participation, but solo shuffle is disproportionately down due to the bottom-end of the ladder being in BGB coupled with a lower elo coefficient.

Mmr falls on a forced normalized curve using a derevant of the ELO system. We’re not sure exactly the formula is because blizzard won’t share it, but we know ELO is the base.

In general, if you’re the same ELO as someone, over 100 games, you will go 50/50. If you’re 100 mmr higher, you’ll go ~55/45, 200 mmr higher 60/40, and so on and so forth. This system has been proven to work, but it ONLY WORKS if EVERYONE AT ALL LEVELS Qs. We are currently NOT seeing this happen.

While shuffle IS the most popular game mode in terms of total rating transactions, it is NOT the most popular game mode in terms of unique players. For example, you can have the same 12 people Q up and shuffle players around for 10 lobbies each and a total of 20 lobbies, or 120 rounds played. A single bgb lobby has 16 unique players; literally 33% more unique players done in 1 game than in the aformentioned example of 20 shuffle lobbies. This is exactly what is happening and why shuffle is deflated; but who isn’t Qing shuffle??

The answer is, the bottom ~500 mmr of shuffle.
Again, the elo system only works if EVERYONE Qs; averages never move the mean - only outliers do, and it’s outliers at both ends. We still see the same top-end rank 1s Qing shuffle, so we know they’re all involved.

However, mathematically speaking, for every rank 1 there is also a “rank none”. These are the people who are going 20-80 at the bottom mmr, who likely don’t have buttons bound or know how their classes work, or know how other classes work, and just STRUGGLE. Arena is a VERY punishing game mode, especially if you’re not good at it, and it can be very frustrating.

For the first time ever, these players are able to gain rating and rewards through bgb because it’s much more likely that they’ll be carried AND it’s more fun for them. They don’t instantly lose when they die, they can just rez and keep playing and feel like they have a chance. Q up for a skirmish weekly on a new char and you’ll run into these players. I’ve seen a few who are things like 30/147 at 1400 rating in bgb. I saw a 60/98 at 1600. I saw a 24/70 at 1500. There is finally a mode for these people to solo Q with no penalty and get rewards they’ve never gotten, so of course they’re going to Q that.

Them being gone, however, has an extremely detrimental effect on the ladder. If in a normal season, the average is 1500, but the bottom 500 mmr is just gone from the ladder, the average is 1k, and the top end would be around 2k. That will rise with the weekly 7 pts of artifical inflation or whatever, but nothing noteworthy enough to be significant. Further, these “average” players are lower than they’ve ever been and are frustrated by that. Then they look and see objectively bad players doing better than them in bgb and going, “wow. How are they higher rated?! Forget shuffle, I’ll Queue blitz!” And they do, and then shuffle gets even more deflated and blitz gets even more inflated.


Time to do it again

Good summary. I think the whole MMR system needs to be looked at again.